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Mastercard super bowl xl commercial Videos

Super Bowl XL Commercial Degree: Stunt City - extended ve

A man applies his Degree Deodorant before leaving his apartment to go to work. To get to work, he performs stunts such as jumping out of a window, and sitting ...

User Comments

"GTA servers when they're full." Thanks, Reddit.
+Sam people haven't commented in years, obviously only those from reddit will see it.
+TheGrimPickle I, too, came from reddit.
+TheGrimPickle Sup, /r/pcmasterrace

Full Throttle 2006 Super Bowl XL Commercial

Probally the greatest commercial you will ever see for an energy drink. The high octaine energy drink Full Throttle's Super Bowl Commercial from 2006.

User Comments

I'm sorry Monster trucks, Muscle cars, Destruction, Burn-outs, Explosions, Awesome motorcycles, and everything else in this commercial isn't your cup' tea. I guess cats, tea and your underpowered mini is what gets you fired up!
I saw this commercial in the theater a few years ago in full surround sound, and on the big screen. It was so intense that I immediately proceeded to the lobby and bought a Full Throttle from the vending machine.
Anyone kow where I can find the words to the old "do not throw full throttle at anyone you concider to be a friend" "Do not talk about full throttle behind its back" Commercial that used to be on the radio?
No no, dont get me wrong....those are all AWESOME things....if you're a 10yr old. Come over to continental europe, where our adverts are witty, intelligent and funny. Each to their own I guess.
ive never even seen blue demon, ive seen and had blue agave but idk anyway i dont see why everyone thinks its the best, i think its just okay but the original in my opinion rocks
my friend had three of these and he didnt go to bed it was scary because he was like attacking me and i was like shit help me. but it was funny.
Now the Full Throttle can is the World's Largest Beer can! It's wrapped with the Old Style logo and lives in Crystal Lake, Illinois.
Full Throttle. Is The Greatest thing ever created. It is the drink of the gods. And is 1000 times better than Red Bull.
i like the flavour, but tbh i didnt feel any wings growing, nor did i have much more energy than i already have...
Everytime I see this commercial it makes me want to take my 4x4 truck and go with them :P ha ha ha, Awesome
i still have to giggle every time i hear myself say, "let your man out." at least the paycheck cleared...

mastercard 2006 Super Bowl commercial

mastercard 2006 Super Bowl commercial.

User Comments

I love RDA. I bet they had to pay him a lot to go back to the good old MacGuyver days. at least they didn't make him grow out a mullet.
IT'S MACGYVER/JACK O'NEILL. haha. i've seen this fifty bazillion times and never noticed that until now.
on atv 2006 and on wqed now cn xd 2007.
wow! i Love it !Rick rules! XD
old Mac's leather jacket !!!!

Budweiser Clydesdale commercial 2006 Super Bowl

Budweiser Clydesdale commercial 2006 Super Bowl.

User Comments

I can appreciate this from personal experience. Many years ago, while strapped into a Cessna 150 with my flight instructor, Rich Kossman, I made my first approaches and landings. It went very well. Not hard at all! I have this thing down ... or so I thought. The next weekend, we did it again ... only this time, I could not line the aircraft up with the runway, I could not put it on the ground just past the numbers, and I basically was horrible. HORRIBLE. I said to him after our last approach that morning ... "I don't get this ... last week it was all so easy, and today I can't do anything!" He smiled at me and said, "That's because last week, I was helping you. I was controlling the rudder. This week you are doing it." I love that man ... he taught me to fly. But what I learned most from this experience is ... it always helps to have a little help from your friends!!! ;o) I've had five Dalmatians ... and they love this commercial too.
seriously people.... its a baby clydsdale wanting to be like his family!! theres no drinking about it at all! Heck if they didnt even put the logo on their i probably it would of been a clydsdale commercial showing how determined and friendly they are... this would make any1 shed a tear from the cuteness!! :D
One of the best commercials ever made. You can't help but fall in love with the colt's determination, support of his parents and pride of achievement. They could have left the logo off at the end and everyone still would have known the sponsor. Their ad team really worked the brand to the max with this one.
@KingofComputing Actually my parents made me eat it 2. It's quite nice. Well actually they didn't realy made me eat it, but I just didn't know. But yeah... it tastes jummy. But I will never eat it again. As I don't have a good feeling when I'm eating horse-meat.
I know right. Im a vet of afg and irq and I'm supposed to be the tough guy, but the bud commercials nearly always make me tear up. They are very good and its not about beer. Well the profit margin is beer but the story in the commercial in more than that.
I don't watch sport and we don't have Superbowl int he UK but I have watched every single one of these adverts. Theya re fantastic horses. Love them so much I got myself a beautiful Clydesdale -all 1 tonne and 18hh of him.
anybody else notice how the traces arent hooked up at the beginning of the commercial, but when he 'pulls' the wagon out of the barn, they are ''magically'' hooked up? lol still an adorable commercial =]
@soccerlovingchik10 Oh, you can ride them! And they are the most gentle Babies, in my opinion. I have a thourougbred right now, but if I ever get a second horse, it's gonna be one of these guys
I wish they wouldn't clip the tails of these beautiful horses--at least they looked clipped rather than tied back. Tails are useful for swatting flies, scratching an itch... 
This one is my favorite, because it still had the dalmatian. Who I think may have passed a few years ago. Maybe this is why we see the Golden retriever now :) 

Banned Super Bowl 2007 Bud commercial

//www.funniestads.com Banned Super Bowl 2007 Bud commercial Guy and Girl skinny dipping in a pool and people are watching them in from the bar... see ...

User Comments

Geez...what's up with people anyway with only one comment from a beautiful lady laughing her booty off! No nudity shown! Pfft!!!
You're much too kind, but thank you. Perhaps, no nudity was the problem.

Budweiser Streaker commercial 2006 Super Bowl

Budweiser Streaker commercial 2006 Super Bowl.

User Comments

this is why we should pave from NY to LA
Lol I didn't Need to see that lol!!!!!
"Didn't need to see that" "Nope" lmfao
so fabulous

banned super bowl commercial (it for bud light.)

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