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Britney Spears - My Prerogative

Britney Spears' official music video for 'My Prerogative'. Click to listen to Britney Spears on Spotify: //smarturl.it/BritneySpot?IQid=BritneyPr As featured on ...

User Comments

They say i'm nasty
+Abril Sosa but I don't give a damn
Worst Britney Song to Date!
+lazyboyz Pretty Girls was worse tbh.
Nice version of "My Prerogative" there, Britney! That was normally performed by Bobby Brown.
+Markcus Hines britney's version is so much classier
He got credited and paid for it, so it's only uneducated people who think this is a problem
If you listen to her singing in the late 90s and early 2000s she adopted a lot of Michael Jackson's style in her singing and it really comes out in her cover of this song. If only she could have honed it after the early 00s with her singing and dancing she could have been the female MJ. But I guess Janet already locked that title down in the 80s lol. Not that any of these women want to be like their male counterparts, but it's just that MJ is like the highest level of superstardom. Worldwide superstar. Beyonce is in the style of MJ when he was in Jackson 5. Britney would be more of a Smooth Criminal ("Bad") MJ in the 00s because he concentrated less on being the perfect singer (he already did that as a kid) and more of being the full package. Singing, dancing, clear message, production, brand. Which Britney was full level at by Oops but she didn't continue it like MJ did into the next decade. Even Christina A and Justin T (Who is definitely "Off The Wall" MJ), you can see how a lot of the teen pop stars were incredibly influenced by MJ. You can hear it in their voices. It's pretty cool. Now what kind of singers are they influencing now? Biebers? Oh no :( lol
It's like basket street boys everybody with Michael Jackson's scream
This cover is really good, it fits her style and it's as good as the original version from Bobby Brown. Instead, she shouldn't have touched "I Love Rock 'n' Roll", now that cover was a crime, too awful.
+xxxTIN0xxx  I am getting mixed reactions from you, are you a fan of hers or not?
+Sheiran SheardBritney isn't to blame, whoever urged her to cover I Love Rock 'n' Roll is. She tried and failed, she's a human being after all. In return she's really hot in that video.
+xxxTIN0xxx I apologise on behalf of britney for trying out something new and broadening her horizons
+Sheiran SheardPeople complain about that because her version terribly sucks, simple. I know it was for her movie (which I don't like either) but she also released it as a single and included the song in her 3d album. I don't mind that album at all except a couple of songs including I Love Rock 'n' Roll. Covering it was such a big mistake.
She did "I love Rock and Roll" for the film she was in, does my head in when people complain about that

The Ethics of Interracial Marriage ❃John Piper❃

For ♥Marriage♥ Albums, click here //on.fb.me/sIvGGD Thanks!

