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Where is zsa gabor from Videos

Where Is Zsa Zsa Gabor? Where Is Casey Kasem?!

The two biggest mysteries in Hollywood need answering! Is Zsa Zsa Gabor still alive? Next, where is Casey Kasem's body?!

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Zsa zsa sound like a damn dog name
It sound like west African food

Ruby Wax Meets Zsa Zsa Gabor & Ram Dass + Dr Terror Bonus!

Fun with Zsazh & the meaning of life with Ram. Poor sound & picture in a few spots but it's mainly OK, and I've improved the image & audio as much as I can.

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The driver WAS lost, totally incompetent. I love how as soon as Zsa Zsa has her back turned, he's justifying his inadequacies to Ruby, trying to make it appear as if a woman who travels to a ranch 3 times week doesn't know how to get there. I think he'd be better suited as a cab driver.
D'uuhhhh, how dumb can you be? That is NOT Donald Sutherland, the famous actor, are you insane? Even if it was a skit (which it is not), someone of his stature would never play second fiddle to Zsa Zsa Gabor. It's hard to believe an actual driver could be that incompetent but he is not an actor, he is just stupid.
The 'driver' is Donald Sutherland. Father of Kiefer.  He has been in everything from the original MASH to The Hunger Games.  I hope he got paid extra for be the butt of all the jokes :-)

What's My Line? - Zsa Zsa Gabor; Ernie Kovacs [panel] (Aug 18, 1957)

"MYSTERY GUEST: Zsa Zsa Gabor [film and TV actress, sister of Eva Gabor] PANEL: Dorothy Kilgallen, Ernie Kovacs, Arlene Francis, Bennett Cerf"

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What was Arlene's joke at 19:26? I heard Zsa Zsa say "I hope I dance" and Arlene reply, "That's what you do with Arthur Murray" but I think I missed a comment because that isn't very funny.
+Katie Jergens I am a little older and I know all about Arthur Murray, and I still don't get the line. Missing something.
I guess you just have to be a little bit older.
Ernie: Tudsz beszélni magyarul? (You can speak Hungarian?) Hát érted mit beszélek? (So you understand what I say?) Zsazsa: Nem (No) Ernie: Hát hogy vagy? (So how are you?)
+Mark Richardson she was clearly joking when she said "no"
+Mark Richardson I guess she was a bit confused and embarrassed. She couldn't understand or speak English very well. You can see her confusion when Ernie says the word amphibian - she clearly didn't understand the meaning of that word. Actually it is not that easy for Hungarians to learn English since our language is quite different both grammatically and logically. Also Zsa Zsa arrived to the US only in her mid-twenties and I guess that was the first time when she started to learn English.
+under88Me she didn't respond when the panellist said "hogy vagy?". I always thought Hungarians answered this question in full.
Yes she could. She came to Hungary in the '90s and gave an interview in Hungarian. You could find it on youtube.
she couldn't speak Hungarian?
Thank you for the translation! Beautiful language! :)

Zsa Zsa Gabor 1991 Donahue Part One

This is part one of an interview Zsa Zsa gave to promote her autobiography "One Lifetime Is Not Enough" in 1991.

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Connery delivered milk in Ireland oh dear lol
omg more men than a brothel lol i love u

The People Vs.Zsa Zsa Gabor 1989 Part One

This videotape was released in 1989 about the trial Zsa Zsa was in about the police officer. Zsa Zsa was going to sue the producers of this tape but I don't know if ...

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Ok, lets look at this in a realistic way. A cop pulls over The Zsa Zaa Gabor in a Rolls Royce in Beverly Hills. The Cop knows who she is. He gets her for expired tags & then finds out her license is also expired and she wrote in a new birthdate and weight. Oh, & he searched the car and founds an old open bottle of booze but, Zsa Zas was not drinking, she just forgot about it being there. Not felony crimes here. Yes, he can have her car towed and can arrest her but, he can also just impound the car and write her a ticket as well. She is a older mature adult & a known celebrity who is usually shown respect. She did not understand the officers offensive comments given to her. If she slapped the officer it was probably because he embarrassed her in some way. You know how older ladies act a little odd? You do have mothers don't you? Then you know it is a ordeal you go threw dealing with them. In the old days Ladies slapped men for embarrassing them or for being rude & they usually got away with it. In this case the pansy officer got pissed off that she touched him & claimed she bent his glasses. Maybe the officer never had a mother or hates females? Did the officer really have to treat Zsa Zsa like a dirt-bag criminal. Not really but, I guess he knew it would make the news so, he had her taken to booking for a show of force. Hay this stuff made Zsa Zsa some money at least. Probably paid for all her fines, registration, and then some. I remember even seeing a commercial of Zsa Zsa slapping a cop on TV, it was funny. Sorry, she is having so many heath problems these days. It is going to happen to all of us as well. God be with you Zsa Zsa.
50 films iv legend the original it girl the original glamor queen
The police officer is rancid he is no way good looking
Telling zsa zsa to fuck off i mean omg the kunt
Gag order i say nothing darlink lol

