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Explain capitalism Videos

Two Cows explain capitalism over socialism

An animated variation of the proverb of the two cows to explain governing systems, socialism, communism, fascism and capitalism.

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Except that there's nothing in a capitalist system that makes you help your neighbor. You could just as easily keep growing your herd until you run your neighbor out of business and he has to leave his farm, which is more often what happens in a capitalist system because people are more interested in looking out for themselves than helping their neighbor.
With all that money the only way to make more is to invest, jobs are created, people employed and things built. Workers also get to keep most of the money they make since tax is so low in capitalism unlike communism where the worker makes 0.

Capitalism Explained

Capitalism Explained.

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Interesting. Which year is this from?

Political Systems Explained for Dummies

Political Systems Explained for (Farmers) Dummies Using Two Cows The fundamental principles of the different types of political and social systems explained ...

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Venture Capitalism - You have Two Cows, you sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your bother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows, the milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Islands Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights of the seven cows back to your listed company, the annual report says the company owns eight cows with an option for one more.
Very funny but unfortunately realistic & unethical
So, communism is the best then.
Also, yes. That's right. Police brutality wouldn't fucking happen. Lol.
When I say something is a social construct, it means that it can be deconstructed the same way that it was built.
I'm not going to debate with you any longer. Yes, the USSR was oppressive.Yes, the Ukrainian famine in particular, happened under the USSR.No, the collapse of society, even if it's under capitalism, isn't good.And police brutality wouldn't fly under communism? Uh, right......Also, calling things a "social constructs'' doesn't make them any less relevant, important, necessary, or any less part of the human psyche. There are many things that are social constructs - and if  anything, nations are the most natural part of the world. Territory among contradicting cultures is what protects certain groups of people. Humans of all types have naturally drawn themselves into communities who share the same identity - be it religious, ethnic, or whatever else.
Nations are social constructs, and are not necessary.
Actually, it is not by any means oppressive, and also the USSR was the first nation to launch people into space, and it only took like fifteen years to get to that point. Their standard of living was raised so high that famines, that used to happen in that country all the time, were put to a complete stop, and have not happened since.I will not concede the failure of communism, because it has not failed. It has never existed to begin with.But I WILL acknowledge the failures of capitalism, since those are demonstrable, and real. They have actually happened, and they continue to happen, to this day. By the way, anything can be made to keep society flowing. Just take a look at the countless murders by police happening like every fucking day in America. We've become numb to it. Now it is just something that happens in America, and we just have to deal with it. That shit wouldn't happen with communism. No fucking way would some pig cops get away with murdering someone, unless it were REALLY necessary.
What a plan. Destroy the thing that keeps the society flowing, and see how it goes from there. Sound like solid reasoning. Nothing can go wrong. But what if it did go wrong? What are you going to say then? What are you going to do? The USSR was about the closest thing we have ever had to what was laid out in the manifesto, and look what ended up happening, particularly to the peoples of Eastern Europe. Ukrainians were mass murdered, Estonians were more or less forced out of their nation, There was no such thing as freedom of speech, and countless innocent people died under this attempt at utopia. Will you only concede the failure of far-left politics if you first-hand saw its failures?It is, under modern capitalism (really mixed economy), that the standard of life for everyone has improved. One of the main health issues affecting the American underclass is obesity. Obesity. I'm not saying that's good, but it should tell you something when one of the issues of the nation is that the people are eating TOO MUCH. Yes, this is a symptom of consumerism and a culture that doesn't frown on consumerism. But surely that says something to us.Now believe me, I would love to live under a communistic society that worked. I think the only people that wouldn't want to live in such a society are the ultra-rich elites. But the reason people protest against it, is because it's traditionally oppressive, and contradictory to the human tendency of hierarchy.I also want to own land and love my nation.
And you watched the video. If you think that "in theory" it works, then why wouldn't you try to make that the reality?
How about we destroy capitalism, educate people about how communism ACTUALLY works, and see where it goes from there?And capitalism doesn't have to be uncontrolled to cause damage. There are starving people out on the streets, with no fucking homes, and no money to get food. And no one wants to hire the homeless, because they're dirty, and perceived to be incapable of functioning properly in society.Would you say that our brand of capitalism is "uncontrolled"? I wouldn't. There are regulations.And their brand of capitalism was controlled, too. Controlled by the capitalists.
Oh, I totally agree. Uncontrolled capitalism is quite ruthless. But that's not what we're discussing - we're discussing what makes communism best. In theory, of course it's best. Everyone gets along, actually likes working, no exploitation, and everyone lives happily ever after. But how would one go about achieving this?
+I hate google so much By that logic we'd have to forget how many people have died under capitalistic systems.And we'd especially have to forget about slavery, which was a product of capitalism.
Let's forget the amount of people who've died under communistic regimes, and just tell me how you have come to that conclusion.
+I hate google so much It is tho
+Devin Pacheco No. No it's not.
Lol. Yes?
+Devin Pacheco Don't tell me you are feminist. Feminist is fan of commie
+Art of street work out lol. Well, I'm a girl.
+Devin Pacheco Commie is ideology for beta male mangina

