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Where is owensboro kentucky Videos

Owensboro Kentucky police violate rights 1

User Comments

im surprised, youre actually pretty intelligent. ive watched 2 of your videos and you seem to understand logic pretty well and are able to apply it. i thought all people from the south were dumb.
+master troll Nope that would be northerners
If your not detained just leave
+Toyota Guy Why?
I don't agree that you should have asked several times if you were being detained. You kept asking until finally they did detain you. After the first time, when the cop walked to the back of your car and began running your plates, you should have simply started your car and drove away. Just my two cents.
+Ryan Lamp I agree 100%. Cheers-
+lastdollarfilms Actually, I'm looking at it from a legal point of view. I could care less what a cop thinks he/she knows or suspects. The law is the law, and they as well as you and I have to follow it. You seem to think we should not be giving a cop any opportunity to violate our rights. I'm of the opinion that, while documenting the encounter, we should be giving them EVERY opportunity to violate our rights, and bring their misdeeds to light, hopefully with the end result of weeding out these crooked cops. You seem to have the goal of making the cop feel bad for a while because he's lost that little battle. I have a goal of making a corrupt cop forever regret the decision to violate his/her oath, by ultimately having them removed from the force for good. Otherwise these assholes continue to fly below the radar. If me driving off raises his suspicions to the point of causing him to violate more of my rights, then great, I've still broken no laws, while the cop is showing everyone that they have no place in law enforcement. If me driving away doesn't prompt him to violate more of my rights, then even better, no harm, no foul. Cops who violating a few rights here and there throughout the day are just as big a problem as the ones who show a total disregard for the law. The difference is the one's who aren't so over the top tend to get away with it their entire careers. I say let's give them the opportunity to cross the line even further, get it documented, and see if we can rid ourselves of this garbage. Yes, by driving away you'd be putting taking some risks, even though you're breaking no laws. For some reason you view driving away and raising their suspicions, and hopefully prompting them to go harass you even further, as being a cowardly act, or a bitch, as you put it. You and I seem to have a different understanding of what the word coward means. I believe sitting quietly in your car, answering their questions, and giving them no opportunity to further cross the line, is more of a cowardly act than driving away, and leaving them with the opportunity to escalate their behavior.
Your looking at this from a citizen point of view. Try looking at it from a cops point of view. If you are really in a place an ok to be there you have no reason to leave. If you leave then the cops "know" they missed something and will be watching for a vehicle like yous for a short while because you were "acting suspicious". Did you do anything wrong? No. But if these dirty cops are looking to violate your rights and you give them a perceived excuse. Not only that they win. They came there to get you to leave and guess what? You left.Now rewind to the point you leave and instead stay. Now they run your plates and they are clean and they have not found any reason to detain you so they now have to leave at some point while you stay put where they found you. you are still doing what you came there to do and they get nothing out of it.Now which is going to give you the greatest sense of pride in yourself, standing your ground or running like a bitch cause the popo are around?
+lastdollarfilms How is driving away when you aren't being detained considered running or suspicious activity? How is refusing to answer questions considered suspicious activity? I'm not sure if you're aware, but we have the right to not answer questions, and we also have the right to leave when not being detained, non of which can be used as a basis for suspicion; so sayeth the USSC. Now after that, if they'd like to violate a person's rights by continuing the harassment, then I'm all for letting corrupt cops shoot themselves in the foot, and hopefully end their careers with such foolishness.
Not at all. If you stay and they can't find a single thing you did wrong then what can they do? However if you drive off like your running away they can report you as someone acting suspicious because you refused to answer question and drove away to avoid more questions. If your not guilty of anything why run?
+lastdollarfilms So in that case there's really no difference is staying or leaving, since you've already become a person of interest to them. My favorite videos are where the person asks if their being detained, and officer replies no, but... and then the person simply says good by and walks away, leaving the cop standing there with his mouth hanging open. I always get a kick out of those.
Noithing they can do except wait for uyou to fuckl up while watching a "person of interest"
+lastdollarfilms hence the poke in the eye. Driving off may send up a red flag and make them suspicious, but there's nothing they can do about it, because in reality you've done nothing they can put a finger on.
If you drive away it makes you seem guilt of something. Why drive away if you know your not doing anything wrong? If you do drive away it send up a red flag that you might have been doing something wrong but was not caught.
+lastdollarfilms I don't disagree. Although, I'm of the belief that it's an abuse of authority to run someone's plates when they've committed no crime. If the cop has already used the excuse that you are suspicious, even though you're commuting no crime, then I don't so how driving away makes you any more suspicious. In any event, I agree staring put and going about your business is just a perfectly reasonable response. The only problem with that is it gives the cop's the opportunity to escalate the encounter, which 9 out of 10 times they end up doing, and the only one who pays the price is the innocent citizen. But, I do agree, running from it isn't really a better solution either.
And why do that? Why does everyone feel you have to spit in the eye of authority when doing nothing will not hurt anything? Instead of standing up to them just let them do their job while you do nothing. Go about your business for being there like they are not there. If you are not doing anything wrong and they can not ticket or arrest you the best poke in the eye is to just do nothing and let them waste there time. If he drives off after refusing to give ID and arguing with the cop it makes him look suspicious. Now for the next week or so they are going to be looking for a car that matches his that got confrontational and then fled the scene in a way that made him a target.But let them run your tags and sit quietly and find nothing and what do they do? Report you for doing nothing at all other than being in a place that was not illegal for you to be?
+lastdollarfilms While I agree that he wasn't breaking any laws, and that he should not HAVE to leave, just driving off while they were running his plates would have been a nice poke in the eye to the cops.
+Ryan Lamp Why? He was not breaking the law so why should he leave?
Cops must be breed to be stupid, every one of them thinks the same and acts the same.
+etherraichu I use a voice interface sometime it picks things wrong, I was calling a group of government agents,not a person stupid. So now you are corrected. Do you always post twice or did you want correct me two times.
+Bob Danis "Bred". It's the simple past tense and past participle of "breed." Normally I wouldn't call someone out on such a minor error, but when you made it in the course of calling someone stupid, you can see why I'd do so.
+Bob Danis "Bred". It's the simple past tense and past participle of "breed." Normally I wouldn't call someone out on such a minor error, but when you made it in the course of calling someone stupid, you can see why I'd do so.