Zsa Zsa Gabor Rips Off Johnny Carson's Pants on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show- 1964

Zsa Zsa Gabor rips off Johnny Carson's pants on "The Tonight Show" in 1964. MORE JOHNNY CARSON YOUTUBE: "Subscribe" //bit.ly/johnnysub ...

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zsa zsa had a daughter with conrad. her name is francesca so technically they are related.. also did you know the donald trumps agency represents Paris hilton. trump has a big mouth. but i have far more respect for him then George lucas who's daughter amanda lucas who looks like Dog the bounty hunters wife a little bit maybe her sister. Amanda is a MMA Fighter and gets her nose busted living in a dam hostel. George lucas states on Oprah he doesnt get involved in his kids lives. UNLIKE trump.
Well, actually he didn't say Zsa Zsa Gabor until it went from black and white to color. I hate to say this but I'm afraid the people at Carson Entertainment made a mistake when they said that it was Zsa Zsa in the black and white video clip and they added the color clip to prove their point or to cover up their mistake. What the heck does the name Zsa Zsa mean anyway? Don't try to answer that, it's a rhetorical question meant to be a joke...and not a very good one at that.
What an insult to Eva lol no disrespect to Zsa Zsa of course, I love her too....... but I mean if someone mistakes me for one of my brothers I'm genuinely offended. I've seen this mix up on other videos on here and other websites too but anyone who has researched Zsa Zsa, Eva, Magda and Jolie should know the difference by facial features and voice etc......ie Eva has a softer voice, Zsa Zsa's is more raspy.
I started on videos of modern-day famous voice actors. That brought me to impersonation videos. That brought me to Rich Little videos. That brought me to The Tonight Show videos. That brought me here. Eva Gabor ripping off Johnny Carson's pants. The roads of YouTube lead strange paths indeed.
0:32 - 0:44 I can see Johnny, in his normal voice, jokingly saying, "So that's why you wanted to get on my show so badly! You just couldn't wait until commercial break, could you?" Frankly, I don't care if it's Eva, Magda, or Zsa Zsa! I'm just glad to watch it!
@capablemachine May I suggest a visit to the eye and ear doctors. They do NOT sound alike and as far as looks, pretty as Eva was, she really wasn't even in the same league as Zsa Zsa. They are alike the way chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream are alike.
they both looked so much alike. maybe it is EVA she seems more outgoing then ZsaZsa i think you are right i think its the one from Green Acres.. the confuse me but thats clearly EVA you're right spannk my ass and call me susan.. you're right
Correct, it's absolutely Eva. IMHO, with her more narrow face, she was the more "classically" beautiful of the sisters and her English was much more understandable then Zsa Zsa's. She was also the wife in the TV show "Green Acres".
Definitely EVA, if you listen to the Voice closely its LISA from Green Acres, 100%.. Zsa Zsa's voice was completely different, more arrogant.. Eva had the Clueless blonde Voice down , she did it so naturally.
I'm glad I'm not the only person that thought this....i watched this and thought......|Thanks Eva, not Zsa Zsa" Eva was the funny one and friendly too....not a bitch at all.....everyone loved Eva
The year before she did Green Acres. Yes. That was my Eva; the idol of my youth. I'll bet that Johnny Carson is hosting her up in Heaven right now along with Merv Griffin; her 'Dahling).
I'm no expert, but it looks like Zsa Zsa to me. Remember, this is probably early 1960s. Eva would have looked younger than this. Look at the angles of her face around :53 seconds.

Zsa Zsa Gabor - It's Simple Darling

A sample from Zsa Zsa Gabor's excellent workout video. I recommend that everyone who's interested in fitness buy this.

