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Explain cultural diversity Videos

Sharing 'cultural diversity' in Malcolm's electorate.

On Sunday 27th September, a group of Party for Freedom activists travelled to Malcolm Turnbull's residence in Point Piper asking him to sign a petition to ...

User Comments

Stupid stunt. Party of Freedom add no value to the debate. Your petition is a joke. Lies, lies and more lies. The Syrian refugees will not be all Muslims. It doesn't matter where the Govt settles them you'll whinge about it because you are small minded and petty. You all posture like dumbarse cartoon strongmen and are ready to fight for freedom when you don't even understand what freedom is. Fuck off to back to your bogan hole where you can keep on mouth breathing and drooling.
+Layla Isherwood You just contributed nothing to the debate just your ignorant bigotry.
Islam in history has been used by the Zionist/Vatican Order to destroy Christianity, that's why they are brought into Australia, England, America, Canada, New Zealand, etc. Wars in the Middle East are created to reclaim ancient Israel for the Khazars. Documented in PNAC and the reason behind the False Flag, 911.
+ I bet Layla Isherwood is a Lefty or a Socialist/Communist who wants to open our borders to every refugee. Obviously she isn't aware about all the havoc these so called refugees are causing in Europe atm. They all demand to go to German, Sweden  or the UK because of the welfare benefits, free housing and healthcare,
+Layla Isherwood can't handle the truth!
I heard that new trend is that feathers go well tin foil hats
how did your stupid divisive rally go? you dumb cunts, suck shit, nobody cares about your shit, from a multi generational Australian citizen
+A.I.M. straight i walked down to wanda, had a look around, laughed, asked home & went to randwick races
+cronulla70 yeh right, lie lie lie and where were you, tell me ? that way next time i'm down that way , visiting family in balmain, i'll make a special visit to see you
+A.I.M. straight lol you didn't even turn up you gutless cunt i was waiting for you
+cronulla70 yeh yeh all big and tuff now, you must of grown a set 
+cronulla70 the only shit people that turned up and created trouble were antifa dole bludging pieces of shit, dont see you whingeing about them making cronulla look bad, with all there violence? 
come back you cowardly dog
+A.I.M. straight i just felt it right to remind you what stupid fucking cunts blokes like you & folkes are, hahahahaha s funny , what a shit turnout
+cronulla70 the fact you even had to make contact with me again shows what a child you are,  now go away little man
+A.I.M. straight i was there, bet you weren't
+cronulla70 but that wont change the fact you're a gutless prick
+A.I.M. straight haha haha haha what a shit party. losers lol
+cronulla70 gutless
+A.I.M. straight GROW THE FUCK UP, YOU SILLY OLD CUNTI don't want anything to do with you or your fuked up degenerate family, they are no doubt spastics like you
+cronulla70 well whats ya problem then, ...dont let fear hold you back dickhead, i love fighting boxers ,love the look on there face when they cop a spin kick to the head, nothin like the  good old forces to teach dicks like you a lesson on manners ,,,afghanastan style,now go away dick because you really would get hurt
+A.I.M. straight you're an old man, id hurt you seriously, i'm 6'1 105kg & have had 60 amateur fights & have spared Harding & Guy Waters, you'd be in some bother, but as i said, i'll be enjoying my free time at the races, like an adult, you keep on being a great example for your sick family
+cronulla70 we should meet up, an sort this out , without the keyboard in the way
+A.I.M. straight really? why is that? because you just realised I'm more of a man than you've ever been? your children & family must be disgusted, perhaps they're as disgusting as you, a family of hillbillies, enjoy cronulla, i'll be doing the adult thing & staying away from the kids
+cronulla70 best you can do, what a joke you are
+A.I.M. straight lol we both know that you won't be anywhere near sydney & i've already said i'll be at the races, i wouldn't give you evil pieces of shit oxygen
+cronulla70 wrong ,dont like it when someone throws shit back . do you little pissant, see you at the bbq
+A.I.M. straight i'm sure the poor fuckers are ashamed of you, you evil old cunt
+A.I.M. straight you immature old piece of shit, i hope your knuckle dragging kids & grand kids are proud of a old racist, ignorant turd like you
