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Breaking news paris Videos



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That was a famous venue that had been around since the 1850s, a beautiful theater for bands to play, these were Americans on tour that were attacked in Paris.
hey you know what then you think that's good, say hello to the nsa bitch....
+econogate Good then
You let them in They will kill you
+Mr.Pat-aus-Nds They let them in some time
+mexjmort they were already there
political correctness and trying to play nbice with terrorists aint such a good idea..time to get serious and take the fight to them..
Actually, we just need to stop allowing these "migrants" in the country!
These people talk a lot and say very little...
+C Squared wow you stupid guy did you read what you wrote?
Europe is at war with Islam and the men in the suits in power no it and are running scared, because they have let the wolves in the front door, kick out islam and alll muslims their is no such thing as a moderate muslim, nah evil is evil.
+midguardz you are exactly correct
+midguardz How many pedo's are in the catholic church? But your right about islam. It's a backward religion.
+K M Abu Hanif Seriously you guys always have to keep defending your stupid religion every fucking time now. Isnt it getting tedious? Dont you also think its stupid you make women wear black bedsheets to cover their faces so you selfish pricks dont let Caucasians see them. So many Muslims i see coming to western countries fucking alot of women on single parent pensions and getting housing commission homes. You have to admit your leader Mohammad was a pedophile who was fucking a 14 year old. I mean couldn't you have picked a better religion ie the Christian one in that it has punishment and all that bs but not pedo shit, bedsheets and terrorism for celestial virgins. Robe Lowes tweets were  honest and thats what pisses off alot of hypocrites and hero wannabees. Hopefully ISIS can come and do some western countries now so we can close our boarders too without PC idiots objecting then.
+mexjmort that's my point
+Kevin Gomez I was facticius pulling your leg Not all Muslim are terrorists But most terrorists are muslims 
+un existing I understand that they were terrorist and not muslims, vut we also have to understand that many Muslims are bad people not all there are Muslims that are good people just not all
+mexjmort thats not true
+un existing That's what ISIS is hoping for. Hatred.
+un existing No Islam is a religion of peace Those terrorists are right wing hateful homophobic Catholics 
To any Muslim reading this: know that not everyone feels this way. Some people do know Islam and IS are not the same thing. Do not react to this ignorance.
Islamic terrorist have been a threat to Europe.
+mexjmort i don't think thats correct
+Kevin Gomez NO NO NO they are Catholics right wing terrorists
+K M Abu Hanif because its obvious that Islamic terrorist did it
+Annette Mcclurg Hey why you blame Muslims without any investigation ???? I think its attack to blame only Muslim .
you are absolutely right

Breaking News: Paris Massacre (13 Nov 2015)

President Obama delivers a statement on the attacks in Paris. November 13, 2015.

