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World's Easiest Powered Paragliding / Paramotor / Paraglider/ Paramotoring Equipment!! Flat Top!!!

//u-turnusa.com Powered Paragliding world's easiest equipment for paramotor paraglider paramotoring. The Flat Top from U-Turn USA makes flying super ...

User Comments

does Flat Top have powered paragliders that are not weight shift, because what I found on their site was weight shift machines
+Boden Whitmore All Flat Top paramotors have great weight shift but when you get the weight shift kit specifically made for the Flat Top then you have the very best weight shift in the world. Weight shift is absolutely critical because it allows you to completely eliminate torque steer effortlessly and make much more efficient and far safer turns. It also helps keep you far far away from stall point on the glider which has caused many deaths on units other then the Flat Top. ZERO people have ever died on Flat Top paramotors. It is the very safest and best unit on the market by a huge gigantic margin. So don't even think about getting into the sport unless you can get a Flat Top paramotor specifically.
hello...great video.....have a question ....I'm 6'6 ...270ish.....in weight...is there a weight limit on these....I really intrested in getting one....I live in ofallon. missori....were can I get info on this....this is so awsome....and do you need a license to fly this...
+Dell Schanze hey ...Thank u for replying back...great info...I want one really bad.....can't wait to feel the freedom of flying....
+Clayton Schorege 270 lbs is no problem at all for the Flat Top Ninja. It will actually carry over 600 lbs. Here is a video from one of my last classes and you can watch a student I had who weighs 317 lbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCOxn-50kSsThe Ninja is the lightest powerful unit on the market and is also by far the safest. You can also look up on youtube "600 lb paramotor tandem" where you can see a 230 lb pilot I trained taking a 304 lb passenger tandem with the Flat Top Ninja and with just a normal size glider. So the capability of this particular gear is absolutely incredible. Just don't think for a second that just any unit will carry that much weight as it's specific to just the Flat Top paramotors. There is a ton of info in my videos or feel free to call me anytime at 800-707-2525 or 801-631-1731. This is really the most incredible thing you will ever do as long as you get the gear you see me using and come to me for training. Just be aware there is no license required in this sport and no license to even be an instructor so the vast majority of those out there pretending to be instructors literally can't fly for crap. So it's really super important to look closely at skill levels before you take advice from anyone because the advice of a total moron is not going to help you but could actually get you killed. It's pretty easy to see my skill level as I'm all over youtube doing things nobody else on earth can do like this infinity wing tip drag in this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMS8si-V1EUSo let me know if you have any questions on anything. I have way way over 11,000 flights and run the largest and by far the best paramotoring school in the world. Let's go flying!!!
great site. I would love to have done this when i was younger
Your never to old to do anything
+Wayne T There really shouldn't be any question as there is only one paramotor on the market that passes WPPGA standards and that is the Flat Top. No other unit has really been updated since the very first 1970s designs. It's really a nightmare with how bad the gear is out there other then the Flat Top. Protection from the prop should be obvious but what other unit has kevlar netting like the Flat Top which can hold your entire body weight out of the prop? Most units take as little as 2-3 lbs of pressure to flex the cage netting & prop together so any little bump and the thing explodes into a pile of rubble. One little oops and you just add to the over 100 people who have been chopped up in their prop. The Flat Top is the only unit with a quick release harness. 5 people died just last year from drowning because other units sink instantly and have so many buckles you can't get out to save your life. Then there is crumple zone, handless seating, face plant protection and hundreds of other details. Of course that's just the safety aspect. The Flat Top is also the lightest powerful unit on the market while also being by far the most durable. What the durability saves you in having to repair other units will literally add to what could have purchased you a brand new Flat Top. A simple slip & fall on most units and you are easily $2500 in damage. 5-6 times later and you have wasted so much in repairs you could have purchased a brand new Flat Top & Dominator along with the super lightweight reserve. The Flat Top is so critical to your experience of the sport that you literally do not want to get into the sport if you can't get a Flat Top & Dominator. Especially if you are 60 years old. The ultra light weight and power and ease of use can easily make the difference between actually being able to do it and it just flat out not being possible for you. You can watch piles of videos of my KIDS launching the Flat Top & Domiantor combo in nil wind up at high altitude in Utah. You won't see THAT on any other unit. The Domiantor paraglider will be another huge gigantic part of the equation. It's upwards of 1/3rd the weight of other gliders making it so much easier to launch that especially for someone who is 60 it is an absolute must. Then it is also the most efficient super safe canopy in the world. Plus it handles incredible well so it doesn't tire your arms out to fly it all day like other wings do. Plus it has the speed performance to cut through higher winds so you can fly in a much wider range of weather conditions that would ground all other wings. I set the world speed record on the XXS Dominator so it can flat out do things that no other canopy on earth can do. So gear selection is very easy. I have way way over 11,000 flights and am the WPPGA Paramotor World Champion and the US glider control champion and am the one you see all over youtube doing things nobody else on earth can do. I also run the large training school in the world and know exactly how the gear relates to ease of use and capability of someone especially someone who is 60. So no question at all get the Flat Top Ninja & Dominator and seriously do not get in the sport at all if you can't as it just won't work out otherwise.
It anyway.... @(Zimbabwe - I'm 60 years old and will be buying a powered para glider... Just a matter of which one.SemiGeniusOzAustralia.

