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User Comments

Study Europe´s political history and the ideology difference between Socialism/Social Democracy and Communism. Communists and Social Democrats (majority of workers etc) have been historical enemies, partly because both have fought for the souls of same people masses. After the 1917 revolution in Russia Social Democrats won the elections, but Communists did a coup and started the Red terrror. NSDAP = Die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, The National Socialist German Workers´ Party.
This is what happens when the tribes are too heavily populated. The resources are put under stress and everybody gets to live on rations or they go to war. I doubt that keeping prisoners filled up with the daily hunt was a priority and neither was funneling resources to people gambling on who got the most cattle. I serious change needs to happen. Ever see that show Lost when they have about 40 survivors and about 10 people doing everything while the rest just complain that there isn't any food
For many decades bankers knew they needed to ensure the borrower had reasonable levels of income to repay the loan over time, that is until the late 1990s when banks started saying the fuck with that practice. The bankers are the greedy ones, and they should all be hung for the treason they've committed against everyone. They've also bought the governments by paying off most politicians with substantial campaign contributions. They have built an elaborate ring of protection around themselves.
I think everyones figured out RT is a propaganda only organization... is there even a media outlet in russia that's allowed to do news on Russia... I hear more about Russia on Al Jazeera, I think the only news about Russia on RT was when Putin flew an ultralight with the snow geese.... It seems like RT never has anything good to say about anyone... doesn't anyone ever have anything positive or nice to say... no wonder the worlds going crazy, all people do is talk about negative sh*t now..
A. I am ignorant and cant understand If you give money to the banks then they use it to pay for stuff and the money gets cycled back into the system no? Certainly they arent allowed to send it out of the country. and B. Its off topic and I have tried to keep my mouth shut because the articles are always serious but Sarah Firth is a stone cold fox. That's right I know it makes me unprofessional but she is the absolute bomb. her eyes, her voice, her cheeks, her hair, her for head.. The Bomb
Hanging or death would be too kind and the easy way out. They should sentenced to reap what they have sown, to borrow some biblical terms. They should be stripped of all wealth, possessions, means to provide for themselves, and all the things they have forced millions to suffer through for their childish greed, gluttony, inhumanity. They should forced to live the poorest area where the wealth and resources were sucked out and made to help all the people lives they intentionally destroyed.
Bullshit! National Socialism is a mix of Social Democracy and Nationalism seasoned with Green values, sporty life style ideal and militarism. Hitler was a Nationalistic Social Democrat dictator. Social Democrats, supported by workers majority in Europe, and Communists have traditionally hated each others. Mussolini was a Social Democrat leader before he founded his Fascist Party. Hitler and Mussolini were Nationalistic Social Democrat dictators just like Juan and Evita Peron in Argentina.
You wrote, "...but people knowing nothing about anything..." when this obviously applies to yourself. So, I will explain so maybe you won't make the same mistake. I ask you, why did banks give loans to people who they knew could not repay. Because of the demand for mortgage backed securities which they sold to each other(take one 4 the team) and to investors. They invested in credit default swaps knowing that when the bad mortgages blew up, according to design, they would be payed again.
Zionist Winston Churchill who is quoted saying "We will bring about this war with Germany, whether he (Adolf Hitler) wants it or not". He had numerous peace requests from Germany & tore them up. After WW1 he is quoted saying "Next time we should target civillians, women & children" Which he acheived by bombing Dresden & Berlin to name a few. On 31st March 1940 the British carried out the first bombing raid on Emden. Several months and British bombings later did the Germans retaliate.
This fuckwit from the Taxpayers's Alliance deserves a swift slap in the face. The reality is that the government was threatened by the financial sector: it effectively stated that the country would be impoverished unless it was handed billions of taxpayer money. The government, already captured by the financial sector and its corporate henchmen, were happy to consent to this abhorrent crime. BOTH the government and the financial lobbies at Westminster plotted against the people!!!!!
It's amazing how that catastrophe propaganda was ridiculously spun in order for it to appear as if the banks were just a bunch of poor innocent bystanders taken advantage of by the evil and greedy "people". Mean while, Iceland is now in full economic recovery, after they voted out the corrupt politicians who were in bed with he bankers that were brought up on charges, but then escaped to Britain. Strange how that's not the focus of media in Europe and N. America, hhmm.
