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Mormon Missionaries

Dedicated to the 54000 valiant Mormon Missionaries who take two years out of their life to serve their Savior Jesus Christ without pay. Who leave their homes ...

Were there really DEATH PENALTIES in the Mormon Temples before 1990?

Before 1990 the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony included several death "penalties" which required all participants to pantomime their own murders. Yes ...

User Comments

This is fucking bull shit!
Its a government temple
+Matt Goodwin No it isn't. I had my endowment in 1980. I went through many times afterward.
Nope, 'fraid not. Google "Mormon temple penalties" or ask ANYONE who went through the Mormon temple endowment ceremony before April, 1990. Google, "Pay Lay Ale".Then when you want the truth more than you want Mormonism to be true, go to www.MormonThink.com
pay: tithing. wow. lay: have sex and procreate. Ale: Drink. joseph smith was an alchoholic.
+Lycostehwulf bwahahahaha
now that homosexual marriages are legal nothing can stop Mormon Polygamy from reasserting itself. D&C132 nullifies all non Mormon marriages and contracts, defines innocent blood and threatens women with death for non compliance. It is a direct cause of this nations first 911, with all the high degree of low cunning of the 2001 ritual. Mormonism is political machine founded on treason, it is Freemasonry. The two share "a secret tow line". Soon you will see homosexual polygamy and polyandry. (Mormonism has polyandry but it's never talked about. JosephsMyth married married women. )
+Matthew GuttormsonMormonism performed the first 911  in 1857.  The Mountain Meadows Massacre.   The Mormons issued martial law declarations but never told travelers....The Mormons dressed as Indians and attacked some 130 people in a wagon train.  Then they dressed as Mormons and approached the train with a White Flag, explaining the Indians were on the rampage. They convince the train to Surrender Their Arms  for peace and security.  They separated the women and children from the men, formed to marching groups, went about 1.3 miles and then turned and murdered all except 17 children whom they kidnapped.  Then they billed the USA $7000 for "ransom from the Indians" and for "their care".  The Mormons branded all 900 cattle with the Mormon Church Brand:: The Christian Cross.  The Mormons destroyed every vestige of any ID of these people.  The Mormons controlled the roads, had the only newspaper, made everyone a spy against his neighbor, they controlled travel and communication and they lied and slandered the innocent for 20 years before there was one conviction.
The church could have a 9/11 by its own members
This is what happens when a jobless loser gets his hands on internet! LOL!!!!!!!
+TakeAShowerStinky obedience still happens as of a few years ago
+Brian Miles Don't be so hard on yourself. He is sharing the truth about what happened in the temples prior to April 1990: The Protestant Minister as an employee of Satan, Pay Lay Ale, The Slashing Penalties, and Women being obedient to their husbands did occur during the ceremony.
it is true. as i used to go to the mormon temple in 1980. i remember doing the slit throat/hitler salute and the poncho outfit with slits at he sides but its true the mind controled brain makes you forget it. you can see me wearing the mormon temple cloths on f.b see Barry Lyndon
What is the expression?  Oh, yeah . . . fools mock, but they shall mourn.  Que no??
Yikes, well im glad your out of the church
Lol. You are funny, but you are not THAT funny.
last time I went through was before 1990 when I was still in the cult... YES they did have these! 
+richard whytsell (New Life Pagan Temple) wow
+ward jensen I am also one that has experienced this, I went to the temple in switzerland in the late 70's and there was a death oath at that time, I left the church only after being with them and a mormon for 4 years., I saw the light and I warn everyone to stay away from organized religions of all types, they are evil. blessed be. I am a Pagan now.
really? that is freaky

PAY! LAY! ALE ! Idiocy of LDS temple exposed! v

Pay Lay Ale the secret words that got out & embarrassed MORmONS so much that the were dropped from the stupid MORmON temple ceremony. STUPID ASS ...

User Comments

The Ultimate Deception Devil dresses up as an angle of light (Jesus) and preforms great signs and wonders……. 13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24

82 year old man had to pay $600.00 in tithing to attend his grandsons wedding! Is this of God?

Is this of God? I think NOT!

Drone flight over - The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints Temple in Washington DC

Thank you so much - to The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints for allowing me the privilege of taking these breathtaking images of their very ...

