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Where is qe2 Videos

QE2 in DUBAI 2012 by rob yalden

QE2 in Port Rashid DUBAI. The lighting is on at night and there is signes of smoke from the funnel. The port is secure from the road with security checking ID and ...

User Comments

I was in Dubai last month. I was successful getting into Port Rashid on foot through a side entrance - i was spotted and stopped by authorities. I told them about wanting to see the ship. They asked me if I had a ship card (cruise ship pass) answer was negative. They took my passport to an office and later came back. I was asked to leave the harbour perimeter. There was no chance they would let me go to the pier to get a close-up view of the ship. Don't try going in unless you have a ship pass.
Amen! For some reason, classic liners never get saved. Tugboats get saved, locomotives get saved, but for some reason, the great liners are either razor blades and soda cans, or sitting unused out of the pubic eye. What a shame.
Makes me laugh the company sell this ship to some arab and yet its just sitting there in the dock for about 4 years.It should of stayed in british waters not be sold away.Soon it will be scraped!
Thank you for posting this rare sighting of the QE2. She is in Port Rashid kidnapped by the Sheikhs all these years and rendered totally useless. She is such a sad sight in that harbour...
She's still looking smart her owners are looking after her. I hope she has a good future ahead. Ill always remember her final Liverpool departure .
She still looks in good condition, nice and clean, just as you would expect from a Cunarder! However I still believe she should be in the UK
Looks well maintained. A sheik would be the only one with enough cash to maintain a static ship.
She still looks good. What are they doing with the ship. Will it ever sail again?
wasn`t it possible make a little tour onboard of Her Majesty?
Damn! And I was planning to visit Port Rashid this week!
I see the Burj khalifa in the background at 9:39
11:17 of bliss - thank you!

ASTEROID 1998 QE2 WHO'S YOUR DADDY AND WHERE IS HE Possible Cover Up Of Something Larger 05-19-2013

HEY 1998 QE2 WHO'S YOUR DADDY AND WHERE IS HE? This asteroid is a fragment of something much much larger so where is it? Visit me ...