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There are no viable ancestral human relics to support Darwin's contention that there has been an excruciatingly-slow simian-to-human transmogrification of our species. So far, the Western world's producers (tax-payers) have spent countless billions of dollars promulgating a pro-eugenics' "science" with 4-color illustrations & plaster-of-Paris models of pan-headed, proto-human freaks. The ultimate goal of evolutionism is to destroy traditional Western Civilization.
@dannys2222 ohhhh yes i was just sucking off that nigger that broke off your mother's floppy vagina 2 weeks before she had you you know we aids bitches like your mom and me loooove black uncut niggers that is why you grew up to be such a sore pussy bitch, and i do have a life my life is to put little ignorant whores in their place... so don't you forget it you little imbecile retard now do humanity a favor and go kill yourself...
Womens hearts just beat on for too long. Far beyond what their bodies and minds can take. Both my Grandmothers suffered horribly for years and monthes before they died. But there was nothing we could do but try to comfort them.
Hard not to laugh at the comments mocking her ... she's 76 years old when this was filmed! I'll wager none of those commenting will look half as good as her when they are even half that age.
omg lmao I love the fact she's talking shit while the meat head is stretching her. Insane "Massage me a little more, boy!" I need to have her attitude about working out. I'd have more fun.
@dannys2222 ...and God took your brain, because you are an angel... Before judging others make sure you know what you are saying... Try thinking... IT'S SO SIMPLE DARRRRLING!
How sad, now she has one leg and is seeing her last years of her life with ill heath. What a way to live so long and to end up in that kind of a state.
She licks her lips before getting on her knees, mucky cow pure filth this video, just Zsazsa panting for a quick finger or two from the instructor.
Not sure how she thinks him pressing on her leg will break her neck but perhaps she has body wired differently to us normal mortals. I love her!
shes so fabulous! i love her , Darling.. life is Wonderfull, shes so Glamurous hehe i loke her attitude very positive and Very Elegant
There are too many things to say about this. Too many. I haven't laughed so hard at someone NOT trying to be funny in a long time.

02-11-1987 Letterman Lynda Carter, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Olivia Brown

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Her and Henry Kissinger are both Jews so they would've matched. She should have never married that idiot fake prince who I believe is keeping her captive.
Zsa Zsa was born Feb 6, 1917 so she would have just turned 70 when this was taped. It says 1987 so that would be her age at that time. Man she looks fantastic.. She looks like she's in her 40's here. amazing..
Better Plastic Surgeons then the ones working on stars these days I'd say. Got to admit she looks better then the stars of today with their messed up faces.
Yeah wonder why

Zsa Zsa Gabor - "Where Is Your Heart" (voice of Muriel Smith) in Moulin Rouge, 1952.

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Zsa Zsa claimed it was her voice but anyone who had heard Muriel Smith's glorious singing of Bali Ha'i in the movie South Pacific knew immediately she had 'dubbed' Zsa Zsa's singing in Moulin Rouge...and Muriel is in the supporting cast also. Muriel is one of the great singers, and possibly the only actress to play Carmen Jones (Broadway 1943) and Bizet's Carmen (Covent Garden, London, 1956). 
+Scott Amundsen I don't know you.  But thank you for that walk down memory lane.  I had totally forgotten "A boy like that."  It had the same dramatic impact on me as Bernice Massey's "What is this about your daughter marrying my husband..."  Remember?  You diplomatically point out a sad truth that everything in the body ages.  Glamour gal Diahann Carroll wrote that "the legs go first."   Nevertheless, Scott, I'm still lying about my age.  To hell with what the body says!  lol!!
+Scott Amundsen Please don't shoot the messenger, but it is on record in various books that Rodgers and Hammerstein did not feel that Juanita's voice was strong enough for the film, they felt it had 'deteriorated' since the Broadway show. Hence the use of the London (Drury Lane) Bloody Mary: Muriel Smith. However, she does sing for herself in the film version of their show Flower Drum Song (1961). For the record, Rita was partially dubbed/'ghosted' by Betty Wand for 'A Boy Like That/I Have a Love' in WSS. It's a fascinating subject, who dubbed who, and why. Someone like Marni (King & I, WSS, My Fair Lady etc) Nixon never got the credit she deserved...I think they should give her an Honorary Oscar.
+Scott Amundsen I too have found that puzzling, to substitute one singer for another.  Isn't Walter Huston's "September Song" a standout?  No need to dub Sinatra.  Isn't Jimmy Durante's "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" memorable?  No need for Nat Cole.  And just look at Astaire.  Who in his right mind doesn't find his singing memorable, too?  So, yeah, I see where you're going.  Good point!
+TheAdelaidehall Which begs the question why did they feel the necessity to dub Juanita Hall in South Pacific? She had created the role of Bloody Mary in the Broadway production and I can pretty much assure you she did her own singing. Eight performances a week.Nothing against Muriel Smith; her voice is lovely. But Hollywood often dubs people who are perfectly capable of doing their own singing, like Rita Moreno in both The King and I and West Side Story.
Adelaide Hall was certainly a gem!  I wonder whether she ever sang an old favorite of mine, "You Forgot Your Gloves," which is definitely an Adelaide Hall song.
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