User Comments

Do you know how they entered, or how the police couldn't respond on time and the things that are happening in the Balkans?1.Why doesn't Obama takes the "immigrants" from Europe and not pulling the strings of Europe to destruction?It all starts in Greece and Bulgaria.The so called "immigrants" and some of them are.terorists make their passport in Bulgaria then they move to Hungary where the social medias are showing videos and pictures with men,women and children starving.But this in Hungary isn't right.Only men from 20 TO 35 YEARS throw the food and water!!!Barak Obama is all making this with his friend Merkel.Obama is trying to conquer Russia and to desorganisare Europe!!!!!!Don't trust him!!!!!!And Merkel!!!!And Juncker!!!!!!!Don' t think that Putin is the bad guy!!!!!!!!
The American politicians made so many wars that in every country they've been they destroyed the country!!!!!
For all of you saying that Muslims are evil and that they're taking over the world, change MUSLIMS to ISIS. Because ISIS is evil. There are several thousands if Islamic fighters as young as 13 fighting against ISIS and the evil they stand for and claim to be Islam. These fighters stand to bring justice back to their religion and make sure that no other hate group like ISIS or Al Qaeda can ever disgrace the name of Islam and Allah ever again.
Wrong Marcus, very true.
+aaron dabrowski not true. All religions are responsible for massacre, even buddishm. christianity has much blood on their hands as well
+Josie Alyvia Congrats Muslims you are 100 percent responsible for all acts of terrorism for the last 20 years. Where's the love in your religion?
+Josie Alyvia The 9/11 murderers were not ISIS. Monotheism is by definition intolerant. The "mono" should be a tip-off.
+Josie Alyvia You are totaly mistaken in your ignorence.Any religion that has the "infidel" factor as a constructive element in its doctrines is potentially a fascist organization breeding monsters.Islam (and the jews) DOES!
From what i understand the French did very little to help in our wars, also didn't the French lose every war? Could explain there little contribution. Also i highly doubt that we americans will actually step in or commit to any kind of war because of this. Just speaking realistically guys so sorry to offend anyone.....but this isn't on the same scale as the 2000+ people that died on 9/11. This is like comparable to the school shootings we get here. Also it really seems like Barack is just trying to say the right thing, doesn't really seem like he gives a shit to commit us into anything.
It doesn't matter whether they've helped us out or not (which, BTW, they helped us during the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and we were Allies during WWI, and assisted them during WWII when they were taken over by Germany. America stands to defend any country that is in need of help, and it has become very clear that Paris has been invaded by terrorists who claim to act in the name of Allah. This wasn't as big as 9/11, and nothing will be for several decades, but that doesn't mean that anything smaller than that shouldn't be helped. This was just the cherry on top.
He forgot to start his statement with the words "Islam is a religion of peace" then every thirty seconds "Islam is a religion of peace" then finish his statement with "Islam is a religion of peace" as he was ordered to by his Islamic masters who will soon enslave the entire world to Islam while we sit by and do zilch.!
I hope the next time you think about how evil ISIS is, you think of the thousands if Islamics militias made by Syrian citizens to fight against ISIS and everything they stand for to bring about peace. Islam IS a religion of peace. Terrorism is not Islam.
People like the people in this comment section idiots racist and money hungry war mangers created this treat and you live by the sword you die by the sword ... its your time good luck ... I'm glad I'm black and don't have a history of destruction around the world .... smh i feel bad for the children of the imperialist cause there are going to suffer great lost for there fathers actions all through out history .... ill pray for the fallen and what God has planned for the nations of man kind
I realized by putting my comment in here I'm spreading hatred and that is one of the aims of the terrorists. I wish I could delete it but I can't do it from my phone. I put that comment when I was in very emotional state. Ironically I usually don't put comments on YouTube. Could You report my comment so they delete it, please?

OAN Follows Breaking News Out Of Paris

Watch OAN for the latest updates.

User Comments

The people of France have done this to themselves, they voted for the people who took their gun rights away from them, so now they are defenseless sheep, exactly what Obama, and Hillary want to do to Americans....... PLEASE AMERICA LEARN FROM THIS AND DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR GUN RIGHTS! DO NOT ALLOW HILLARY AND OBAMA AND HIS ILK TO TO TAKE AWAY OUR ABILITY TO DEFEND OUR SELF'S OUR FAMILY'S AND OUR CHILDREN! STAND UP FOR OUR SECOND AMENDMENT STAND UP FOR GUN RIGHTS!
lmao! Obama is such a fool. ISIS=CIA Trained, Israel Trained,USA supplied, Obama/Hillary/McCain endorsed while the American Tax payer gets fucked in the ass because OUR Congress is too Cowardly to throw Obama out of Office.
Obama what are you complaining for, 75% percent of America knows you and Hillary created Isis from the ground up in your screwed up vision of the world, just who's side are you on buddy.

RAW France Paris Terrorist attacks massacre Update Breaking News November 17 2015

RAW France Paris Terrorist attacks massacre 129 killed 352 injured Breaking News November 15 2015 ...