Actually if you watch the Kieser report there are some policies in Iceland that is screwing up their recovery. Iceland did all the right things except they have kept Icelandic money locked inside Iceland. All the foreign interests in Iceland invested in housing and now housing prices skyrocketed to unaffordable levels because Iceland won't allow people to take money out of Iceland. They have to change policy now in light of this but the question is will they do it?
I hope really that these warmongering countries and copartions collapse as soon as possible and their people starve to death so they can learn a lesson DON*T fucking invade poor countries in Africa, Asia, South America and steal their resources etc. USA, UK, communist Israel who lives by others tax money, France, Spain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and some few parasites. Collapse now you filthy disgusting parasites.
"the fascist bankers will never give up until they rule the world and socialism is wiped out everywhere" Correct, just look at Spain in the 1930's, the Church conducted an inquisition when the civil war was over. The Jesuit's made sure Fascist W. Europe stayed in tact and even called for a crusade against godless Mother Russia. Operation Barbarossa{a unholly papal crudser}, I rest my case!
lol cry its called imperalism you dont like it grow a pair and rise up and wtf communist israel?? their has never been a true communist country ever but obviously you would not know that because you are clearly extremley ignorant. and the defnition of communism is no nations,laws,goverment,religion,and everyone is a big community learn a thing or two before you go trolling away on youtube.
Yeh, and eventually the raw numbers do prevail, but the build up to revolt is strewn with manipulation and cohersion. What is extreme wealth for, if it is not to remove real competition. The Libretarian rangle about free markets is just so much tripe when you realize that to "free" a market means to open it to all manner of theivery and deciet. We've seen it over and over.
A true socialist would go right NOW on TV and say: "On behalf of all the countries with this so-called 'debt' - we aren't going to pay anyone a dime...have a nice day!" And problem solved. Instead we have these little bastards trying to squeeze the population for every coin they got to pay the assholes who started this - they gotta have their PROFITS, right?
It wasn't a loan. It was a grant so the financial elite could sustain their income in a failed system. "What do you mean I have to take a pay cut, I have a knighthood, this is propsterous". Stick them in a tough prison.. 50 yrs to life. Brand them with the words SCUM all over their bodies and watch them cry while the big bad prisoners taunt their souls.
I agree that the corporations should collapse and we should starve over in a nation FOR the people not against them, but why do you wish that the people in those nations starve? They weren't the ones that ordered troops to invade places like Afghanistan, and they didn't drop bombs on Yemen. But I agree that there has to be some major changes very soon
guys the goverment doesnt care about you but for the banksters and the wealthy globalists! example is that england promised 2 factories that build car parts to turkey in exchange for them to put in their eastern borders a nato misile system that targets iran and russia! these to factories had 20000 english employers that will be now jobless!!!
The bankers "Own" the politicians.... Why do you think the bankers got the bailouts instead of the taxpayers???? The government could have had the bankers write off the bad debt, instead of handing them the funds.... Look at how the Icelandic Recovery took control of the banks, and kicked the bankers out of the country....
No it's not. Socialism would be to fuck the creditors right NOW and do not implement ANY austerity - since it affects "society" ( the thing SOCIALists care about ). Capitalism is about "profit > society", that's why US and EU jobs go to China - it is cheaper and they can pollute. Fuck the people, we care about PROFITS.
" think socialists do not really care about society." - then they are not really socialists by definition. " The Nazi party is a socialist party that evolved into it's true form." - Godwin's law's aside, the Nazi party was a NATIONAL socialist party. And had some really wacky view of the human race.
I think socialists do not really care about society.. That's just the way it is marketed. The lackeys on the lower rungs will fully buy that and say it is this way.. But it's really just a stepping-stone to tyrrany. Example: The Nazi party is a socialist party that evolved into it's true form.
You are so right!! I firmly believed that all of the countries in deep debts should bankrupt, evicting the bad politicians and start over!!! At least these countries will now what they have and implementing at last alternatives solutions instead of supporting dead dinosaurs.

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