Let's Play Dragon Quest V #29 - The Honeymooners

In this episode, we go on a honeymoon across the sea and explore the world with our new wife. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Abel: ...

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How do you switch wives ???
+DragonLadySculptor if you didn't save before you choose your wife, then in case you didn't like your wife like Debora then obviously go back to your pervious first file and then you can choose from there

Stryker IAV Military Equipment Movements Bend Oregon 12/5/15

I recorded this video on Saturday December 5, 2015 at 2:15pm PT. I counted over 200 of these 8 wheeled military vehicles on the train. They were not new, ...

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Great Catch!
+Spiro Thank you Spiro, Im a big fan of yours! Here is a video of the side view that could be paused to see great detail...Thank you for watching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDxzp6NZtrI

Rescue at Bridal Veil Falls

Pick-off rescue scenario using the Aztek Omni Pulley System by Rock Exotica. Music by TechnoAXE.

World's Best Paramotor Equipment vs Great Paraglider vs Paratoys Fake Chinese stuff

//u-turnusa.com Paramotor world's best equipment vs really great paraglider vs paratoys fake chinese copy of 10 year old cheap stuff for powered ...

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The K2 only sinks about 230 feet per minute with the engine off. It has an incredible glide ratio. One of the very best I've ever tested in any class let alone the safest class of wings. Just search for K2 paraglider vs and you can see lots of side by side glide tests I've done. The K2 is absolutely incredible. Crazy awesome safety with freaking awesome performance and handling. Plus it is stupid easy to launch even in zero wind at high altitude.
Nice job on making a great guy look like a tool. One blown forward because of a narrow road. Rolling the clip over and over again like a comedy. That's my friend Jim and he is a good pilot and a good man...that needs to be said. As far as you and your company...Maybe it's a good product, but you have no honor or class sir. Looking you in the eye and thats what I think. Shawn Cordon
Hey Dell I just got into paramotoring i have a motor already that runs great, however my wing is a DHV 3 glider made by Trekking its an 03 model. It's is near impossible to launch in little to no wind if i do a forward launch then it always goes off to one side and falls, and i cant run back wards fast enough to get it up with no wind. Any suggestions?
Lol, Would love to see that but please don't put your daughter in jeopardy for the sake of my comment! but it would be a cool video as I know you would pull that off spectacularly! I can see it now..."Look, So easy a 15 year old girl can do it!" Only you could make that video happen!
I'm just wondering if the K2 (and similar new safe paragliders ) is good for free flight if it's so good and safe for powered flight? Or would one need a separate glider for free flight and one for powered flight?
How about putting a comparison of a novice that has trouble with other gliders up? I would love to see you do a Geico like commercial..."So easy a caveman can do it." or in your case Jim, lol.
Hi Dell Have you ever tested Nova Prion with power? Mine when power off sink like a flying brick ( about 4.2m/s) and i am in the middle of a weight range... Whats k2 sink rate when power off?
Not with a K2 it isn't. That K2 gives a capability we just haven't seen before. It makes those wild days where nobody else flies not just flyable but fun! Coolest wing ever!!
I have owned just about every paramotor, and yes the FlatTop is a better paramotor,Its true in this case, you get what you pay for. The FlatTop is the best paramotor period.
Super, you equipment is no match for the cheap stuff, but would have liked to see you trying it too or the other guy try your better equipment. Michel, Quebec,Canada
Funny but, Dell- I bet you could have done better on the cheap stuff for a more fair comparison ... Pretty gusty day, too. Impressive flying as always.
Dell I've been waiting for you to update your website with the Alpine Peak . Its been awhile since the AP came out. Are you no longer gung ho about it?
Hey i love your videos! Is this the same glider as SKY CIMA, which is sold in Europe? How is this glider compared to other ultralites?
@imasuper0308 Dell, can you free fly, paramotor and paramotor tandem on the same size K2 or is tandem pushing it?

Cedarbrink Dairy Ltd Rosedale BC Field Trial 8400i Prairie Coast Equipment

via YouTube Capture John Deere 8400i field trial CedarBrink Dairy Ltd Rosedale BC #CanadianDairy #CanadianMilk.

Mine Equipment In The "Old Hundred"

Some mining equipment that is demonstrated at the Old Hundred Mine about 5 miles outside of Silverton, Colorado. The first is a battery powered locomotive ...

User Comments

Interesting video!

Yosemite Bridal Veil Falls - Canon 5D Mark II

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