User Comments

bull shit show the body"s of the dead its bull shit
+GER473 You realize they got the footage from live leak? And if you're that much of a sick fuck then go find it yourself
AllahuAkbar!!! Allah is the Greatest!!!
+Lut kill yourself
unfortunately the world ain't seen nothing yet. the bible speaks of horrors ramping up like a woman in labor, with happenings coming more and more often. we are near the end of things, and God is calling to all who will turn to Him and Call upon His name. God loves us all even though we are sinful in nature. we have a free choice to turn to him or against him. each choice has its own consequential result. Read the Book of Romans.
+Saverio Marasco Sr. As you say, "We have a free choice to turn to Him or against Him." However, you miss the most important choice of all, and that is the choice not believe in any of this childish fairy tale bullshit in the first place.
yeap ...
This is what happens when the world rejects Jesus....even after things like this happens, people still won't learn. " The days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will punish all who are circumcised only in the flesh...."
+Jerico80 You keep asking the more simple questions and I will keep asking the deeper ones, because those ARE a concern to me and they should be a concern for everyone who wants to save the human race.
+Ben Theredonethat God is all...he IS bigger than everything because he created everything. As far as those other questions, dude I don't know. Would it change your mind if you had the answers? Of course not. And who is we?? Simple humans?? Inventive and imaginative minds?? Lolol...humans...always think they are so powerful and smart yet even your best scientists get stumped with the final question...you are living a pointless life...just to die. Led by other humans just as clueless as you...that's your choice. Everything you've been ever taught is from another human who thought they had all the answers. Start asking more simple questions about the source of your knowledge than deep questions that should be of no concern....and your body won't have a chance to die of natural causes because you are not in control. Your leaders are in control of that....so at the end of the day what power do you really have besides that brain of yours. WW3 is in the works.....find out why.
+Jerico80 What has been revealed to me so far is the fact that some people want to die a violent death today... for their delusional beliefs, while others want to die a violent death tomorrow... for their delusional beliefs.I am sure you will get your Armageddon if faith continues to be considered truth and is not some how relegated to the ash heap of history.I, for one, would rather LIVE today and tomorrow until my body says it can't any more and dies of natural causes. No one can justify the annihilation of the human race caused by the wars of delusional people who believe in things that can not be true.By the way, you never answered my questions. How big is your God? Is He bigger than the universe? Why did He go 4 billion years without a care for our world and then, coincidentally, decided to make His influence known to man exactly at the time when we became aware of our mortality and, more importantly, started forming our inventive and imaginative minds? 
+Ben Theredonethat it'll all be revealed to you.
+Jerico80 I am afraid you are just wrong.
+Ben Theredonethat There is only 1 God. The God in the holy bible. Muslims, Buddhists, etc..are other spin offs of the true God. So they can have an excuse to do what they do.
+Jerico80 If you have your God and Christians have their God and Muslims have their God, then how can there be a REAL God?
+In The Shadows I don't have a religion. I just believe in God and know that the holy bible is real.
+Jerico80 what religion are you
+Ben Theredonethat and how am I more dangerous than a Muslim for believing that? I mean even if it doesn't happen, it only affects me right? And if it doesn't happen then what?? Nothing!!! I continue to live.....I mean other people preached the end of days too...and then they died of old age...lol. So why are people so stressed about it if it isn't real?? I don't see people pitching a fit about aliens or mermaids. You'll just go on about your life ignoring the crazies...but when you speak of God it strikes a nerve....another question one might wanna ask himself.
+Ben Theredonethat​ my literal view is quite easy. Things wasn't adding up in life so I started asking questions. Look, you don't have to believe. But at least ask questions, like government, how is a book such as the bible so fake yet you use it? What so special about this book that you don't want anyone else to have it? I mean you will give me anything else, a loan to buy a house, guns, naked women, but this book that I watch you swear on when you get voted in, you're removing it everywhere?....Then I had to ask myself; so this is it?? Am I supposed to be subject to another human being for the rest of my life? A human being that clearly doesn't know what the hell they're doing and is only in this position because he knows people or the money he has??? All you gotta start doing is asking questions and when the people you thought would have the answers don't have the answers you're looking for, start seeking for yourself. Until then...keep on believing whatever you have been taught and have the beautiful life they sold you.
+Jerico80 What the hell is wrong with you? You speak as though your God is actually real. As if He is a being who is in control or something. Can you please tell me what your literal view of God is? Is He bigger than a billion galaxies? If so, why is our speck of dust in the infinite desert of the universe so important to Him? Unfortunately, you are delusional and are just as dangerous as a Muslim for thinking and hoping that there is a divine plan for the End of Days.
+Crazy Hai People will find all kinds of reasons not to accept Jesus...so I could care less if speaking truth stops them. Fact is, the truth automatically causes them not to accept Jesus. Let's face it...humans aren't ready to stop trying to do it themselves and acknowledge God...Fine...I get it...but there are few out there who are actively seeking and should I keep quiet for the sake of the masses? Since when have the masses ever cared about anyone? Also it has been said the coming is right around the corner with hopes that all will be saved...maybe it WAS supposed to happen back then but God seen that many was going to perish so he held off.....He is compassionate. Had he came 10 years ago I would've been a goner so I thank him for that...everything takes time....especially perfection is all I'm saying.
+Crazy Hai your predictions would be wrong. If someone disagrees, then they just disagrees. I don't see that person any different. I just try to use simple examples of who God is and why things like this happens and if one choose not to agree, fine. No worries. Just don't go around labeling him something he's not just because you haven't taken the time out to know Him.
You're right calling him a retard made it seem he had a brain.
