+Musa Kaleem you dont need 3 stacks to fight 1v1. There is an easy after-6 chasing combo with 1 stack. You come closer to opponent with 1 stack, reduce his MR buy using E (2stacks), then use w to trap him (3stacks), use q to do dmg (4stacks), activate your ultimate (5stacks, your passive procs) and do classical q-e-q-w-q-e-q-w.
So, from this game I don't think Dyrus will be playing Ryze in anything
professional. Unless he starts playing him a lot. I don't think he feels
comfortable with this champ at all. Like he said that game should have been
won a lot earlier. Also, that build?
+Deathscythe h3// Being in a challenger elo, I doubt Ryze isn't banned very often. As such, he probably doesn't get many opportunities to play him. Most of his actions seemed to have been based off playing old Ryze. I admit however that he wasn't playing Ryze quite optimally. Not to mention the enemy team. I've seen people in Plat respect Ryze more than this, if he had his passive up when people were dumb enough to stay within his range he could have made so many picks.
Tips and tricks for the reworked/updated Ryze: Beginner or ranked mid or top
This tutorial video provides some tips and advice on playing Ryze. As you know, Ryze has his OVERLOAD attack on Q. It's a Magic Damage linear colliding ...
Very well done guide for absolute beginners. I think, however, you may have
missed a very important part of his passive, which lowers his cool downs in
addition to the shield. Did you leave that our for simplicity?
+Ken Hirscht You're right, and it is a really important thing too. Yes, I left it out to make the tutorial more easy to watch for a true beginner, but at the same time I must admit that I had not really understood all the details when I made this video. More pro YouTubers, like Spazie, provide a better explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UPE7XKI_1Y Thanks for your comment Ken, all the best!
Let me try to straighten it up. Ryze is not a difficult champ to play, but
he's not actually OP (I know, bear with me). He actually has to stay rooted
in place to execute his spells, and is quite immobile in a way. When he has
no flash up, he has a really poor initiation. I defeated some great ryze
player cuz I know his limits ;)
+Dewanto R. Yea pretty sure you're just a troll. Not even going to bother to read your comments lol. Arrogance is a form of toxicity my friend, don't be THAT guy.
+Deniz Gedik Hahaha, that's funny. Ryze has only undergone nerfs and more nerfs. I have no problem with the rework cuz it actually require skills to play him now. But even then, noobs still complain how OP he is. Just like how people complain how OP tryn is lmao.
+Dewanto R. Well after the nerfs, no he isn't OP anymore. Before the nerfs he was insanely OP. If you think your "main" wasn't overpowered then i feel you're suffering from "RiTo-Dont-Nerf-My-Champ" Syndrome. RDNMC is a common disease among players who convince themselves that their champion isn't overpowered just so that they don't get nerfed and make them unfun. Don't worry, with special treatment you CAN get help
+hellsohot Not really. The fact that you can execute your spells so fast is what makes you stay in place, but theres nothing keeping you from moving, its not like a malzahar ult. And he may be immobile but he can't get ganked early on because of his rune prison.Also his ult gives you movement speed just so you know. The BEST way to beat ryze is to use a LOT of CC and lock him down. If you were able to beat some "Great Ryze Player" just because he could run away just goes to show he isn't a great ryze player. Also, what are you talking about? Just because he has no flash means he can't initiate? Yes he can, just walk up, rune prison and spam your spells. What else do you need to initiate?
+Cloud7z Get 4 stacks of your passive. Cast W to proc your passive then it's just E>Q>W>E>Q>W>E>Q>W>E>Q>W until they're dead. Lol.Or maybe it's W>Q>E>Q>W>E>Q>W. I forget without doing it myself. Just practice it a few times.
[S5/D1] Triumphant Ryze Top, Full Game Commentary!
This game is the perfect example of what a team needs to do when a jungler is allocating a lot of his time in a certain lane. Masteries: Standard 21/9/0 AP ...
Q is a skillshot now, W does significantly less damage otherwise much the
same, E now pulses out to 4 more targets from the primary target and then
back rather than bouncing around.
+Chris Hale no i meant..... that he will be a total asshole and douchebag to everyone.btw, anklespankin is nothing at screaming compared to jaynee, that screaming and making unfunny noises with over edit is basically her entire video :)shots fired
When people say SKT isn't the best team I'll show them this, last year they
faltered because of the kind of overconfidence you get from winning first
time I think from the interviews they said that's what happened and that's
also why they kinda lost quite a few of their matches last year but now
they've come back stronger than ever =P
Please no arguments...
+unknownexiathat doesn't mean everythingsome people go in not knowing how to do the combo, others first pick it, in which they better hope enemy doesn't know cass, anivia, xerath, lux or any other long ranged mage so then rye lost.or veigar (own category)
+OmegaSquadTeemo 01 I reckon they should give Faker and Bengi 1350 skins, both of them winning their second worlds.Also they really should give Easyhoon a skin too, he was a huge member of SKT that shouldn't be forgotten without a skin.