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Cedric The Entertainer - On Gays & Being in the Country


User Comments

Apparently Ced has not seen many animals because homosexuality is abundant in that kingdom. I've owned 2 dogs that were homosexual.
You stupid and don't even know it
You stupid and don't even know it
he aint funny worth a dime!!
Take this down vote
come on man Gay is not normal it is a disease.... we black people doesn't have the place for a Batty boys it is disgusting i am form East Africa when we got a gays in our community we will burn them alive
Kenya lmao
+zekariyas maru and i thought shrek was a tolerant motherfucker ... wtf dude ? did you suck E.T's dick and you got green as a lizard?
im gay and i laughed way to hard at this so calm your shit people
All the people trying to justify the jokes as "NOT HOMOPHOBIC" ..... of course they are not. Liberal reatrds have people brainwashed so bad with PC crap that people dont even know the definitions of words anymore. Homophobia is "Fear, hatred, or mistrust of lesbians and gay men.". No ones scared of gay people ..... making fun of gay people is not Homophobia, weather he is joking or not.
+Baxsaney Beerdilaacshe"No disrespect to anyones religion but what is the world coming to?"It's the world don't expect anything good from it. Crack open the scriptures and educate yourself, your homophobia is showing.
+Lee JohnSorry man but the so called Christian and zealot Anita Bryant started the homosexual agenda back in the mid 70's with her homophobic crusade against them.If you knew anything about Jesus and His word you'd know that since it is now legal for gays to marry, Gods children should not be judging them and raining down the fire and brimstone routine of ignorance on them. Learn the scriptures before you open your ignorant mouth. You're a disgrace to actual members of the Body.
It's not hatred its a behavior that is abnormal that America is trying to normalize. It's propaganda that started with a book called After the Ball getting rid of America and fear and hatred for Gays by Greg Madsen. And Marshall Kirk to intelligent radical Homosexuals who had degrees in psychology. They came up with a intelligent plan to get straight people to turn against people that disagree with the Gay agenda. Their is reason why same sex couples can't reproduce. Because it's against nature. God didn't create us for that purpose. Theirs a reason the city's Sodom and Gomorrah got destroyed. But the great thing about the New Covenant is that Christ could change us. We can't stop any sinful behavior on our own. It's a supernatural work of Christ. We could stop it temporarily but Christ change things permanently. It's like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. You no longer refer to the butterfly as a caterpillar. You never hear someone say wow look at that exalted caterpillar.
+123itisnotme Ain't not such thing as homophobia. Who fear homosexuals lmao. The only thing that we are afraid is homosexual push their propaganda and lying. Have you see lately all the hit show have big gay role and/or message in them. Hollywood is becoming gay and so is the media. You have gay priests and the Pope is overseas playing with little boys. No disrespect to anyones religion but what is the world coming to? Are these signs of the end of time? innocent young blacks are dying for no reason while the yahoodees are over there collect all the America currency and resource.
tell it like is
+Nihjer RichardsonPost all the ridiculous sites you want but, men packing another mans fudge is not a natural event. The ass is made to be an exit not an entrance.
+Séamus Ó Dálaigh Agreed
+Séamus Ó Dálaigh //m.livescience.com/44464-bonobo-homosexuality-natural.html #learnlife
+Mitchell McVeigh "Over the years, homosexuality has been proven the be inborn and completely natural"Natural? One man packing another mans fudge is most certainly not a natural thing. Neither is a guy packing the fudge of a woman. What type of retarded ignorant ape are you? Gay marriage should be legal because its a basic human right, but don't try and say being gay is natural because it's not.
+Mitchell McVeigh +lion575 didn't change the definition; "noun. intense hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality." Don't be such a retard.
+Mitchell McVeigh The word retard most definitely applies to the likes of you .... perfect adjective for the situation.  If you dont like it, you can feel entirely free to go fuck yourself.
If the definition has been changed, that makes your definition outdated... Also, again, please don't use the word retard
+Mitchell McVeigh Now go back in look in a dictionary from prior to 2000, just because progressive retards changed the definition does not make it legitimate.
That "parties shifted" doctrine just doesn't fly!  I would suggest that you listen to Alfonso Rachel sometime.  You IGNORED the point that Obama and Clinton ONLY "changed" after it was politically in THEIR interests to do so. If you believe that EITHER of them actually care about any of us, you should think again! And while I also believe that sexual orientation is a born trait, your claims that it has been PROVEN to be "inborn" is absolutely without merit.(BTW, Al Gore Sr fought against civil rights and school desegregation, while George Romney marched WITH Dr King.Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus(D)  and Alabama's Governor George Wallace(D) both sought to ignore that SCOTUS ruling, and had to be restrained by federal forces.Lyndon Johnson was a complete racist ass, and Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) was a "Grand Kleagle" of the KKK, yet he served for about half a century! (1959-2010)When Byrd died in 2010, both Bill and Hillary eulogized him as a "great man". That was just 5 years ago...) If you REALLY want to debate the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party, you should bring some facts with you...
+Beowoulf69 Yes, constantly. Meaning that since the initiation of the argument, they have fought against it. Over the years, homosexuality has been proven the be inborn and completely natural, causing many people (in fact the majority of Americans) to support marriage equality. Now, with your argument about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, that's the difference between the majority of Democrats and Republicans. Democrats tend to be willing to change our ideas and beliefs when given sufficient facts and evidence, whereas Republicans tend to hold onto old beliefs that are, quite simply, outdated, even after substantial evidence has been given to refute their side. And when you say "Democrats" fought against civil rights and interracial marriage, you must have forgotten that the Democrats of that time shared the majority of beliefs with modern Republicans, and vice versa. The parties have shifted almost completely over time.
"Constantly"? The fight for same-sex marriage in the USA isn't really that old. The first challenge came in 1971, with Baker v. Nelson in Minnesota Remember that homosexuality was still classified as a "mental illness" by the AMA.until 1974... And ys, there have been several outspoken Republicans opposing marriage equality during recent years, but in all fairness during the 2008 elections, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama spoke against that right... It wasn't until the polls showed that they could win elections by supporting equality that they "changed their minds"...   Democrats also historically fought against civil rights and interracial marriage. They also cited "religious tenets" among pother things...
+Beowoulf69 Really now? Isn't it the right wing that constantly fought against gay marriage because it offended their religion? I'm not jumping to the defense of all liberals, as we do occasionally take it too far, but many times, the use of "politically incorrect" words (such as the R word, N word and derogatory words towards gay people) can be triggering to people, so we try to avoid using them.
+lion575 Don't change a definition. Homophobia is a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people (literally just google "homophobia definition", it's not that hard). Also, please don't use the word "retard" in a derogatory sense. It's a serious issue that many people suffer with and shouldn't be used to describe people you simply disagree with.
+April Garcia That type of stereotypical generalization is a prime example as to why the country is in the trouble that it is... Don't lie to yourself, "liberals" are usually amongthe FIRST to cry that they were "offended" by something...
Agreed just a joke but sadly there is half the country who believes in this kind of hatred. Don't lie to yourself it's the democrats and liberals who can laugh at themselves the right wing are the ones to blame spreading nothing but hate and discontent.

