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See Video Breaking News! Linha de gás suspeita em West Virginia explosão; múltiplos incêndios relataram Noticias de última hora! La línea de gas ...

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BREAKING: Iran "Tweets" "Plan To Eliminate Israel" Whaaaaaat?

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has tweeted a 9Step Plan tp "Eliminate" Israel //www.paulbegleyprophecy.com also ...

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Its amazing how many people who claim to be Christian hate Israel and the jews. Absolutely staggering. Read Ezekial 37 and Isaiah 66 and Zecharia 12-14 for starters. God brought Israel back as a nation as was prophesied long ago. Keep reading the Bible more and you find that God still loves Israel and the Jews. Israel is God's land and the Jews are His people. You really want to divide the land? Really? Read the book of Joel and find out how much that angers God and what He does to those people at the judgement. The Bible says all Israel will be saved at the return of Christ. You may ask why they deserve mercy and grace? Well why do you deserve it? You don't deserve it either. That's why its called mercy and grace. And the most insane thing I've heard so far from "Christians" is that Israel was responsible for the 9/11 attack. How far up your butt is your head to say something so idiotic as that?? Muslims did it. They're always doing it. Its always muslims that are killing Christians, everywhere, all the time, killing children, raping girls, tearing open pregnant women, crucifying Christians, blowing up churches...on and on the list goes. Christians in Israel are not persecuted like that. They live in safety until a muslim runs over them with a truck, and kills not only them but Jewish children as well. Oh and by the way, how would you like to have missiles fired into your neighborhoods on a daily basis? That's the crap that Israel puts up with, and when they do defend themselves they are called the aggressor when they were attacked first!! So stop all this anti-Semitic nonsense and believe the Bible at face value and love the Jews like yourself. Didn't Jesus say something along those lines? Love your neighbor as yourself? Oh and by the way Jesus is Jewish. I bet some of your jaws just dropped at that. Jesus is Jewish!! King of the Jews!! And that won't change!! So when you argue with God on judgement day about Israel, guess who will lose the debate? You will.
I'm not a Christian because I want the violence in the middle east to end, because I pray for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, because I pray for muslims to stop their violence and repent, because I pray that more Jews would turn to the messiah(more are now) because I bless Israel as God commanded in His Word, because I listen to what God says in the Bible instead of listening to what the world says.  Ok, I admit, I'm guilty as charged of all these evil things.  I guess I'm going to hell(sarcasm)
+Michael Lochmoeller Who was laughing ewating popcorn and umping up and down for joy when the pastinians were being bombed, that wouldbe the Christ hating jews, what about the lovely jew lady in the news that said she was having orgasms watching the palestinian children being killed..Israel just indiscriminately murdered 2,000 people of which 95% were innocent victims, your head is so filled with jew lies and propaganda that you can't even see the truth--It's laughable that you call yourself a Christian, because you are not!
I don't want there to be any killing.  I want the killing stopped.  I want the muslims to quit killing Christians and Jews.  But I also believe every person has the right to defend themselves, including Israel against maniacs who are hell bent on destroying them.  I hate all this violence, but if someone tried to behead my son and rape my wife in front of me, I would shoot them in the head before I let them do that.  That's my duty as a father and husband is to protect my loved ones.  The Palestinians you love so much rejoice and sing songs when innocent Jewish babies are murdered.  And they wouldn't hesitate one minute to kill you and to kill me.  If you can't see that you are blind.  As for me, I'm moving forward from here.
+Michael Lochmoeller Jesus will turn and saying ,,I never knew you, away from me you evil doers. .. Very True. And what makes you think that your the worthy one. You think Jesus would support the killings of innocent Palestinian and cheering for Israeli and saying Yaah Blast them, kill them , no mercy for them as it is the will of God. Its like - you stoned my kid , I will stone your kid. Then you never understood Jesus. Jesus is a knower of very High Spiritual knowledge and you cannot pamper him by just repeating the words of Bible again and again. Remember this - the day all you fake religious ppl confront Jesus , Jesus will not even look at you and he will walk away . After all these killings and evil doings , Jesus is not gonna show mercy on anyone of you.
Your ignorance and hatred is staggering.  Genocide??  Look at ISIS, look at Al Queda, look at Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc... they are the ones killing Christians and committing genocide.  Or are you going to make excuses for them while they butcher my true brothers and sisters in Christ?  And they not only are committing genocide against Christians, but they want to exterminate all Jews and Israel too.  Are you in favor of that?  Do you support that genocide?  You hypocrite!  How would you like if everyone told you that you don't deserve to live and tried to kill you everyday?  Jesus was right when He said many would come to Him saying "Lord, Lord," but Jesus will turn and answer saying "I never knew you, away from me you evil doers." 
Your ignorance is staggering. The world needs to rid this cancer called zionism. Enough genocide. 
