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Explain sdr Videos

Unique 70cm ham transmission flap in LA using SDR explained

Unique 70cm ham transmission flap in LA using SDR explained Today I noticed more progressive frequency spikes across the 70cm UHF ham band about ...

IMF Adds Chia's Yuan to SDR Basket. Dollar Weighting Virtually Unchanged.

I've added another video to explain what I think this decision means: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuPjX_2oifQ.


[Robert]: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6EGFylGrTk&hd=1 [Ben]: Oh please stop this... [Ben]: Why are you so offended by them? [Robert]: We should be ...

User Comments

maybe you went over this and I just missed it somewhere, but in Revelation Jesus spoke to the seven churches, not to the one true church. Now i understand that in Christ we are His body, the Church. But Jesus spoke to the seven churches. When Scripture speaks of only one church, it addresses the false one world global church? Comments??????
+Edith Horn , In Revelation the seven churches represent 7 distinct periods of time between Christ's time and the end of Earth's time. In that sense all seven represent Christ's one church. Parts of each of those messages belongs to all who believe in Christ, for we are all human beings with similar faults. At this time in history all who claim Christianity fall within the Laodicean church. Both false and true teachers make a claim for Christ so our only foundation is Christ and the Bible as foundation. It is only our relationship with Christ directly which can unite us with real truth, in a real unity at the level of God's standard, and lead us away from broken earthly standards or philosophy. The message to the Laodiceans advises we pray for eyesalve for discernment, among other advice.
Love your videos, but you lost me Quoting Ellen White constantly instead of the bible. I Have so many SDA friends and would join myself if it wasn't for the fact that you guys basically worship this lady who had visions. I don't understand. I love the Bible based sermons and teachings. 
+sabrina34103 hey JESUS CHRIST loves you so much (1John 4:8, 16)!  Ellen G. White, a Prophet of GOD, merely provides a magnifying view of what is already stated in the HOLY BIBLE (KJV), in what I call Ancient English.  Ellen G. White in no way substitutes the HOLY BIBLE (see Isa. 8:20, Rev. 19:10).  I am a Seventh-day Adventist Reformer who needs prayer daily.  Dionne at AdventistWheat Publishing
Her visions go along with the bible 100% read the books and it helps interpret it
If we worshipped her we would bow to her and have images of her everywhere no she just simply gave visions to help understand the prophetic books
It's because both faiths believe in her weittinga
What about the 4 movements of the church? The Faithful The Persecutors Christians persecuted by Jews. (Jewish church leaders sought out Christians for imprisonment and death) Protestants persecuted by the Papacy. (Millions of Christians killed as heretics by Papal Rome) Adventists persecuted by Protestants. (Protestants ridiculed, and scoffed Adventists during the Great Disappointment) Remnant persecuted by Adventists. (Remnant taken to court, as well as ridiculed, scoffed, and unlawfully disfellowshipped by SDA church) Christians Protestants Adventists Remnant Jews Catholics Protestants Adventists
+Robert Latham Counsels on Diet and Foods//ellenwhiteaudio.org/books/ellen-g-white-audiobooks/counsels-on-diet-and-foods/Please share this website and spread the Spirit of Prophecy to those that need the light.
I'm an atheist, and God is fake in my opinion. I respect those who believe in him and I let them do that, but when the police changes rules, laws etc because of god and stuff i just can't accept that. There is no PROOF of god existing, just someone that said "Hey I saw god" blabla. Please, you have a church that EVERYONE pays for even the atheist people, so do you and we will do us. Stop being so GOD IS REAL IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IN HIM YOU WILL GO TO JAIL! (soon wouldnt suprise me) OR WORSE, DIE IN HELL.
Because he'll in Greek is actually means the grave. So they will be died forever and ever. But they will suffer from fire later on but it won't be forever
Laws? I never seen a religious law enforcement in the USA in our times. My question is why are you posting this on a reasoning video. Hell is not forever for us SDA's either. In fact when the bible says he'll it means the grave.

SDR special drawing rights....IMF

Hey guys, I explain the term in brief...... Thank you.

#148: Software Defined Radio kit | Tutorial | Build | Test | Softrock Lite II

This video shows the build and test of a Softrock Lite II software defined radio (SDR) kit. A short tutorial is given on each sub-circuit as it is being built and ...

User Comments

Another great video. So nice to have someone explain the circuit as you do. Also pointing out you don't need high end test gear too. 73, WD4DDA
Beyond awesome. The best diy video I've watched in many years. I learned a lot, even about the soldering of ICs. Great lesson! Thanks a lot. 
Thank you for sharing this. There are a great many videos showing these SDRs working, but very few of the build process.
Nice - more frequency theory would be nice but I followed the essence. Always helpful.
You make this look easy, I enjoy your videos

Minecraft RBB 4# Blocks VS Zombies-SDR

SDR plays - Her First Gaming Video Ever! - Castle Crashers (Part 1)

Decoding the air around you with Java and $7 hardware by Bert Jan Schrijver

Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where parts of the components are implemented in software. Cheap USB digital TV-receivers ...
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