Owensboro Kentucky police violate rights 2

User Comments

I challenge any one to name a law I broke in this video. Don't just make crap up, have reasoning to back you're statement up if you do. If you're just angry because you think I was rude to the cops, so be it, but name a law I broke. I'll help you out, trespassing isn't one because the pastor of the church didn't know I was in his parking lot until the cops called him at his home to come down. So no simply pulling into a church parking lot and sitting in your car is not trespassing.
+Danny Crabtree ----You didn't break any law , but you did talk way to much. Why would you ask the cop if you are being detained so many times , after he told you , yes. He even said , " I told you yes 3 times" . Now this does not mean he as a good probable reason to do it , but he did none the less. You should know that at any point if you are not free to leave , you are being detained--no matter if the police speak the words or not. So when you ask if " I am free to leave " and you hear anything other than { yes } it means you are being detained. You are good in court , you don't need to keep asking , the same questions. You done fairly well , and it is admirable to see people standing up for there rights, -----I think you understand trespassing , if not I will tell you.---you were of course not trespassing at any time during video.---all the best to you
+glazierEd But I'd like to know how an officer has the right and the say to trespass someone from private property he does not own, or even knows who owns it.More and more I'm seeing videos of police making op their own laws about who can't be where, and more often than not, it's public property.How can an officer arbitrarily decide to trespass someone on private property without the land owners say or permission.
I applaud you for sticking up for your rights, although, when you're on private property like a church, a CVS, a supermarket , etc. You're on private property, and you open yourself up to this kind of stuff. Next time I'd advise that you film from outside the church or wherever on the public right of way.
+Danny Crabtree That so called preacher rolled over and punked you out.
I am a constitution loving libertarian. However, they were just trying to figure out what was going on. A Church parking lot is not public property. This officer was being very patient, civil, and reasonable. You are the type of person who embarrasses other constitutional conservatives.This Marine is trying to protect the people that called about you and the Church's property. Don't go around antagonizing good peace officers. We need to appreciate the ones we actually have.
+glazierEd Thank you
+charlesdhanks As long as the church wS open for business, if it's closed, the cops had the right to question him.
+charlesdhanks Yes, very controversial. I am worn out from this but as a libertarian, I believe in the rights of life, liberty and property and have a problem with any of the three being violated. If I saw someone taking pictures of my kids, I might end up in prison.
+Nicholas Neve While it may sound totally confrontational, the point is not whether or not the person is a pedophile or not, whether they are a felon or not......the premise is probable cause. If I am sitting in a park or a church parking lot the cops do not have a right to come and question who I am or what I am doing. And if they choose to do so, I am under no obligation to tell them or to provide them with an identification of who I am. Probable cause has to be established. In this case, if I am not mistaken, is the subject of trespassing on "Church property". Legally, anything that is not government funded is private property. But government funds are my funds and therefore the government can not own anything. From a legal standpoint I would have to then ask, are there any no trespassing signs posted on the property? If not, then you can't be trespassing. If the minister asks the person to leave and the person does not, then you have probable cause to investigate, but not necessarily to apprehend or dismiss. The church has an obligation to the public to post no trespassing signs on their property if they do not want people on "their property" when services are not being rendered...hence it is private property but owned by whom? Certainly not the church, but perhaps their patrons? Even then it is gray area...hence, if I drove up the road tonight to sit in the church parking lot and confide unto God all of my sins, then does this grant the right for police to investigate? Common sense may say "maybe" as it does appear strange, or is it?? And if they do come, what law have I violated? What happened to no laws being issued to provide a union before church and state. To do so is to say I can't practice being a baptist. But surely not trespassing. And once again, let's take it to another step....if I am a pedophile which I certainly am not, and drove to the parking lot to confess my sins and ask God for forgiveness.....would you not want such a person there to do exactly that? And yes while I do not agree with adults taking pictures of my kids...they are certainly entitled to do so when they are out in public and where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. And yes they can take pictures of my property if they choose to do so. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy. Just go to google earth and type in an address. If you can see it with your eyeball then there you go. What is the difference with a camera????
