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Vintage wedding niagara Videos

Vintage Grace: Niagara Falls


User Comments

I love this channel. Because it isn't as well known as Daily Grace is. And the majority of us here have been fans since before DG blew up and got huge. So it feels so much more personal and there's virtually no negativity in the comments. We're all here because we genuinely enjoy spending part of our day being entertained by Grace's videos.
Welcome to the new Canadian side of the Falls :(. Went back a few years ago after a 15 year hiatus (went a few times when I was a kid) and the place is a tourist trap x10 with casino's, indoor waterpark, crappy legoland, etc...
Last time I was at Niagra Falls I got stuck on the roof of a hotel...the door locked behind us...some pranksters said the swimming pool was up there! lol Cool arcade!
Grace is not gay as far as I know. And if she was, the first person she'd hook up with is Hannah, according to surveys and the shippers. You've been served.
It seems Hannha Hart is in more video then Grace's girlfriend...Threesome all hot chicks,that is hot..Think abt it Grace,try it..Maybe u would enjoy it
I've been there so many times! I love arcades. You should totally go to the huge one which is attached to the bar area there.
AHHHHHHHH YOU ARE RIGHT NEXT TO MY CITY! Unfortunately I don't have a passport, though.... Stupid now-much-less-open border.
Alright, I think I misread one of your comments because I'm totally confused. I'm just gonna stop talking. Starting now.
UGH. mamrie, grace and hannah were all in toronto together D: grace and mamrie come back and do a meet up please? D: :)
Has Grace ever replied to a comment? Anyone else want her to start a PO box again? :D Even for just a little while :
I heard of this channel. But thought you didn't use it. Now I have lots of videos to make up for.
Went looking for you but no luck....Would have been cool to meet you. Oh wells, some other time.
I love how she's always having a good time, and laughing :) GRACE LET ME BE YOUR FRIEND.
I've been to that place!!!! It's inside a hotel on Clifton Hill.. it's weird as shit!!
God damn it why was I unaware you were in NF I could have been there in a heart beat.
I thought the title said "Nigahiga falls" I've been on youtube way too long....
if this is the canadian side, i've been there and yes i was also disappointed
BABEEEESS! Aww :') I love seeing you guys together asdjhalsdfgh Im gonna cry
so this is what its like on the US side ive only bin on the canadian side :P
Omg GRACE! I can officially say we've walked on the same ground :')
Probably. You said you had no idea what kneesox4ever was talking about.
new graciehinabox video's are literally my favorite thing in the world
Ugh of course whenever I go to Niagara Falls, this doesn't happen! :(
Check out my channel I make similar videos IM A HUGE FAN OF GRACE XD
I love the fact that this channel was a hidden gem! love you grace!
oh my god i want to cry you were literally ten minutes away from me
Oh, I see it. It's one of those cases that folds like a book, huh?
'Why are u walking so close to me?!' You know grace. We all know.
Wait,she's not..Dam it,now i have 2 unsubscribe her..sorry Gracy
Like two puppies wagging their tails smelling each others but.

Niagara Falls Vintage 16mm Footage (Ebay Reel 2.)

Vintage Hotels Niagara-on-the-Lake

This promo showcases the features of The Prince of Wales, Queen's Landing, and Pillar & Post hotels in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

User Comments

I was there at Prince of wales in 2005, I was amazing experience

wedding Monica Arrival

Rachel & Stephen's Wedding - fire

User Comments

That's some funny Sh_t. Once again, the EFD skated by something with so much potential for disaster. Congrats on the wedding. I wish the best for you and your family. Johnny Blade

Wedding Shooting Party

Summer Wedding Dream

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