User Comments

I've had enough of your nonsense; Even Jesus himself said that he came only to spread his message to the tribes of Israel, and he told a Canaanite woman that she was like a dog, that he should never heal her rather than the children of Israel. Abraham and Sarah never approved of their son's interracial marriage. God will never approve of your blasphemy regardless of the excuses you make for it. The book of Enoch warns of the devils teaching man to mix one kind with another and pervert nature.
I would welcome Hell, if it separated me from pathetic losers like you. And you can thumb your nose at me from Heaven if you like, but quite honestly, I think you're going to the deepest circle of Hell if it does exist. You snobbish, insipid asshole... I really doubt that any god would want your company, regardless of all your tripe about repentance and resurrection. There's nothing special about you that separates you from me. Anyone can ask forgiveness; as if that means anything. GTFO
Ha! Hey, I can sin all I want, all I have to do is repent for it at some point before I die. Some people think that all people are already forgiven whether they repent or not, just because Jesus died for them. So really, I can spend my life doing what I please, and still get just as much reward as you, no matter how much you try to suck up to god and be your sanctimonious self. Speaking of posers, don't you have some followers to harass and judge with your bullshit superstitions?
You take scriptures and twist them to fit your corrupt viewpoint. You forget God struck Miriam (Moses's Sister) with leprosy because she attacked him for marrying a Cushite (Ethiopian) woman. I checked your channel, I saw your comments on other videos, you talk like a degenerate heathen which tells me you don't know God, so stop trolling. Realize, if you don't repent, you will spend eternity in the lake of fire.
You are deceived. The void that separates us is immeasurable, it doesn't matter if you acknowledge it or not. You're mad because I exposed you for the poser you are. Curse all you want, it only makes your argument even more invalid. It is up to you where you spend eternity, your choice. Whether you believe or not, only you in the end are responsible for where you end up.
Can't fool God, huh? Well then he already knows the inevitable end, anyway. And he also has control over everything, so therefore, he planned it. If you really believed in the all-powerful God then you wouldn't bother trying to change my mind. And if you really believed in Heaven then you wouldn't still be here. I say your faith is a con-job and it's getting old.
Wrong again, God gave us free will to choose. Again, your ignorance on the Bible is obvious, I'm not going to sit here and spoon feed it to you. Read it on your own time. I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm stating truth which debunks your original comment. Believe what you want, just don't expect people to let you spew garbage without a response.
Actually that is not how it works. God knows the intent of your heart. Repentance in short is a change of mind about sin and about God, which results in turning from sin to God. To say you'll just repent at the end of your days, when you don't know how you are going to die and don't even know what repentance is, is absurd. You cannot fool God.
Oh right, so it's God's plan for all races of people to mix together into one... even though he specifically separated us all and spread us across the world, because we sinned and built the tower of Babble... this is blasphemy and insanity in the first degree! God will surely smite your profane church for this!
Your assessment is wrong, and your blind ignorance is shameful. We are Christians first, our identity is in Christ. We are all human here. Please, I urge you to watch his other sermon on the subject, to know what it says in the Bible. Here it is, just add the periods: youtube com/watch?v=YEUoXfjK1tc
Galatians 6:7-8 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Very well spoken message. Most likely ones that preach bigotedly are naturally that way even without believing the bible saying such false things.

Acid Age: Drone Shark Ethics Hype

Official Album hype for the second AA album DRONE SHARK ETHICS!

SAS Sikh Ethics Special aired on 2/9/13 on Sikh channel after BBC Inside Out London special

Sikh Ethics Special broadcast following the BBC London Inside Out documentary uncovering the sexual grooming of young Sikh girls. Bhai Mohan Singh and ...

User Comments

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh! Where can I see the film please?

More Hilarious Sex Tips From Kanye West's Yeezus Album

More insightful sex and relationship wisdom from the one and only Kanye West and his new album 'Yeezus!' With everything from crude to insulting to downright ...

User Comments

listening to these men mansplaining to her was irritating, especially since shes got a point, we dont know if kanye meant it that way but, that doesnt stop it from reinforcing the Madonna vs the Whore dichotomy. where loose women that are part of the thousand bitches he could sleep with easily are seen as lesser, than the good girl. the one that has the right kind of sexuality. the one that isnt like all the other girls.
+BlueHypothermicReality Nobody is talking about sex shaming.

Code of Ethics - Pleasant Valley Sunday

Remake of the Monkees song, filmed in 1995. Band lineup was Barry Blaze, Jeff Anderson, Scott "Skippy" Chapman, Rick Brainer.

User Comments

I got to watch a live concert. I was like 14. I had the cd forever. Unfortunately my cds where stolen out of my car. I still have the necklace clip thing:)
Funny how things haven't changed much since the Monkees recorded this song. People continue to sin by not devoting Sunday to the Lord.
Does anyone know where I can buy the cds again. I loved listening to the cd. They bring great memories from my teen years.
I loved this band!! I still listen to this album frequently! Thanks for uploading!
Rick the drummer......YES!!!!!

The APC Code of Ethics, Read by Nigerians -APC


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