+charlesdhanks do you think a pedophile should be able to sit at a park and just take pictures of kids? Would you be mad at the police for trying to question a stranger taking pictures of your kids? or your home or property for that matter?
+sexypimp911 Did you really just ask how church is a private property?
+Nicholas Neve how the fuck is a church not a public property when it is obviously an opened access to the public? and the officer was violating his rights cause he is being detained without a probable cause and last time i checked taking pictures in a parking lot is nowhere in hell a crime unless you're in Germany and the officer must be able to figure out the crime being committed for a detainment to take place they can't just say they are investigating cause they have to have reason otherwise its an invalidated detainment and if you think I'm wrong then feel free to ask anyone in the damn internet and get them to agree on your comment and see how many people would raise their brows or turn the other cheek
To try and bring God into a lowly, hypothetical is irreverent so I wont address that. It doesn't matter what you were there to do, constitutionally speaking. You keep trying to justify your childish behavior. That was a good cop protecting the liberties of that church with full support of the pastor.
+Nicholas Neve oh by the way nicholas...i was at the church to pray....what about that? come on dude...protect the property...why would a church care about the property in a religious point of view? if anything the church would yield on the side of religion and say he was there and he needed the church,,...WE the church surrender it to him...I am sure GOD would have done the same
+Nicholas Neve ....WRONG! they do not have to figure out what is going on....i am a retired officer of the united states air force and if i want to take pictures i am going to take pictures,,,Photography is not a crime,,,,it does not warrant anyone or anybody to come out and "figure what is going on" it is going on because i am an american exercising my constitutional rights to do so....think about it....do you want the government dictating where and when you can take a picture? The man is not trying to antagonize them...he is clearly stating what LAW has he violated...and in this case there is none...the police should have never even responded to this call and SHOULD have said he is within his constitutional rights. end of subject...but debate me if you can Nicholas...surrender your freedoms if you want..but i refuse to!
I didn't say they were. The pastor sided with the police obviously and was probably concerned for the well being of his flock with a seemingly crazy anti police and military man on the property. You also hardly addressed any of what I said.
Just to give you a heads up, the church didn't call, the company across the road did, and if the church is private property like you said, than what reason did they have to come on private property. Under your thinking, if you're neighbor calls the police on you for being in your own front yard, the police have a right to come on your property and do what ever they want.
on top of that you won't shut up long enough to let the police officer answer like I said stupid redneck
That's okay defend the stupid redneck it is the church that doesn't want him around unless he's coming to Service otherwise basically get the fuck off the property pussy
+mr benchpress Hey dumbass you might want to wipe that cop jizz off your chin!
+mr benchpress Tee hee!
Who writes the word tee hee anymore sounds like I'm talking to a five year old
+mr benchpress Tee hee. "Mr. Benchpress." Putting his flexed muscle forward in his photo. That's his identity... that he has big muscles. LOL!
Evan is not the carpet is the church that does not want him around Lesego Stu service otherwise No
+mr benchpress Exactly. Don't let that cop control the conversation. Fuck being polite.
Hey dumbass your plates are out in the open figure it out for yourself that church does not want you around unless you go to services otherwise you were trespass from the property dumbass redneck
+Robert Butler that's just it dumb ass just because they are the police doesn't mean we half walk on pin and needles fuck the police because they don't even know the law fuck you and the horse you rode in on ya fucktard!!!
I hate that you think that, when I woke up this morning my first thought was that I hope you approve of me, now I'm upset that you don't approve, gonna be a bad day

