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LDS Breaking News General Conference Prophecy!

Play this video the day after each LDS General Conference concludes, for the latest breaking LDS prophecies and revelations.

User Comments

@tlpjohn40 To US, he is our God. That is where you miss the point. John 10:35 clearly says "“Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said ye are gods’?" We hear of our "Eternal Inheritance" from God. What is an "Inheritance"? When I leave my children their Inheritance, I give them all that I have. God's Inheritance for us is for us "..to have all that He hath, even Eternal Life". Therefore, If we are to obtain all that God the Father has, then that includes HIS power for our future creations.
The Book of Mormon is a Satanic Trap, that appears Biblical, because 25 chapters, many stories, and many other verses have been plagiarized from the Bible into the Book of Mormon, with some tweaking, to make them say what Joseph Smith wanted them to say. It presents a foreign gospel based on works, not grace. Romans 11:6 Ephesians 2:8,9 John 3:18,36 etc. If U believe it 2 be the word of God, it tells you that you R a servant of the devil, if you start to find problems with the lies that R in it.
Uhmmm... the whole "one true church" doctrine isn't bashing other churches? The "baptism must be done our way or the highway"? The many restrictions on women? The endowment being required in addiiton to everything else, and not too long ago containing some pretty graphic slashing and hacking motions? What if you tried doing everything the Mormon way but were never satisfied by it, and find joy elsewhere? Or do you think that can't possibly happen? Just curious. Not trying to be hateful or angry.
Uhmmm... the whole "one true church" doctrine isn't bashing other churches? The "baptism must be done our way or the highway"? The many restrictions on women? The endowment being required in addiiton to everything else, and not too long ago containing some pretty graphic slashing and hacking motions? What if you tried doing everything the Mormon way but were never satisfied by it, and find joy elsewhere? Or do you think that can't possibly happen? Just curious. Not trying to be hateful or angry
@moparmonster1965 I didn't previously comment on the part about a "Second Manifesto", but that is certainly a good point. I would dare say that most mormns are just not aware of all the behind-the-scenes manuevering (sic) that the leader-dogs were doing: even their own people were given sanitized versions of what was being done. If the people want to hear a "modern" story of lies, deception, (and cover-up, in the style of Boyd K. Packer), they would do well to read about Elder Paul H. Dunn..
@dclong60 Satan sure does!!! he acts as an angel of light and deceives many! in thinking he is good. He trys his hardest to have a clean image. But if you are telling the truth, then why did Joseph Smith have many wives when clearly the bible had already condemned it. Why were blacks not allowed into the church until 1978. So joseph smith and the following prophets were racist, especially brigham young. IS that good fruit? The blacks are black cause of a curse is what your doctrine teaches!!
That was a prophecy?!, thats the stuff they have been teaching since i was little, i have heard and read a whole lot more prophecy from way back, that has relevence today, but...what was just showed is NOTHING!, get your hand's on some of the older prophets book's, I can't remember the name but, one of them predicted that all trains and auto's, were dead on the road, railroad track rusted from non use, multitudes of people walking west across desolated land and road's, now, thats a prophecy!
@lifeis4letters A normal person wouldn't think that someone had the "gift of healing", unless he actually had that gift and used it, to heal people. A "wannabe healer" is really no healer. A man in a business suit who comes to your door, asking you to "sustain him" as "your carpenter" would normally be received with great caution: after all, he has manicured & smooth hands that never lifted a hammer, and otherwise has done no carpentry work. Would you ask him for work references? Or, not?
@moparmonster1965 Good question and observation. I actually wonder how those 19th-century General Authorities could be sealed to the same women who were sealed to Smith, Jr. In cases like that, it would seem that "polyandry" (woman with two husbands) governed: until they "duked it out", in Heaven, to see who finally "got the gal". Yes, I think it was Brigham's 19th "Wife" who sued for alimony and lost the case: because Brig's lawyers proved that she never had a civil-law marriage, to him.
