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Mastercard bj commercial Videos

Valentine's Day Blowjob Commercial

This Valentine's Day, give her a blowjob! Directed by Dan DeLorenzo @DanDeLorenzo Written by Alexandra Fiber @alexandrafiber Featuring: Anna Callegari ...

User Comments

Finally a reason for men to go to the mall.

FMA: The BJ commercial

Winry has a favor to ask of Edward. XDDD This is total crack, I just thought it was funny so I posted it. (THIS IS A MASTERCARD VIDEO THINGY!) Winry x Ed (in ...

Banned German Sprite Blowjob Commercial

This commercial featured a woman blowing a man and when he cums, it's like Sprite pouring over her. This was released in Germany and wasn't an official ...

User Comments

So glad it was banned, this commercial just made me think i should raise my kids with animals than human, if this is the point of humanity we reached and kind of commercial that costed probably a hell of money to reach such a stupid silly poor result! Yeah animals are definitely a superior race to this type of human. 21st century and years of study for this! SHAME
am I the only one noticing there are more and more anti white man things in the internet and more black man and white woman shit?
+Shiiit Talka Forget scripted shows, he must not be paying attention to the real world. Multi-ethnic couples are neither new nor rare in the US, Europe and many other places all over this planet. Last I checked we're all humans. Wonder why he's so upset about the melanin concentration in those particular two actors in the commercial.
You must not be watching the many scripted shows that involve black women with white men. Scandal is probably the biggest example, but there are quite a few.
Same goes with commercials these days See Cheerios commercial
I'd fuck her
You'd get AIDS.

Sprite blowjob commercial PERVER AND FUNNY

https://www.facebook.com/CrazyFailzone //www.youtube.com/user/CrazyFightzone.

1983 MasterCard commercial.

1983 MasterCard commercial.

User Comments

Could anyone explain what the differences were in the different MasterCard products that were featured in the ad (MasterCard II?)?
Credit cards are a scourge on society.
How about the gold Master Card?

Blowjob In The Car -Banned Commercial

Visit //ifavorlife.blogspot.com for more. SUBSCRIBE for more Funny Commercials...Thanks.

User Comments

lol wtf was that? hahaha

Blow Job Commercial | The Kuntz Family Hour

//www.facebook.com/KuntzFamilyHour Blow Job Commercial | The Kuntz Family Hour Subscribe!!! //bit.ly/KuntzSubscribe Featuring: Peter Aiello Julian ...

User Comments

Why didn't anyone tell me about this?!?!?!?!
funny, who knew that guy could act!
Ha gayyyyyyyuuyy
Hahaha 0:52
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