+Miguel Hernandez You had my agreement until you used the word 'retard'. How I hate how people with learning disabilities (which they can't help) are insulted and sneered at, with their condition being used as an insult.And I think we both know that this guy's views, regardless of our disagreement, don't equate to learning disabilities anymore than your disagreement equates to Daddy issues.
+Jerico80 Predictable decision that if someone disagrees with your understanding of the world, something must be wrong psychologically. Not much evidence of trying to understand if people genuinely disagree based on their own assessment of your comments, which is not based on any childhood trauma. And yes. My Dad was around and my parents are still together.
+Jerico80 Make sure it is the will of your Father first, and not just your own misunderstanding of the Bible.
+techygrunt136 And amongst these overly zealous people giving their religion a bad name, we have an Islamophobe, who really has no reasoning skills whatsoever. I'm not even going to bother with your comments.
+Deborah Eveninglight Wake up Deborah, more like. Paris is no worse and a lot better than many cities around the world. Nothing more has occurred here except a bunch of murderous, godless psychopaths deciding to massacre innocent people. It has been going on throughout history, with people with too much religion and too little logic wrongly predicting at each turn that it was heralding Jesus' return. Here's a newsflash for all of you. Just because you believe in God doesn't mean you are always right. And you sabotage your own mission to convince non-believers that Jesus is love, when you ignore logic and insult victims. If you believe God made you, then use all if what he gave you - including the ability to reason, rather than just believing whatever some other people say.
I have no doubt you really believe that. Insurmountable flaws in your logic won't change your views, such as war and violence always occurring throughout history, in places which both accept and reject Jesus, and to individuals who both accept and reject Jesus. And Jesus never rocking up once during any of those events, and regardless of people like you declaring on and off for centuries that Jesus is just round the corner. So, you can believe in Jesus, yet still misinterpret what is occurring. But beyond all that, stop for a moment, and consider how offensive it is to blame the victims of murderous psychopaths. That if there is even a POSSIBILITY you may be misinterpreting the events (which you can do whilst still believing in Jesus), whether you should show some respect so soon afterwards, and not insult the victims and their families. It is precisely this mindset which ironically harms your desire for people to accept Jesus - you ignore reasonable logic and blame innocents, then wonder why some people get a bad idea of religious people.
+Jaidyn Reyes no religion...im a believer that Jesus Christ died for our sins and I live by the holy Bible.
+Jerico80 Just asking, what religion are you in?
For it is written****The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men and women who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse....Once again...like it or not...its his world, he shall do with it whatever he pleases. This is no religion...this is truth! Your leaders swear on this book to get in office...so they know wasup!
+Jerico80 you might want to check yourself in a ward cause hearing voices makes you sound crazy. i watched this video out of curiosity to see how psychotic religious people are. all religions are cults plain and simple.
He has told me... everyday. You don't have to believe. Take your life into your own hands... The rest of the world is doing the same and you see how that's working out for them. The fact that you're even watching this video shows some form of curiosity..... A human mind is smart... If there's these evil cults amongst us, then surely there's a flip side to it...
+Jerico80 again you sound just like an isis member. i don't care about what leader do. i take care of my own safety and life. how do you know god has your side did he personally told you so?
+Miguel Hernandez You know whats sad about all of this...If there isn't a God, who do you think is big enough to stop whats going on in the world right now? Whos gonna stop ISIS?? Your leaders? lolol.....and so what if he is egotistical?? Its his world, he can do as he pleases...all of your leaders?? You guessed it...EGOTISTICAL.... And they're human just like you are and don't give 2 shits about your safety. Or you as a human period...I'd rather be on Gods side any day...at least I know he got my back if anything was to go down.
+Amaterasu7 Aint no time like the present. 
+Jerico80 yea there are consequences to bad decisions. but it's still a very idiotic analogy that just cause france isn't a religious nation that people deserve to die. again that makes god an egotistical maniac. I've lived long enough to know that idiotic thinking like yours is the same as those of the attackers
War has been ongoing through ancient history. People also been saying Jesus is coming for a long while now. Truth is, you're not certain he will come and the end times can't be on certainty. Like said, war has been ingoing throughout history and no end times then.
+Miguel Hernandez what I'm saying is things happened to me because I failed to listen. I can't expect my child to know right from wrong if when he does something bad I coddle him and tell him its okay because that's not the reality. The reality is there are consequences in life. You've lived long enough in life to understand that I'm sure....or would you be that parent where if your child was going around killing, you'd just never let him get taken in. Just tell him to come on home son...be real about the situation...a loving father teaches his child right from wrong. Cause if my dad or God himself didn't, well, many wouldn't be alive right now.
So your what your saying is that if you disobey your dad than he will let bad things happen to you because of it yea that sounds like a very loving dad. My dad is alive and well and i don't have kids
+Miguel Hernandez lol nope...He just loves us and wants the best for us...you prolly never met anyone like that in your life so you wouldn't understand....where's your dad now? Are you a dad?
so gods a egotistical maniac that likes his ego to be stroked. ya'll some retarded ass mofos
+techygrunt136 "if at anytime I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.".....that's why this is happening...killing them won't help because evil will just spring up elsewhere.
+Jerico80 we should eradicate Muslims from the face of this earth before it is to late
+techygrunt136 Everybody who goes against Jesus and our heavenly father won't escape the sword....Everybody.
+Deborah Eveninglight wake up from what. only Muslims deserve to be killed this way
+Deborah Eveninglight you're not lying. But humans don't want to hear you talking about their world. (Satan's kingdom)...we are just passing through. We know what time it is.
+jerico80 And we all know France is one of the most sinful and Godless places on earth.Wake up people while there is still time
yes amen
+Jesus Christ Amen big bro!! #waitpatiently
You are right jerico!!they rejected jesus christ and they give satan more advantage on them!Jesus is coming soon!