Can you Explain Capitalism and Why it Works? Or Explain Why Capitalism Does not Work?

Beck 6/8/10 part C Disclaimer for the US Constitution. Only Way to Correct the Future is to Study the Past History.

THE STORY OF STUFF - Consumerism, Capitalism, & Environment in America [HD] [Full Video]

The Story of Stuff - Consumerism, Capitalism, & Environment in America [HD] [Full Video] - Consumerism, Capitalism, Environmental Destruction, and what you ...

User Comments

Seems like population control.
+Biggz Giebig -.-
Liberal BS
+Chase Connor yeah that suit is telling me everything i need to know about you.
+Chase Connor Ignorant BS ^
Point being...there is too many people on earth. There is wayyy to little reasources for 7 billion people on earth
+lynndx101 An hero
this video was posted 3 years ago and is viewed only by 79 000 users. just by comparison Nicki Minaj does one video with her ass and gets 79 000 000 views in a week. how can this dumb society wake up????
+Mona Al thanks girl ;)
+Jimmy Reynolds SO TURE
"PC parts change each year so you have to throw the entire thing away" What the fuck did she even try to do research? So much bullshit.
+Victor Todorov Exactly, but you dont have to convince me. We have to talk all those other people into fixing whats broken instead of just moving onto the next thing. THATS why she made this film. I had a dress with a hole in it. I could toss it or I could sew it. To me, that doesnt make it garbage, for most people it does.
+Ereka Duh a pc doesn't work that way. It's like lego's, you can change a component whenever you want if it's compatible with your system. You don't have to throw anything away. Think about the PC as if it was a house instead of a phone. Do you need to throw away your house every time you want to change the couch or the table? No, because you don't have to.
+Victor Todorov not true, how many people get a new iphone every year? even every two years? what if you could just fix the damn thing, or reprogram the original hardware so it was new coding with the old external shell. none of that happens currently. they are made to get tossed.
"It's the government's job to watch out for us, to take care of us. That's their job!" Annie, there are still a few places on this "trashed" Earth, such as North Korea, Cuba, China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Angola, Zimbabwe, ect., where all the government does is "take care" of their citizens. Please, tell us why you aren't in line applying to be one of their cared-for citizens? In the United States, we call it LIBERTY when we depend on our own ingenuity, family, friends and neighbors to take care of us. We call it TYRANNY when we rely on government to do it, as happens in all the aforementioned countries you seem to have affinity for!! 
+Matt N Ok all of you not just mat need to syop this flame war. I can as ee where you are coming from that many details are wrong but that dosnt mean that the topic is wrong. It is a huge problem that we are wasting our resorces but it is not going to help if we are just going to shout meaningless statements about the flaws in a single video when there are hundred of more videos and articles that talk about this topic. I personlly belive that this wasting os bad and we sould stop it but lets all think logicaly here before we get ur rage guns out. People this emotional stupidity is what these problems to happen in the first place.
Let's not project your own leg-less, arm-less, stuff-it-in-my-gaping mouth-as-I-lie-helpless, government-is-my-savior experience onto strong, thinking, independent, liberty-loving people, shall we?
+Matt N when we depend on our own ingenuity, family, friends and neighbors to take care of us.Delusional. You can't even feed yourself.
I'm the idiot, eh? Let me ask you genius, how many innocent people did Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, et.al, kill? Answer that, you ignorant fool!
+Matt N you are an idiot...liberty, America has launched more wars and killed more innocent people than any country in history....desperate Yank still hanging on tothe dream that never existed...pathetixc

