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Oprah Faces Racism Over $38,000 Handbag

"No. It's too expensive ... You will not be able to afford that," a Swiss sales attendant at the store Trois Pommes allegedly told Oprah Winfrey during the ...

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l'm sure if a white person walked in that didn't look like they could afford it would be treated the same way
+Sara Bower But the question is why did the sales associate think that she "didn't look like they could afford" the bag. Right... she said she was in "full Oprah gear". So the only thing left is her skin color... so that's why it's a problem.
But the store owner would have been judging off of the clothes that white person was wearing. Not the color of their skin. That's two COMPLETELY different things. -.-
You know, MAYBE the woman didn't know who she was and probably thought that she was trying to make herself look richer than what she thought she was. Maybe she thought that she wasn't that rich because maybe she was donating a lot of money to relatives in other countries whom are having money trouble. Plus, there wasn't any intention of it being about her race. Try thinking of all the possibilities of WHY she thought she wouldn't be able to purchase it.
+Nelly Walker we all know Oprah to not look like a homeless person. Why else would she think she couldn't afford it other than she was black? Your "maybe(s)" don't make much sense. And I read that the swiss are a bunch of racists anyway. Very easy to see that it was racism. Sorry that you want to think that the white race is so wonderful that they have no problems with anyone and do not tolerate having racism... but ur wrong:-)
Racist store clerk.
+UGEE MATTlol, sad little person...dont talk to me if you cant handle the truth, i've read a book on 15 years of brain research, and i've studied logic for 5 years now, i am not claiming to be anywhere near..smart, but i'm not a huge idiot either, not like most people, no.
Nananananana, You don't seem happy with yourself and you're definitely not a mouth piece for African Kids. She didn't whinge about it, only mentioned it as a response to a question about racism. I do think it's very petty for you to keep making disgusting remarks about her. I am not an Oprah Winfrey fan, but would definitely denounce that treatment if it was meted out to anyone. Please starving is not only to do with food, it's also very obvious that sales woman and her likes are all starving of proper human judgements. Making sure people are treated with dignity is as good enough as giving food to hungry people wherever in the world they are (not just Africa). When an issue for aids to the less privileged comes up we will talk about that, right now it is on racism. Once again stick to it. Ecchi no personal beef with you Ok. Stay Cool. 
+UGEE MATT that's retarded...being looked down upon.. is not a big fucking issue, people look down on each other.. For no fucking reasonable reason, these days... it's because the world is full of JEALOUS people who do not know ..how to correct their automatic beliefs, This is evidence...as it already IS SELF EVIDENT that this is a Non-issue, it is simply one asshole who can't govern their body well enough to respect others, Once again...while kids are starving in Africa...We are talking about one idiot who treated a black women..like she didn't belong, i feel like i don't fucking belong..every fucking day of my life (and many people have treated me that way...men and women), but you never ever see me fucking whining about it, get over it. I never compare myself to other people, that's the main reason why i am happy with myself...since as far back as i have memories.
+Ecchi Version Of Liquid Please keep Africa out of this. The issue is racism and nothing justifies it. It's wrong and should be condemned unequivocally.
+Carm M //news.nationalpost.com/2013/08/13/oprah-cannibalized-me-shop-clerk-in-zurich-handbag-scandal-says-tv-host-is-lying-about-racist-incident/
Hahahaha! The ignorant sells clerk must not have known she was speaking to Oprah. Who I'm sure could get that purse for free if she wanted. Hahaha enough internet for today. 
Well she wouldn't have know it's Oprah, because her show doesn't air in Switzerland. Honestly I know Swiss people, who don't know who Obama is.
+Sunghee Song HAHAHHA Oprah lied about it and admitted she lied about it. //www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2391313/Oprah-Winfrey-says-regrets-mentioning-handbag-racism-incident-Zurich.html
+Sunghee Song Or maybe she simply didn't know that the person in front of her - dressed simply and not as someone with the money - could afford at 38,000 bag and wanted to do her best? I don't think a white person dressed cheaply would've been shown this bag either: this is the other side of the story: //news.nationalpost.com/2013/08/13/oprah-cannibalized-me-shop-clerk-in-zurich-handbag-scandal-says-tv-host-is-lying-about-racist-incident/

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