Breaking! Multiple Attacks In Paris! Shooting Explosions & Hostage Situation!

RIP Paris reports of 60 killed in multiple attacks in paris! //globalnews.ca/news/2337998/paris-shooting-fatalities-reported-after-shootout-in-french-restaurant/ ...

User Comments

Revelation 6:7-10: "And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale [i.e. Greek chloros, meaning 'green'] horse [i.e. symbolic of 'a spiritual force']: and HIS NAME THAT SAT ON HIM WAS DEATH, AND HELL FOLLOWED WITH HIM. And power was given UNTO THEM over the fourth part of the earth, TO KILL WITH SWORD, and with HUNGER, and with DEATH [Greek thanatos] and with THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH. And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar THE SOULS OF THEM THAT WERE SLAIN FOR THE WORD OF GOD, AND FOR THE TESTIMONY WHICH THEY HELD: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, HOW LONG, O LORD, holy and true, dost thou not JUDGE AND AVENGE OUR BLOOD ON THEM THAT DWELL ON THE EARTH?" Amidst indicating the "white horse" represents Romanism's continuum through Roman Catholicism, etc, Biblical eschatologist Irvin Baxter Jr quite convincingly indicates that not only is the best translation of chloros "green" rather than "pale," by Islam's own testimony, Islam's symbolic color is green! While I can say that no true Christian is authorized by Jesus or His Holy Bible to physically rise up & wage physical war to establish His kingdom & all who have waged such wars were & are diabolical counterfeits intended to sully & discredit genuine Christianity & the genuine Church, which sabotaging evil is exactly what Roman Catholicism has been with its inquisitions & blood-letting crusades which were conducted even against genuine ideological & practical descendants of Jesus' 1st Century Church, while I can say all of this in defense of the Lord Jesus Christ, of His Holy Bible, & of His Church, there is no proponent of Islam that can argue that Mohammed did not get to the point of ordering physical war against the "infidels" & him having the same documented in the Quran/Koran. I do empathize with Muslims who really do not want to be identified with & who do not espouse the homicidal & sexually violent activities of those of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra Front, ISIS/ISIL, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, et al, who all declare they do the horror & terror they do in the name of Islam, but the Islamic source book, namely the Quran/Koran is found to unequivocally espouse attacks against non-Muslims. These homicidal criminals, who are in essence Satanists, also claim that they have the blessing of Mohammed & the Quran/Koran to murder & rape other Muslims in the furtherance of Islam! Essentially they manifest the exact same mentality & mayhem & catastrophe John the apostle prophesied by the Spirit of the Lord in Revelation 6 would be the case in their time -- causing physical death (the means elaborated in verse 8) & spiritual death (denoted by "Hell"), being so deceived by Satan as to achieve the exact same for themselves! Whether by only homicide or by employing suicide as well, this is true. These perpetrators enter not "paradise," but rather "the fiery belly of the Earth," commonly simply called "Hell." Make no mistake about it, jihadists/terrorists, would-be jihadists, opponents of jihadists, everybody -- when these crimes against the Almighty & against humankind such as was just perpetrated in the Paris, France attacks are perpetrated, the killed who were not in Christ Jesus by being Biblically "born again" & the killers of them all descend to the same dark, burning place that hot-water geyers & volcanoes pouring forth molten rock of thousands of degrees Fahrenheit testify about, that is, HELL! Jesus the Almighty said to His disciples & all, "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to My Father [i.e. Jesus' own Spirit which had created Creation -- let he that hath an ear hear what is the truth], and He shall presently give Me more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matthew 26:52-53). Basically, what this tells us is that Jesus' Christianity did not & does not call for His followers to fight physical wars to establish His kingdom. This