Capitalism and Socialism Defined

Borne of my frustration with all the youtube videos attempting to describe socialism and capitalism based on misconceptions (this applies to both sides of the ...

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Are you a libertarian socialist? What is the difference between anarcho-communism and libertarian socialism? They sound similar.
Have ever heard of the anarchist collective on youtube? If not, then I highly suggest you watch libertarian socialist rants. I thought you might be interested.
Do you agree with Marx's critique of capitalism? If so, then do you also agree with state socialism and leninism?
+Darth Salsa Pants No, I am not a libertarian socialist. Libertarianism is a normative and ethical doctrine. Although I am not entirely Marxist, like Marx I tend to eschew moral theorizing and prefer to analyze the structural elements and issues with existing systems.Libertarian socialism is a more or less a modern term for anarcho-communism. In the late 19th century, "anarchism" was basically a synonym for "libertarian" and "socialism" was often used interchangeably with "communism". There are some minor differences though: anarcho-communists aimed to abolished both property and the state altogether. Contemporary libertarian socialists believe that the state can't be used to construct socialism, but don't necessarily advocate the complete abolition of anything resembling a state. Contemporary libertarian socialists also don't tend to advocate the negation of property, favoring cooperatives over the commons.

Global Capitalism: June 2015 MonthlyUpdate

Global Capitalism: Monthly Economic Update Richard D. Wolff Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 7:30pm “Capitalism's Crisis Changes Politics: Seattle to Barcelona ...

