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Vintage wedding dresses ipswich Videos

Roaring Twenties Lawn Party from August 3, 2014 at the Crane Estate, Ipswich, Mass.

Presented by Boston Swing Central and the Greater Boston Vintage Society with the Baby Soda band.

Preloved Chica Show with All4Retro's Vintage Teacups

Preloved Chica Show with All4Retro Preloved Chica Hangout Show with Ami Branch from #All4Retro talking about vintage tea cup candles.

User Comments

Loved your tea cups +ami branch. It was great to spend time with you

Preloved Chica Talks About Sewing Classes -Karibu African Womens Group

Maria Igewebuike is a sewing teacher at the Karibu African Womens Support Group in Ipswich https://www.facebook.com/groups/132268196793494/ She's also ...

User Comments

Some beautiful things made from recycled material. The collars were a fab idea.Thank you both for the inspiration. Love charity shops and just completed a upcycling/recycling sewing course here in Ireland. Keep up the great work!
+thefairyjam Thanks for your kind words. Would you like to be my guest on one of these shows and tell us all about the course you've done. I'd be really interested in learning more.

Secret Vintage society holds 4th Grand Anarcho Dandyist Ball 2

//www.demotix.com/news/1650804/secret-vintage-society-holds-4th-grand-anarcho-dandyist-ball#media-1650712 The Chap Magazine's 4th Grand ...

User Comments

More great memories. You have really captured the night. Thanks for posting them.
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