is not to say that Christian individuals are prohibited from participating in warfare directed against the evil of wars began by the evil. I don't see John the Baptist telling the soldiers who came to him for advice on how to live acceptably telling the soldiers to stop soldiering but to rather follow certain moral principles related to their job (Luke 3:14) nor do I see that Cornelius the Italian soldier cease from performing soldiering duties after his conversion in Acts 10. In general, the genuine Christian Church is not physically warlike but rather engaged in spiritual warfare, fighting against all the antics & devices & influences of Satan & fellow devils who are actually the invisible forces behind ISIS/ISIL, et al. (See Ephesians 6:11-20; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.) So when these Islamic murders are killing people who profess to be Christian (whether or not the ones professing to be Christian are genuinely Christian) because supposedly Christians were the ones killing Muslims in the crusades, their target is incorrect because it was Romanists & not real Christianity who was responsible for the attacks of the Crusades as well as of the Inquisitions. This is not to say that these unholy murderers are to be targeting anyone, except to target themselves for repentance! And there have been some who have defected from ISIS/ISIL, seeing the organization for what it is & telling stories of babies being raped & beheaded & of all other kinds of atrocities against humankind. Make no mistake, terrorists, when you die, it is a decent into Hell you should expect, for that's exactly what will ensue! Do you wish your conscious soul to vacate your mortally injured body & spend an incarceration in darkness & unending screams (including your own) & futilely voiced regrets (including your own) & unbelievable heat until the Lord Almighty shall bring up Hell with you in it to sentence you to the Lake of Fire? (Revelation 20.) Oh, & to those of Islam who are dark-skinned, the Oneness Apostolic preacher Johnny James brings up a sura from the Quran/Koran which tells you essentially that "dark-skinned" will be damned at the time of supposed Islamic redemption. (I think the title of the message is "The Chemistry of the Gospel.") Think of the implications of futile allegiance. Jesus the Almighty, the Righteous Judge, is coming back not too long from now! One & all -- REPENT & OBEY THE GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST!
+8chariotrider A-fucking-men!
Jihadi John was killed today by the US. Were these attacks a reprisal for IS figurehead being killed?
+Angela Mitchell or they claimed the fake Jihadi John was killed. But he is actor and those fake executions were made in front of GREEN SCREENS. And USA created the ISIS and trained them in Jordania and Syria and Iraq. FAKE News to stupid ones. NWO new world order out of chaos , here they come ! World Government and RFID micro chip implant the mark of beast. Revelation 13.
+Angela Mitchell I have a video of that on my channel. You should check it out.
A "bloodbath" with NO BLOOD! Wow, yet ANOTHER fake staged event. This is getting ridiculous!
+JP3 4TRUTH Shut up you fucking retarded tin foil wearing cunt bag. This is not the time for you're bullshit conspiracy theories.
how is your friendly refugees doing????????
+Leonard Gedeon the only problem is that terrorists use the influx of people to infiltratePoor refugees can't even escape straight without having fundamentalists meddle with them
To be honest yesterday I Talked to one for about 1 Hour And IT was VERY Clearstream that terrorists are The cause of WHY they come to Europe.
+biofallout getting ready to whip their host countries...
More fake terror. Woohoo!
+I hugheser I and isis has connections with cia and white house , they created it as they they created al-qaeda.
I would hope this was fake it would still wake people up how Islam isn't a peaceful religion and all these Syrian immigrants coming in with connections to Isis
+Ghenghy With real deaths? 152 Death is not fake... You mean fake ISIS attack... Our leaders are terrorists too, you know.... Look what they are doing in the middle east, suporting terror! Its Crazy. Far right will win the next election in the Netherlands.

