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Wedding songs youtube Videos

Gordon Lightfoot - Wedding Song(Original Studio Recording).wmv

After uploading the song I recognized the mistake ! And many nice people corrected me as you can see their comments ! So have fun with the song sung by ...

User Comments

Why is Gordon Lightfoot featured as the singer here?
+blueinfinite because the poster won't change it despite being asked by many people.
Stew my wife and I will be married 37 years next month and this was our song...
+Greg Vafiades So sweet!
"Wedding Song (There Is Love)" is a song written by Noel "Paul" Stookey, in the fall of 1969, and first performed at the wedding of Peter Yarrow - Stookey's co-member of Peter, Paul and Mary - to Mary Beth McCarthy, at St Mary's Catholic Church, in Willmar MN: Stookey was best man at the ceremony, which took place in the evening of October 18, 1969. Shortly after his Christian conversion, Stookey was asked by Yarrow to "...bless our wedding, with a song". According to Stookey, "the melody and the words arrived, simultaneously, and in response to a direct prayer, asking God how the Divine could be present, at Peter’s wedding." Drawing, almost word-for-word, from the bible passage, Matthew 18:20, the original lyric is, "I am now to be among you, at the calling of your hearts; rest assured this troubadour is acting on My part. The union of your spirits, here, has caused Me to remain, for whenever two, or more of you, are gathered in My name, There am I...There is Love." Concerned that guests, at the wedding, might misinterpret his intention, "I" was changed to "He", in both recorded and performed versions, until 1990, when the original lyric was 'officially' restored. The first two lines of the song's second verse: "A man shall leave his mother, and a woman leave her home/ And they shall travel on to where the two shall be as one", is largely a paraphrase of the text of Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Believing he could not take personal credit, for composing "The Wedding Song", Stookey set up the Public Domain Foundation, which, since 1971, has received the song's songwriting and publishing royalties, for charitable distribution. Stookey himself made the first recording of "Wedding Song (There Is Love)" for his 1971 album release, "Paul," and, accompanying himself on a 12-string guitar, tuned a tone and a half down: Stookey - "It was played in G-formation, so there's this beautiful second line on the second string. Everybody [has since] tried to play it in E, and there ain't none...there's no string that can do that." Released as a single, the track reached #24 on the Hot 100 in Billboard and reached #3 Easy Listening chart. (Stookey's Paul and album and "Wedding Song" single were credited to "Paul Stookey".) Internationally, Stookey reached #31 in Canada, and #55 in Australia, with "The Wedding Song". Wiki
Wiki's a great tool.
+Pete Moss What great information! Thank you.
+Pete Moss Thanks for this documentation and of course you can see easily that it was just a mistake to put the name of Gordon lightfoot but I can't correct it now as the clip this way got many benefits like what you wrote documenting this hit! keep in touch
Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary, not Gordon Lightfoot. Still a great song.
+attaremad Friends? ha ha. please delete it or change it so Paul Stookey gets the proper credit. You look like a fool not changing it when you know it's not Lightfoot.
Welcome to the club! I called this mistake I've done 3 years ago .. my favorite mistake, gave me many friends!!!! anyway go to my little channel to subscribe and check the music and ....... W E L C O M E   !
I gotta give it to you; you have a great sense of humor, we'll not fuss, we'll just all listen to "Mr. Who Ever" that happens to sound a bit like Noel Stookey
+C. Middleton ... it is a real dream to have a new album ( I guess it would be a compilation one ) but I find it hard to believe !
+attaremad You might know this; is GL planning to release a new album this year. I was told @ a record store in Lex. Ky that he was? I questioned that info as he'd just released "All Live" in 2012; and he hasn't put out an album in that quick of succession since "Salute" 1983 and "East of Midnight"1986. Just wanted to be on the lookout if he was. 
Offensive ????? No no at all .. I am 100% happy having you and other music lovers around ! KEEEEP in touch !
+attaremad Oh I hope I wasn't offensive in calling attention to the singer/songwriter; I was just trying to say Kudos to you for your good humor in encouraging all of us to have fun. I would never want to put you off; you're the "Go to" channel when I'm working; and want to listen to Gordon Lightfoot, you take the time to find and upload the gems we all love to hear. 
You are almost 3 years late !! as all the people I know as well as the people I don't know made jokes about this song and I used to say that it is my favorite mistake as it gave me many friends and 49000 views ! so WELCOME to the ... ! 
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