User Comments

Interesting I just watched a video from the 80's about Nostradamus and he talked of a comet or fire in the sky and history channel was trying to put it with 1998--(oh damn I just got that in full)anyway Nostradamus said it would be in the month of May but the Astrological signs in sky would be Saturn Capricorn Jupiter Mercury in Taurus Venus Cancer Mars in zero. I'm not saying this is it just tossin it out as interesting. "Nostradamus predicts WWIII, hitler, Iran, Iraq, Comet elenin, planet x.."
Well, the distance is roughly the same as the ones that passed and crashed over Russia. So, gravitational pull, guesses made by observers, and history repeating itself, it wouldn't surprise me if any to hear news just afterwards of impacts somewhere. Your right, there is a bigger one out there, the size of Texas coming our way, a broken piece of planet. Knew this back in early 80, when Reagan opened up a space defense program, really wasn't because of other counties trying to threaten us so much
I don't care if they said remnant of a former comet/asteriod - if that was a remnant at 2 miles long, I don't want to imagine how big the comet/asteroid was that it came from. 2 miles is enough to turn out the lights for humanity forever. If they say its not gonna really be that close - I am gonna take the distance they tell us and cut it in half - cause there is no way they are tell us whole story. So, most likely, the remnant is actually still out there somewhere. Thanks for the info! Peace!
Only god knows and I kinda pray that the end is near. We are focusing on sin and god is about to punish the world as he warned he will do. Whatever happens, I just pray I have my daughter in my arms and the joy of knowing that I will be in eternity with my Heavenly Father and won't have to worry about the world my daughter is being given thanks to the most disgusting people ever. For god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son and whomsoever believe ith in him SHALL NOT PERISH.
I have been doing some research on this asteroid. I am somewhat convinced that the moon is not a moon at all... 1. Its glowing?? Moons don't glow... TREE - --- - I found the theory that the "moon" is actually a man made space sail to attempt to guide the comets trajectory to hit the larger asteroid its hiding and knock it off course. It did not work... I think you are correct on being suspicious. I have been looking for some links for some imagery to see for myself. Wonder when they hide???
This could be part of the suminatti Psy-op that will give a reason for when they blow the LA sinkhole. Think about it, Pegasus pipeline has been shutdown, berms have been breached at the LA Sinkhole, tidal influences are being seen in the sinkhole. Look under my LA sinkhole folder and the last 4 vids will explain everything.. The scuminatti plan A was Fukushima and Plan B is the LA sinkhole.. You will see many references to Plan B in many shows. People BE AWAKE & AWARE. Much Love and Light
I don't think the name QE2 passes the giggle test. Plus I think May 31st is after the watch date This site has a newsletter and youtube videos talking about an object he has been tracking. terral03 dot com Also the webbot project and others have us on global coastal alert or tidal wave watch. A lot of preppers have bugged out just in case. Somethings out there that has been effecting all of the planets in the solar system, I thought you were on the same page with your Saturn videos.
Hey DS , i am over in thailand , a american , ex marine, as stationed in yuma and lived in bullhead az , now in NZ and thailand, tell you this much , there are american gov people in nz , using the telescopes , flying out of christchurch, to south pole , sat next to one of them on a plane back to nz , and tried to pick his brain, there is a uptik of scienctist heading south , and astromony equipment , is all i could get out of him, when ask about planet x , never heard about it ???
So what's the name of that FORMER comet? That's the point he's making. If they know it's from a former comet, what was its name, and what was its trajectory, orbital history. It would be like saying Ringo Starr, former member of a band. What band???? Why should we know who Ringo Starr is, if we have no idea what the band was he was in to know why we should know his name??? The Former I think is pretty important in this case. Especially if they're going to bother mentioning it.
I think the fragment thing is BS. They did say the surface is covered in black soot or something that would indicate it got too close to a star at some point but who really knows. I'm just wondering why the lamestream media would report on this rock in particular, when there have been many closer to us this year. I'm just not seeing the danger unless we aren't being told the whole story which is very likely. Who would really know if Nasa put up false info?
I wouldn't freak out to much with Brian Williams saying stock on can goods just incase something goes wrong... but to me, the obvious hint is "fragment of a former comet" If theres one fragment, there must be more fragments with a similar or the same trajectory as this fragment. Its not complicated, Be prepared for more possible unexpected high-yield explosions or impacts similar to the one in Russia... sometimes they just don't know...
No worries, the kid that wrote the script for the tele-prompter didn't major in astrophysics and no one bothered to run it past some geeks. It can't be a "rock" and a comet (snowball) remnant at the same time. Either it's a meteor or a comet. I'm not aware of any hybrids. Rock or snow. Easy for a nerd to catch the error. So it's not totally without suspicion, suspicious of the education of the script writers. Duh. Peace.
There is also comet ison that is comming this year in either september or november and who knows it could be the star wormwood that is in revelation 8 chapter 8 in revelation 6 chapter 6 there is war and then the great earthquake,revelation 7 chapter 7 is about the rapture,revelation 8 chapter 8 talks about the burnning mountain the angel cast into the sea and the star wormwood and revelation 9 chapter 9 is about war.
Something is going down...Check out Astral Travele, he has been watching the magnetosphere and showing how it is being effected...near the end of todays vid, he shows us the moon on these nasa graphs, as of the 17th that thing was bouncing around in space like some kind of beach ball! I knew there was something wrong w/ how the moon tracks or doesen't track across the sky! now i know why! Everyone must see this vid!
The d.u.m.b.s. R re-population/ food production centers, this is what the air force used the 10 largest tunneling machines for, they are preping for 2 coming events, not sure of their understanding of coming events, but when does the government ever throw this kind of money around? Not even to save the economy, all above ground gov ops cease when 80% of the remaining population is affected. U.S. or world wecf.
God only knows what this could be , I a agree Tree something fishy here. They say its a fragment of a former comet? Wormwood comes to mind.......who knows but we will know by the end of the month. BTW Clif HIgh with his webbot and remote viewers have all been predicting a what they call a global coastal event the latter part of May. Is this asteroid the harbinger? Certainly makes you think..................
Thanks! I do have a question about the area blocked off in google sky (there is a big blocked out area, including NO stars) I haven't tried to look at the system for over a year. Sorry if the name is wrong such as google sky. My question would be why would this area be obviously blocked? This is the supposed area of Niribus arrival. I am curious on your thoughts, thanks
Hey Tree of Might. I came across one of your videos, I believe last month and since then I've been a subscriber. I love watching your videos. You're on point on everything. Thanks for your knowledge of our solar system and because of you I've been identifying stars and planets. Thanks for the inspiration and keep up the awesome work. -Manny
Our money to , so that should really heat you up ....They go to space on our dime they invent new tech and dig big cities in the ground with our money . But we will never no , but they take 80 percent of your income in a lifetime ........and we have to be good little sheep .. Its called enslavement from birth , I should sue my parents...

Econozyaada: What is QE2

A primer on where the markets and we think Economics parked the new QE2 What is QE2, Amit Mittal Advantage zyaada twitter @zyakaira other copy with ...

Is QE2 a doomed voyage? | European CEO

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