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Richard D. Wolff has never ran a business. He's like an Olympic swimmer that never got in a pool.
+Barney Gumble If its that bad, then you have made some terrible choices with you money in the past.Maybe turn off cable, disconnect your iPhone, move to a smaller apartment and sell that car that you think makes you look important at a stop light and get something within your means.Just trying to help. Everyone needs an eye opener every once in a while.
+Barney Gumble "The truth is, if you are living paycheck to paycheck then are not living within your means."Ok man, I'll stop eating. 
+Barney Gumble The truth is, if you are living paycheck to paycheck then are not living within your means.Me and my wife make good money, but we each have relatively inexpensive vehicles and a small 3 bedroom house yet my daughter goes to the best private school on the planet, we put money in savings, both contribute to separate IRAs and 401K retirement plans, go out to eat every week and still have extra money. Why? We know how to manage our money correctly. We don't drive Mercedes cars and live in a huge house because we can "afford" it.My dad always told me, you can either have money or look like you have money, but you can't have both.I wish you well sir.Sounds like you may need personal finance lessons not the government to take care of you. Just saying.
Yeah, I could probably suck dick under the bridge by my house after my kids are in bed, I guess that would qualify as "earn some wealth" eh?
Go out and earn some wealth for yourself. That's what I do everyday. You can create your own wealth.
Yeah, it's working well at redistributing the wealth to the top, if that's what you mean. 
+Barney Gumble It seems to me that Capitalism is alive and well where you are. Based on what you wrote, there is evidence of Capitalism working all around you.
When I look around my city I see people that are extremely wealthy in humongous houses that live there 2, 3 months a year as they jetset around the world. I go to Vancouver, which is nearby, and I see a city that is, by and large, not affordable to any average person due to gentrification and foreign ownership. You can't live in Vancouver proper and have a job that pays < 100,000, you just can't afford anywhere to live. I have a Masters degree and a job as does my wife and we own (well the bank owns) a townhouse, not even a proper house. We live paycheck to paycheck and let me tell you our lifestyle is not extravagant. If we miss a paycheck, we're on the street. I haven't made a contribution to my retirement fund in 10 years since I left university. My wife is still paying off her student loan, 10 years later. We have very little hope of ever even owning a house here where we live, they're 500,000$+.No, the system is not working anymore, sorry.
+Barney Gumble Look around you.
+Matthew Holland what evidence do you have that Capitalism works?
+TheImmortalCheneys Not sure what you mean. Obviously anyone running for POTUS (with the exception of the incumbent) has never done it. So, this has no relation to anything really.Also, saying an actor should not be POTUS is the same as saying a baseball player should not be a youth counselor, lawyer, doctor, etc. Obviously if the person is intelligent enough to educate himself on the issues then he is credible candidate.In summary, socialism cannot work in a nation where there are over 5 million Federal government employees and corrupt politicians.I do agree that socialism may work on a small scale, this America. We have a population over 350 million people. It would never work. In fact look at all the social programs that have already failed in the USA. Now we need more of it? That is insane. No thank you.
+Matthew Holland I don't believe you understand the difference between being able to teach about something and doing that thing.
I've been craving a new video shot for a few days now, I will admit it now, I have a problem..... :)
+Holden Me too! Found out he's changing things up a little and breaking these talks up into weekly events. Check it out here //rdwolff.com/content/economic-update-learning-economic-defeats
dear prof. Rick i just dont understand , where are that american pride for products who are made in america , if all people demand or just buy made in USA , was a very good idea even if just 30, or 40% demand , that was amazing , why people on this days dont demand like ,i want buy a product made in USA ?
We appear to have been watching the same type of video's.  :) 
+Holden human always try exploit , thats why Governs and laws are necessary , every human or living been  have a right to live with dignity , thats not a benefict , must be a right , every one chuld have a right to live with dignity , those 1%  will never acept that , so we people must forçe our governs ro be Democratic , but unhappinesly our Governs today are corrupt and anti-democratic , who chuld count more ? 99%  of poeple and all votes or 1% who have money ? look the example at Greece , people voted No , but European Comunity and banks say yes , thats the most anti-Democratic i ever see , and guess what ? they are starting demand more sacrifices from those people who voted no.. the Revolution must came , all those wo dont wish listen the people  for good will listn bad and mad , always hapened at our history , will happen again , we have just dirty corrupt  anti-democratic Govens ....
+M. Manel  The 1 % needs to start fearing the people they exploit again.
+Johnny bizaro   its understandable everything you  wrote its true , and  unhapinessly its spread for all world with this kind of  " Globalization" who just give benefits to banks , in Portugal where i live its runing at same way ,the banks where bailed out with huge amauts of money for we people pay  but we  the people always strike ,we say gigh no and  yes we have a comunist  party and a extreme left party too , but polititions can´t do everything , we the people must act and we do it , Major strikes  here were made by regular people without any political partys , because all they made agremments just for show must go on and noghting change , but if we organize  , chare information , always pacific  ways , i just but made in Portugal , the big multinational European " Asian " companies try sell  , but few peole here with infor4mation we dont buy from them , necause those workers are been forced to work without any rights very close to slavery , we the people always have the last word , we just dont buy  cheap products from those coutries i prefer pay more , but i know that workers on my coutry at least have some rights ...  Thanks  for your awser , you are right 100%  , take care ...
+M. Manel It is not enough. We have American made criminal bankster system where the banks are bailed out and we have one sided contracts. A system where debt bondage is celebrated yet mass poverty and decline of living standards is blamed on the folks who have nothing to do with it. The folks living in poverty are there so that divine rights of power can be achieved by the few.
+M. Manel The invisible hand is weak :)
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