+cronulla70 indigenous means more australian than you, and the bbq is at your place have fun tomorrow , gutless cunt,,,and in a way i hope there is trouble ,,,that way i'll feel like i've just watched you eat a turd
+A.I.M. straight they can have a BBQ out in their backyard & not cause trouble here, you & them are stinking racist cunts, i hope you die in fires, you're not Australian
+cronulla70 there are no masters ,just like minded people that care about their country , ok donald , if you dont have anything with with any intelligence to add , i'm sure they will all have a great day at  the beach bbq 
+A.I.M. straight well i'm not sure about left, or centre for that matterbut anyway cletus, how about you hold the rally in this head fellas neighbourhood & leave us alone, we don't need you, want you or desire to know about you, our suburb was tarnished enough by fuckwits last time, families don't need this, your master calls us patriots??? well he's not treating us very well is he then???
+cronulla70 right ,left and centre, and with open eye's , which is more than can be said for you
+A.I.M. straight are you right in the head???
+cronulla70 i'm indigenous to this land ,,so why dont you pack up all ya mates and fuck off
+A.I.M. straight no, no please do, take all the redneck dickheads & live to your hearts content in your white wonderland, but remember, no ethnic food
+A.I.M. straight what??? you're from the gold coast (best surf beach lol) why the fuck are you even arguing you hillbilly cunt?? mind your own business, fuck off & play banjos up there, build a fence across the border for all i care, dickheadwhere do you get this islamification shit? do you read too much right wing murdoch press? about .ooo1% of the population wants to make you a muslim, the rest couldn't give a fuck what you did, the scare mongering & paranoia are bewildering
+A.I.M. straight like i said, or like i'm saying, i'm a grown man with a family, i don't do immature shit like that, i'm lucky enough to live in cronulla & near the beach, unlike you westy scum, so i'm having the day off & going to the races, few beers, a laugh & a meal with friends, you should try it some day & stop being a spastic running around like a child playing games, fuckwit
+cronulla70 like i said gutless
+A.I.M. straight in case you didn't notice you fucking retard, there is no rally, you & your ilk have been rejectedeven if it was on i wouldn't be giving it any oxygen, i'll be going to the races & forget you even existmust be great having no respect for the residents , your so called patriots, who don't want you & are bemoaning the fact that you'll fuck the suburb up & force businesses to close again when its tainted by your collective ugliness
+cronulla70 hope to see you at the rally, dont be shy , 8====o - - - and to think you were the smartest sperm in the race , should of been shot into a tissue, and thrown in the bin
+A.I.M. straight is that it? the extent of your wit?no wonder all you racist cunts are so stupid
+cronulla70 now come on, you got to talk and no one flushed the toilet for all that shit to come out
+A.I.M. straight fuck off hillbilly, if i want you to talk i'll play the banjo
+cronulla70 well you just saw how it went , really well , nobody but one signed ,so obviously they don't want you there, they showed how much they do care by not signing , dipshit you are
+Layla Isherwood You are the ignorant arsehat, too ignorant or too lazy to check the facts.
yeah, a voice of reason. The other commenters are ignorant arsehats

Cultural Diversity One World.mp4 (Graduate School Project.)

User Comments

Does someone knows the song's name? Thanks in advance.
+María de los Ángeles Azofeifa Coto "The Power Of The Dream" by Céline Dion

Cultural Diversity - meaning, and perspectives - Sociology

Relevant to culture, identity and socialisation,ethnic identity, and Social Inequality and ethnicity Considers the following - Functionalism Hobbesian view of ...

Unesco Official - Cultural Diversity

Una produzione Dreamcommunication Riprese di Deshani Senewiratne e Julie Carosi Post-Produzione di Andrea Colato Grafiche Flash di Fluidesign.

UNESCO Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity in Nursing

User Comments

"Diversity" is a euphemism for "less White people". "Anti-racist" is a codeword for anti-White. "Multiculturalism" is a genocidal scam.
Good video, I particularly liked the suggestion to mirror whatever your patient is doing.
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