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PLANET EARTH REPORT August 2015 - China Explosions Holistic Doctors Dead Earthquake Report & CERN

Mystery Beams, China Explosions, Holistic Doctors Dead, River Spill, Earthquake Report & CERN Links: WHY HOLISTIC DOCTORS ARE DEAD: ...

User Comments

The beams look like 1/2 clean missile tails and the others atmospheric phenomena. The explosions in China are a direct result of the age of China's factories combined with their FAILURE to adapt OSHA standards and their workers, factories, and communities are paying for it. The Navajo Nation is the recipient to those waters. It is a crass attempt to get them to give up the holy lands for copper mining. Atmospheric water machines will be needed. Earth changes are occurring TIA had to have it runway numbers due to compass readings changing. Inertia does that. No the world will not end.
Forget forecast and fear mongering and do more porn videos please. We all know that you want to be watched. Your husband and children must be proud of you
I don't think cern is our problem come late September. My theory https://youtu.be/OlPJrem5qt8
the first one are portals or vortexs the second Is not an act of war it is china fucking up
games over lets rock and roll too the party!! babylon fallen
collect rain water
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