@orlovna2 And that's the great thing about our church! If you ever researched the life of our Apostles, Prophets, and even a lot of the Seventy, you'll learn that life wasn't always the kindest to them. They all grew up doing hardwork and learning trades. Plus, there hands would get dirty from helping others, which is what we believe in. Work references? Of course I would. They're all respected men in their communities. And it wouldn't be a business suit, it'd be overalls. We are sensible.
@billymeier182 This is really a bit of "astute observation", on your part! I will tell you something: I bought a complete 7-volume set of the HISTORY OF THE CHURCH, when it was offered, for the first time, in 1978. I still have it, and--oddly--the "subtitle" of this set is HISTORY of JOSEPH SMITH. You get a "really good glimpse into" the life of this man! The next time, I will post the volume & page number of where Smith propositioned first the wife and then the daughter of another Mormon.
Iv been in the church 30 years and never heard anybody ever speak an unkind word against any other church. shwankey, we offer the church, its all about what you want, and we teach you, I was a convert, all kinds of people join the church with all kinds of personality's, But yes the church is true and has been restored. Never seen a Temple ceremony like what your saying, but never the less Joseph Smith restored the church and we can take it or leave it, that simple, why argue over it. peace
@hfkwoolf The church now might not bash on any other church now, but Joseph Smith bashed on every other church out there. He said that every other church was corrupt and an abomination. He said you can only enter into the kingdom of God in if your a member of the Mormon church. Not only that, but Brigham Young taught that to enter into the kingdom, you must have consent from Joseph Smith. So he did bash on other churches and claims he will judge you. He wont judge me, but he'll judge you?
@rbvmtr Your precious mormon heroes (the ones you have on their pedestals) have to be "called" to be prophets: anointed and set apart. That is just mor(m)on stupidity!! The Apostle Paul told the people to seek the gift of prophecy. (I will quote the chapter and verse, if you are too lazy to do a topic search). ALL ANCIENT PROPHETS had the "gift of prophecy". They were never "anointed to become such": as it is with Monson. A carpenter who has never built anything isn't a carpenter, either.
I agree. I don't like the idea of "One True Religion" because all religions hold truth. I do believe that Christ's church contained all truth including the knowledge and ordinances required to "receive all that God hath" for his children. But Christ taught, as did all ancient prophets that "merit" is required when it comes to God's ability to give us all that he has. This is where I believe there must be one standard and one repository of all of His truths. I think LDS has that right now.
D&C Section 84: “verses 33-39”; Above mentioned soon, within 50 years, or rather within only few days since 19th of September 2012 to be Translated into the Heavenly Glory and to Ascend into the Heavens to the presence of God, in the manner of the Celestial Wedding! This Glorious Christ Centered petition is also for to this matter related changes in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to be made* Name,Address in capitals: Membership, or e-mail:Phone #,or citizenship:Sign:
@rbvmtr Your cult even has Hinckley telling Mike Wallace (or Larry King) that "the people sustain me as such", when asked if he was a prophet. Charles Dickens had his "Artful Dodger" The LDS Church has many artful dodgers, too! Hinckley was one of them. IF a man claimed to be a carpenter, but had never built anything, he would have nothing to show for it: a carpenter is one in "deed", only. A "novelist" who has never written a novel is merely a wannabe: Wannabe S. Monson Wannabe Oaks etc
@moparmonster1965 Actually, this brings up another question, for people to consider, here: In being "sealed to" a multiple wife, did a mormon man take out a [civil] marriage license, from the state, as well? Or, did these "sister wives" just become the man's "God-approved whores"? NOTE: Brigham Young, in an alimony suit against him, by a so-called "multiple wife" who "wanted out", somehow "proved" that he only really had one wife, in accordance with the civil laws of the state of Utah...