User Comments

This is a very beautiful and impressive drone video with an architectural appeal, artistic film editing and a spiritual message.
You are right, Tony, I have watched the drone flyover video of the Mormon Church in Washington, DC several times and it is exactly what you say.  Thanks for watching our video, and don't forget to subscribe to our channel on you tube.
+Pat Rick (Ty Ty Nursery) Thanks for saying that! That was the message I was going for.
What drone 
Its a DJI Phantom 2
Tony I am not sure what brought you to make this video but I wanted to tell you it helps me to see it. As it seems by the comments it has helped others as well by bring happiness to them as well. I love the far away shot in the night when the temple is standing in darkness but shines with such a brilliant light . It is not unlike like a visual metaphor of the bright people in this world surrounded by darkness bringing light to others. Love the video man great job.
+Chris Langdon Thank you so much the awesome response. Please excuse my long delay in responding I've been so busy lately. :)
Imagine if you could do something useful with the money spent on rediculous religious centers ya know maybe something useful like feeding people or funding research into alternative energy sources
+cripterket but you only complain about this ? When there are churches at every corner on a road
+SunKider Do you understand how Deseret Management works?
+CaptainRidley Like I have already explained, it's ALL tithing money because it was all started with tithing money. If LDS leaders start a business with tithing money and that business earns a profit, isn't the profit still tithing money? The answer is YES. There's also this that they have explained. They (LDS leaders) take all the tithing money and put in an interest bearing account for a time (a year?) and then they declare that the interest is not tithing and therefore they can do whatever they choose with that money (like build shopping malls). They could help people with that money, but they spend only a tiny fraction of their income on charitable efforts. Do some checking: //www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2012-07-10/how-the-mormons-make-money
+SunKider City Creek was built using Deseret Management funds not tithing. You are implying the IRS is the most blind and oblivious organization of all time.
+Isaac Blackburn   Are you kidding me?? City Creek Mall in downtown Salt Lake City. It’s an upscale commercial shopping mall built with your tithing money.And don’t tell me “no tithing money was used.”  Here are two reasons why that’s a bogus argument.1. It’s ALL tithing money. Interest on tithes and offerings is still tithing. it’s an increase in the tithing. All commercial business owned by the church were started with TITHING. When did any of the money stop being tithing?2. Because you don’t know. The church keeps its finances secret. They used to report their finances to members in conference. Not any more. Leaders could be siphoning off money to their relatives and no one would know. If they have nothing to hide, they would make their finances public. 
I'd like to see an example of a shopping mall that the church opened, especially ones that don't help others out (dont tell me D.I.)
+Isaac Blackburn  The LDS church would receive much less criticism if they opened their financial books to show that they are doing charitable work with tithing money (instead of building shopping malls and hotels).
Ps we pay proportionally (usually 10%).I pay 10% of my small summer job earnings (not that much) and my dad pays 10% off of his real job. It's all proportional, not a set amount.
I do see where you are coming from. But I hope you understand that nobody makes us pay it. It is all voluntarily paid by members. I do also want you to know that the we have one of the largest humanitarian aide services. I don't want to argue with you but I hope you realize that it is certainly not something forced upon us but something we happily and joyfully fund.
+Isaac Blackburn I see it as a waste of funds because I don't believe in the existence of any god being there might make you feel better but making people pay for this is horrible especially if they don't have the money
My friend, it's not a useless religious building, it's a place of worship, a place of peace, a place of God. "Holiness to The Lord, House of The Lord" that's the saying on all the temples. It's a house of The Lord. You may see it as a waste but I see it as one of the very few places on earth where heaven and earth meets.
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for this awesome piece of art. The accompanying music was an excellent choice too. 
Thank you Kimberly! I was just telling another viewer that  I'm so glad that even after all these months people are still so happy watching this. Hands down it's one of the most best unexpected thing I've done.

It Pays to Serve Jesus - DeeperLIfe Minnesota

A Soul-searching Solo song rendition preparing the church ready for the 'God That Cannot Fail Revival' of July 2013.

User Comments

This song pop up today and I wanted to sing it along with a choir. But all others choirs seem to be singing a different rendition. You are the only one that sang it in way that brings home the memories. God bless you soul, sister.
Beautiful song. Well sung.

How to tell if a mormon agrees with you. Secret phrases

Confront mormons on facts, they will say these programed things back to you. Cult programing, you decide.