Good ol' hick wedding. Ripped jeans and all.

My sisters kentucky wedding. :P If you ask me, the preacher is comparable to Larry the Cable Guy. Lol.

User Comments

lmao this looks so much like mine:lol message me ill unlock it for ya for a lil while lol hes got the hat work jeans and simple shirt as me lol cept i hauled ass when she said kiss the bride lol
there's no shame in talkin like this...no shame in actin like this. i wouldn't trade if for nothin in the world.
I totally love this wedding, it's so real. Thanks for posting.
thru rich or poor. thats gonna be poor alright
he never asked if they were related!!!!!!
lol I'm afraid to see the honeymoon O_o

Makeup And Faded Blue Jeans

Bambu plays this country western song by Merle Haggard at a wedding in Hilo, Hawaii.

International 17 Jean Valjeans "Les Misérables"

"Do You Hear the People Sing?" & "One Day More" Les Misérables - Finale "10th Anniversary Concert" 2008 2 discs set ...

User Comments

+all the points to Netherlands, Austria, Norway, and Denmark. And of course, to Chairman Kaga.
+choclytgremlins And the mad Hungarian!
I think it would have been cool if they had a Spanish verse thrown in too.
+Obsidea Me too.
any talented individual, or series of talented individuals able to transcribe the lyrics as sung? (i.e. all in the native languages rather than translating it all to one language)?
+Steven Ronaldson skipping those in english, the ones that I understand:german: Das is die Symphonie von Menschen die nicht langer Slaben sind. (small grammar mistakes probaby, not a native) (in english: That's the symphony from people who are no longer slaves)dutch: Van al die mensen die verdommen om nog langer slaaf te zijn(in english: From all those people who damn to be a slave any longer)
2:26 **I move away from the mic to eat a bell pepper
+Tara Markov I thought it was the Chairman too...
This is great! Though I would have loved the french one to be first, in honor of the country of Victor Hugo and Claude-Michel Schönberg.
That would be nice, but I think they wanted to start with London with the original and current since that's where Les Mis has been the most successful.
3:05 I would follow that dude into battle. Just saying.
I'll follow Mr. 3:43 ANYWHERE.
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