This is a video on how to get tithing money back from the mormon church if you let them advertise on you you tube videos. Fantastic news, you and your friends ...

User Comments

@newcarabu What are your thoughts about the Tijuana temple? Will it have a 15 ft. border fence with razor wire to protect the members from Gadianton street thieves? Will Lamanite Mexicans strip it down for parts?
You caught me with my panties (* garments ") down. Idid not even know they are building one there. I think the crime will do to it what is has done to one or two others. Tithing at any cost.
Maybe the Danites are the ones watching your videos trying to figure out where you live and how to slit your throat for telling their secrets.
What's with this old fart and his fascination of making uploads bashing mormons?
I make it when iut appears and extra money if anyone clicks on the ad.
Do you lose tithing money if the ad window is closed?
your dumb !!!
Could be.

BREAKING NEWS: Prop 8 Protests in Front of Mormon Church

Original air date: 11/7/08 In response to the recent passage of Prop 8, protesters gathered in front of the Mormon Church in Los Angeles. They claimed that ...

User Comments

Hey, I'm not saying we should be violent towards them{the people}, nor that we should oppress them. I;'m merely asking them to kill themselves, and saying that I'd have liked to see their empty temple set ablaze in protest against their tyranny, so long as no people were in it. I mean, christ, those buildings they call charges are useless land occupiers anyhow, they are filled maybe once or twice a weel for a few hours and then just sit there mostly empty taking up space that could be CONT...
Spoiled brat children? You mean like christians are, whom have fought to oppress people they disagree with for thousands of years. Maybe you disagree with homosexuality, so what. I disagree with rap and pop music{most, not all}- I'm not gonna say that someone should be put to death for liking it, whatever it's relatively harmless- SO IS HOMOSEXUALITY{whether you like homosexuality or not}. Christians have shed blood and oppressed billions for 17 centuries and whined whenever they've CONT...
...CONT; ...I noticed on your profile page that you are a rap fan and a fan of "Eminem". Do you rreally think your god and your christ if they exist are ok with that stuff and with you enjoying listening to it? The stuff they sing about is condemned over and over in the bible, yet homosexuality is mentioned but once or twice. Jesus said ther'ed be harsher damnation for those whom call him "lord,lord" in lipservice yet as he alledegdly said "begone from me evildooer, I nevef knew ye" CONT
...CONT; ....whined whever they've lost special privelages and claimed the loss of of their unearned,excessive, special privleageds is some kind of severe persecution. Who are the spoiled brat children? I'll hand this to you though, at least your consistent with the biblegods alledged commands in leviticus to kill the abominators we call homosexuals. But then it also says eating shrimp is an abomination, are you going to say shrimp eaters should be killed/oppressed? I noticed CONT..
....CONT; ...taking up space/land and natural resources that could be used for other people and things, you know- maybe to build homes for the homeless or to cultivate food to feed the starving. Yet these usually empty buildings, these cages for God occupy SOOOO much land and resources that it's sickening. So what is the harm in one or two beeing burned down in protest when the people whose idiocy these land occupiers represent subvert secular equal law and oppress others?
If I were a gay american, or hell an american at all, and could get others to join me in it, I'd have set that temple of idiocy and oppression ablaze. Fuck you you abarahamic death cult oppressive christian bigots! Do the world a favor and fucking kill yourselves you worthelss faith filled revealed religionistic theist scum!
...CONT; ...To such hypocrites. You Jesussaveslacy are just a bigot hypocrite whom barely even knows or understands your own religion or holy book and has not valid reason to say the shit you say about gays. Fuck your imaginary sky-tyrant, fuck your bigoted hypocrisy. Pull your head out of your butt!
Morons - you think the mormons are the only ones who oppose mock FAGGOT and DYKE marriage? Just about every religion and race and social class in our country opposes this Sour grapes for the HOMOS who like spoiled brat children have never heard the word NO
That's why Pagans rule. We accpet evereybody. Sorry but I just wanted to rub that in a bit. But on the last part I agree somewhat. They need to respect the voice of the people.
It looks like nobody cares about your video. 18 views in over a month? Your politically incorrect campaign is falling on Deaf ears.
Keep talking.. do please tell me more who is more not worth to breath the air? Please tell us!
Actually atheist rule. Because we don't need fairy tales to make us act like good people.
Why are you responding to comments that are 4 years old?
Now now, let's not bring ourselves to their level.
I didn't actually realize it was 4 years old.
What the fuck are you even saying
I hope Jesus reads your comment/
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