Obama is writing letters while Iran is planning to Nuke Israel. The same mistake the western world made with Hitler is now being repeated. After Iran has nuked Israel we will now find a bible verse to support it. But Iran will not stop with Israel. Iranian ballistic missiles can reach most parts of Europe and I am sure they are working on something that will reach at least some parts of the US. Some people keep reading the bible to find clues but the signs are here but the Western world is busy talking about gays and lesbians.
k odu, No I don't pray for WWIII, but it is inevitable. My prayer is Maranatha, Even so, come Yeshua HaMassiach! He is the only one that can fix this mess of a world! Shalom!
+texzenbubba I am sure that it won`t take long before Israel launches a preemptive nuclear attack on some Iranian nuclear facilities with two angry jets. But it will only move the program a few years back.Iran will retaliate but Israel will be saved from it as no other nation will come to its rescue. I hope you are not praying for ww3. ww2 was scary enough. Ww3 is a war that should only be on video games. It should never occur but unfortunately it has already started. 
k odu, Yes, Israel has nukes. They also have the Mossad. Who will inform Israel of Iran's progress on their nukes. And just before completion, Israel will launch on Iran. Thus causing Russia and China to retaliate! And there you have it, the beginning of WWIII! Shalom Y'all!
+Jasara Kirrilroy The pastor says he wants our discussions to remain civil so I will not take you on. It suffices to say that atrocities were committed by every race, religion and color more than 2000 years ago. Your demonic cult called Islam that is mainly propagated by  Arabs has brought nothing to the world except bloodshed. The Jews do not kill anyone except in self defense. You cannot say the same thing of your demonic Islam and your  Arab who propagate it. Tell me any race that beheads fellow humans and hangs their heads on spikes for public display? Certainly not Jews. I am not Jewish but I love the Jews and I will keep defending them because most people don`t . The only problem I have with Jews is because they refuse to understand that you cannot peacefully coexist with moon-god worshipers especially if they happen to be Arabs unless you kill them. 
+punjabtabla Humans are generally evil but Jews are not even 1% as evil as their Arab neighbors  If Arabs had even 1% of the firepower that Jews possess not only will Jews have disappeared but most parts of the Western "Infidel" world would have disappeared. The only reason Iran is threatening  a NUCLEAR POWER with extinction is because they know the Jews would never use the bomb. The world keeps getting it wrong and we are paying for it. look at ISIS? Are they Jews? The world has generally kept quiet but each time a Jew kills one  Palestinian the UN convenes.  
+Jasara Kirrilroy Its not gonna work. Jews think they are the only God chosen people and whatever they do is the will of God. I have talked to them often. They even think , if your not Jew , you are not worthy of talking. Look up comments , some Jews are defending Israel over killing innocent ppl in Palestine. They are so evil.
blood moons are bad for israel 
You know...God "Tweeted" too. He wrote very plainly HIS 1-POINT plan to eliminate anyone who curses Israel. 
Nope Tom, God is not useless. In fact, you'll soon find out how very Non-Useless He can be.
WOW ..... God Tweeted , He is not USELESS !!!!!!!!!!
+Jude Stringfellow Israel is not the chosen land of God , its India. If you would have been in India you would know this. The people from all religions stays together . If you read their ancient Bible , it says God incarnated many times in human flesh in India. You are not gonna believe this until you read their Bible . It will blow your mind. But one thing , All the beings on earth are God chosen people and there is no doubt about that. That's why Jesus traveled the whole earth.
There is no false nation of Israel. We are not here to argue with you. If you continue I'll have you banned.
Israel the prophet or Israel the false nation?
Why do we have people who go to a Christian site and then bash the Christians? Oh, I remember, because we're still on earth. Sorry Kaybo, I wasn't talking about you. Another person attacked me and I had to block and report them. 
I know I can't. I had 3 kids and still have NO idea how the placenta is formed. It baffles me that they look like me, act like me, and even sound like me. I get that genetics does that, but WOW...it blows my mind.
lol right, we cant even begin to comprehend our own universe or solar system. 
Could be, or a typical idiot who has hippy type freestyle thoughts about who she is and what her role is within creation. God is God. We shouldn't even DREAM of being on His level.
i agree, i just get upset when ppl say stuff like that its grrrr lol i think she is a gov shrill honestly.
I blocked her and the other one. I don't have time for idiots. I don't mind witnessing and helping those who want help, but the weirdoes can just stay lost if they won't find Jesus through HIS means, not their own.
+Briggie Marie and stop calling godly ppl fools or do you not know what the word fool means?
+Briggie Marie jesus came in the flesh to die for your sins. If you do not believe that god help you, because you are saying your perfect and you dont need a savior. We ALL sin hence the reason why he who is sent his own flesh, dont you get it. 
Well the Bible also says there will be people like you in the End Times. Sorry sister, I'm going to believe the Word. Not you. 
Jesus did come as flesh according to John's gospel. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Please don't be one of THOSE idiots who tries to rewrite God's word. 
OK. Let's get this point straight. God is supreme, HE IS GOD. Israel is HIS chosen land and the Israelis HIS chosen people. They are not a state, they are a NATION and they are never again NOT going to be. Those who would divide Israel will be divided. Those who would destroy her will be destroyed. If you have anything to the contrary to say you can do so to yourself, but not to me.  God is God and He will not be mocked. If He said it, it is. 
You make no sense. I said God has His plan to eliminate those who curse Israel. 
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