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Watchmen Scene - "Dogs get put down." [ HD ]

WARNING: Contains some pretty graphic violence and disturbing images. I noticed there were other great scenes from the movie on Youtube, but no one had ...

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When Ro put the flashlight on the dead dogs head what was he trying to show?
+jason vorhees thanks*
+Trenticon 3000 oh ok thabks
He was saying "Hey, man, i know you killed that lil' girl and you won't confess, so, take a looksies at your pouch"Well... Not like that but you get the point.
I can't quite understand why Rorschach and Batman are compared to each other so often. When I first discovered Rorschach I never once thought of Batman. They are two completely different superheroes. They have an extremely different set of beliefs and view on justice, not to mention that their origins are also very different. I just really don't see the connection other than the fact that they both are very strict on following their own set of rules (and the fact that they both have a Bale Batman voice =)) but really they are two absolutely badass but completely different superheroes. But Rorshach is my favorite superhero of all time just saying sorry had to say it at least once. P.S. I'm not actually sorry =p
Rorschach has attributes of The Question (paranoia and investigating conspiracies) and the Punisher (willing to kill really bad criminals). Those are the two characters that Rorschach seems to borrow the most from.
Rorschach will always be my favorite superhero I don't give a fuck. Fuck Dr. Manhattan he can go clone himself and eat his own radioactive dick!
I was mad af when I wrote that
You know, I just fucking realized something. *How come Jack Haley was never chosen to play Batman!?* HE WOULD BE AN AMAZING BATMAN!! For fucks sake!!
+suemorphplus2009 never knew what?
Whoah!!! I never knew that!!! He was made for Rorschach though.
+UGENESIS4EVA hmmmmm I dunno. I think he can possibly pull it off. It's really hard to say considering I've only seen 2 movies where he was actually in it, so I have no idea what Haley's actual acting range is
+UGENESIS4EVA well he did play as freddy krueger before. XD
+Wrath's Attack would he make a good Bruce wayne? I notice alot of people seem to forget that aspect of batman's identity, and you need an actor who can play both Bruce Wayne and batman, which I think this actor would struggle with, but I agree that he'll make an amazing batman.
+wreathofpalmaria Oh LOL I thought you were just guessing, because if that was true, then that would mean the world got THAT MORE ridiculous, and I don't want to live on that planet thank you very much
+Wrath's Attack i honestly don't know XD
+wreathofpalmaria Is that really the reason? That seems ridiculously silly considering they could just dye his hair black :/
+Wrath's Attack because he's got red hair

Lt. Frank Drebin - Prison Fight scene (Funny)

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"It's supposed to be served slightly chilled, this is ROOM temperature, what do you think we are, animals?!?!" LOL =)
Burnett is one of the gards ! I know , but he's unhappy ! =))))
Haha first person to comment... Haha
Haha, "Buzz off buttercheeks!!"
Hey that's private screw!
Hahahahahahhaha chateux 68
We are men! We are Men

The Dark Knight Rises - Bruce and Bane in the Pit (HD)

Bruce wakes up in an old prison. Bane is going to torture him mentally by leaving him in the pit. All material owned by Warner Bros. For entertainment purposes ...

User Comments

Wait, how does Bane get outta there after he speaks with Bruce?
His henchmen lifts him up with a rope.
Don't worry Brucie. With absolutely no medical help, we can punch that protruding vertebrae into place and with a few sit ups you'll be good as new in a couple weeks and can escape this secret prison on another continent and be back in Gotham tomorrow despite having no technology whatsoever. LMAO Worst piece of crap ever.
+Ser Bronn of the blackwater Agreed.
What matters in every movie is what is the reality in which the story resides. Mutant superheros and gods from other planets have a much wider range of possibilities from which to choose. Present reality was chosen for this movie and therefore it must remain within or it's pure bunk. 
+Mike Holland It`s also a story about a guy dressing up as a fucking bat, calm down and don`t take it as real life. It`s a superhero movie after all, even though nolan went for the whole "gritty and realistic" thing.
+Mahender singh Recovering from that type of injury isn't simple or likely without some serious physical damage. It would take a novel to cover all the major plot holes and other issues with this flick.
+Mike Holland what other mistakes are you talking about? look bane did't break his back.he injured him badly and he recoverd from it.its that simple.why is it so hard to understand?
I can see the time elapsed thing but that's not how it was presented in the film and with the countless other mistakes they likely didn't account for that. Regardless of what some "prisoner" said, certain injuries are crippling. A vertebrae sticking several inches from your back would paralyze a person. At the minimum there'd be severe nerve damage if he was lucky. Just too much to overlook. 
+Mike Holland one of those prisoner also said That he is injury was't fatal that he can recover within months.I guess it was 6 months .it was't like that he just recovered quickly.I took time but in the movie it happens quickly(rushed) so we thought that he recoverd quickly.
I enjoyed Batman Begins much more than the last two but his world travels have nothing to do with the reality that you don't recover from an injury like that, certainly not that quick. Secondly, there is no hyperspace button you can use that will suddenly teleport you from god-knows-where into a city with no access points. Just poor story lines all around. 
Bruce Wayne (alone) had already travelled the world..without any help in batman begins.watch batman begins you will understand.
Why does everyone feel the need to speak in such a manner, as if they have a stabilizing cock up their throat? Did they think it would be cooler? They thought: "No, wait. Bale is not enough, speaking as if he always has a fat lip, let's get Bane also to talk like Vader, it will make the movie a lot cooler..." Right...
You're jealous that you don't have a deep voice like that.The reason Bane sounds like this is to show that he's a beaten old man in a young man's body. Bane's been through a lot, that's why he sounds tired and gravelly. Don't forget that it's the substance that he takes through the mask that keeps him standing. He's in constant pain. It took a toll on his mind.
Bane is very similar to the character of Darth Vader indeed.
Like the scene where his henchmen bring Gordon down to the sewers and snaps their neck

GTA 5 - Prison Break Heist Gameplay! (Part of the GTA Online Heists Update)

Heists gameplay! We got ourself a skilled team with skilled players, and we're going to earn some big money, oh, and free a guy. Be sure to subscribe for more ...

User Comments

Next time ouch, can u please put it all in one video plz? Coz i cant wait u see play heists fully
btw you unlocked new vehicles by doing the previous heist
First e so PT
Nice love it 
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