Downtown Owensboro, KY

I posted a demo video with some footage from downtown Owensboro a few weeks ago and it was a pretty big hit. Here is a "final" version with extra footage and ...

User Comments

+Smokum James 16 years
+Rascal 210 you shoud have seen it in 1980 not like this at all but i still remeber it 35 years later and it was cool then nice the city cares about its image on the water front how long have you lived there?
+Rascal 210 Sorry, this is far from fake. The city invested millions into this park and the fountains were designed by the same guy that did the fountains in Vegas.
Right.... OK.......

A Little Ride Around Owensboro Kentucky

A little ride around my hometown testing my new go pro.

User Comments

looking up owensboro on YouTube to see if you are in any videos
I live in Owensboro!
I live in Owensboro!

Owensboro Kentucky: Burgoo

Dave Lieberman learns how to make burgoo at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Owensboro Kentucky in this episode of Hellmann's In Search of Real Food series.

User Comments

too bad this burgoo is no where near as good as blessed mother burgoo which is another catholic church in owensboro thats y we have taken the gold meal in burgoo in the BBQ fest double as many times as any of the other churches soo boooooyyaaaa
I used to go to Utica, KY all the time. Now I am here. Burgoo can be made anywhere and I laugh at BBQ restaurants that don't offer it here in Charleston, SC. I make it here on my stove and give it to friends I appreciate.
No clue of its origins? It seems very similar to some of the cuisine found in West Africa, by which many of the regions descendants call America’s deep south home.
Why do you have to be so negative. Its soup, plain and simple. If you've never had it then dont make simpleton comments...
@dartavian74 thats odd, I was from O/boro and lived in MN too! I fixed it by moving back to KY after 22 years away yumm
That "burgoo"--IF you could call it that--didn't even look nearly as appetizing as dogfood. What the hell IS that shit?
Of course, you haven't had real Burgoo until you've had Arenzville Burgoo, the Worlds Best Burgoo.
That's my church and me have the BEST burgoo ever! I don't esat it but I still know that it is.
i am from owensboro ky and now i live in mn ,i sure do miss good ol bbq.
im goin there tomorrow morning 4 ccd and church,, ,,,,
haha.... "Cuz my wife makes me." -eric dant great guy
I go to that chruch and they do have very good burgoo
I really miss home.....mmmmmburgoo
Native American (Huron) food.
*medal* not meal
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