Breaking News: Terror Attack in Paris

Vidéo exclusive de la fusillade au Bataclan autre angle : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pD49Z8PluA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdkWqDaCdss ...

User Comments

"What difference at this point does it make" H. Clinton 11/13/2015
"We shall stand by France's side, France is our oldest ally, and we will do whatever it takes to help them"B. Obama
It's funny..how many hostages would there be if 20 of the hostages had there own guns?... Can we buy guns now to protect ourselves... Or should we wait for the government to act after the event.. Or the next event... Or the next event ... Maybe the one after the next event... Ok, maybe then one after the next one before the previous one... Then we can buy our own guns.... And protect our selfs ... Because the government is not doing a good job.?.fuck you France ... God bless America lol...l.
+bear0134 so what you say is, more guns for everyone is the solution or what? saddest most ridiculous idiot post ever
Drama queen....
Is there still a hostage ?
+KrisMushTree was wondering the same thing
The stupid liberals keep allowing Muslims to enter Europe. Islam has been infected with crazy Wahhabi Islam. Wahhabism must be considered an illegal religion.
+Man on the street not all Muslims are terrorist but all terrorist are Muslims
+Man on the street Stone age? wake up my friend Middle east is the richest place on earth.. :) U only see what the media shows u
Nothing. Wahabi, Takfiri, Salafi Islam has everything to do with this. These sects of Islam are violent, and like to live in the Stone Age.
+Man on the street What have Islam to do with this?!
+Man on the street ye this is what happens.

Breaking news: False Alarm Causes Panic in Paris

It was not lcear what caused the panic or whether it was a false alarm. (Nov. 15) Video ...

User Comments

this is what modern world has come to
+livivalter bush Only because good people are to worried to stand for something. They worry that the will be ridiculed for having a unpopular stance.

BBC Breaking News - 13/11/15 Paris Terror Attacks part 2 (9:15pm to 1am)

Part 2 of the BBC News coverage from 13th November 2015 covering the Paris Terror Attacks. On the evening of 13 November 2015, a series of coordinated ...

breaking news paris under attack

via YouTube Capture Paris attacks: Bataclan and other assaults leave many dead Hollande vows to 'strike back' after ISIS 'barbarians' kill 127 in Paris: Fans flee ...

User Comments

Islamic scum
lol thats what they want you to believe
Nobody dies. Its all an act.
+Nelly Nel sérieusement ?
+Kama M Muhammad I only heard about this yesterday,today i am looking thru youtube searching videos & i only see lots of police,people walking around,i have yet to find any terrorist or people actually being shot...sooo where is this state of emergency attack?
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