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Where is vya nevada Videos

Unknown Spring number 27, Nevada

I shot this around 2001. It is about 50 miles of dirt from the nearest paved road. It is on the USGS list but I won't mention the name. One of these days I'll go back ...

User Comments

@RLZerr ... It might be on ranch property, but I don't know. This kind of thing can be found on "public" land, too. There is a balance of remoteness, population density and the willingness of a few to build and maintain places like this. There are no signs anywhere. It is more than 50 miles from pavement. It is too remote to attract "jackholes." On most of these trips I never see anyone else. I found this spring using the old USGS list. Nevada is my favorite place to get lost.
Idyllic indeed. After watching this video, I fell in love with the tub design. I have searched high and low trying to find this thing! Scoured the USGS list, took a two week trip investigating potential locations, even attempted to identify the flora and geography in the video. However I appreciate the absence of a name, too many previously secret hot springs have been infiltrated by the masses in recent years. Happy soaking.
What an idyllic hot spring. Very nicely done masonry soak pool. If it is on government land hopefully they wont call it "unauthorized improvements" and go in and destroy it like they did at Rocky Canyon in Idaho.
Nice, I'm looking for hot springs in north west Nevada. Any ideas or coordinates?

Chinook in NV

Playing in the mud

Ruby Pipeline, Rockford Spread, A Couple of pipeliners paid this guy $50 to slide in the mud. Vya Nevada.

Exploring Nevada #1 (N.W. Corner) Reno

Starting at Denio, we'll see The Bog Hot Springs, Shelton National Wildlife Refuge, Vya, and Diessner. Then we'll cross a dry alkali lake to Cedarville and ...
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