User Comments

Why do you have so much hate? I'm a Jack Mormon and lived in Bountiful, Salt Lake City, Murray, South Salt Lake and now Ogden. Have you look into other churches? A lot of other churches believe they are the true church. You make it sound like Utah is all Mormons, not true. Every place I worked in and live in Utah as large mix of religions and full of people that don't follow any Religion. Opiate are growing problem everywhere not just Utah! Utah unemployment rate is way under the national average and almost every Mormon child goes to college and becomes a professional person with a degree. Mormons donate a lot to the poor and even donate to other religions to help build their place of worship. There is good and bad things in all religions and all organizations. You are spreading Hate! .
+lipglosskitten26 back at ya
+01artist Thank you Friend!!!Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!!Sending love your way!!
Thank you and happy turkey day or Thanksgiving as it is commonly known.
+01artist Very well put!
+mary stone If any other church say they are the only true church he should run the other way. Evangelical churches (including the Catholics) do not believe they are the only true church. How can they, when the Greek word translated into church means "the whole body of Christian believers."...
How can it be hate if it is the truth? My son's mother never experienced being married in the temple or other temple rights. When someone talks about how deceitful they are, she says it is just lies. She says that because deep down she likes what her church tells her. Yes they are good people. Even Satan can be good if it helps him get his way. Just something to think about.
You are weird, my response to the questions you ask would be completely different than what you are saying ALL Mormons would say. Under the radar? What are you talking about? You are making-up lies about the LDS church for the entertainment of yourself and people who know little to nothing about it. I think for myself. I don't do something because ANY church leader told me to. I don't HAVE to do anything, no one is going to punish me. I drink Coke and other soft drinks. There is no "doctrine" saying that we can't. There are people of all faiths and no faith who choose not to drink soda. I would not jump off a cliff or anything else because the church told me to. I don't believe in suicide and I'm terrified of free-falling. I love people for who they are, I don't care what religion they are, or if they don't have a religion. And no, I won't try to convert anyone. I would not comment here, but this man is flat-out lying about several things. Peace everyone.
+01artist ........ crickets....... crickets...... waiting, waiting!!!!! Guess she's doing as trained... she's not going to answer you!!! :-)
Women are not usually told these secret thing's and codes. He's not lying!
the Mormons do abstain from certain drinks, not coke because they own stock in it. as far as lies he is telling, how do you know for sure that he is lying?
This guy is full of crap...There I said it for all of you who didn't think you could say it. What a joke. Hope he is happy with himself.
+adam phillips makes me cry reading your response. I'm sorry you feel so sad and pressured Adam. It's so terrible we both belong to a religion that treats people in such a manner. I would cry for hours because other people that were not LDS told me I was going to hell....that I wasn't a Christian because I worshipped Joseph Smith. I don't. In fact my mother always told us not to pay attention to the prophets.... when I was going to primary 1985 until about 1995 primary was wonderful. I loved every song but then except the one about going on a mission....had zero desire. But then they changed things up. I prayed to one God and believed Christ was his son. I still believe that. I have a great relationship with God and I know that God isn't mean and disgusting
No he's a happy person...unlike all the unhappy members of the church!
+adam phillips Mainstream churches are not comparable to cults--they don't control the lives of members--you are free to leave, they don't demand your financial support as a condition of "salvation or attendance, and they don't require support when crimes come to light. Just as an example. Only a person not bright enough to comprehend or distinguish details and quantitative differences would lump them together. You in essence defend cults by saying they are the same.
+adam phillips I belong to a church group of believers but to no religion do I follow. I am Christian and try to follow Christ as I feel led by his spirit to do so. That is why my avatar is a drawing I did of what I think CHRIST might have looked like.
its not just Mormonism its all religion that's the problem. Mormonism is just really good at being a religion...controlling people....its even a better religion than yours....eternal salvation is a myth... only having the best life in this life matters.
+adam phillips​ is that a good enough reason to risk losing your salvation? If I was in your shoes and I was standing before CHRIST JESUS do you think he would accept any of those reasons if I were to use them? Or would he say " Depart from me for I never knew you!" The pain of not being with CHRIST for eternity will be worse than not seeing my family in heaven.
family pressures, stigma attached with becoming an apostate etc etc.
+adam phillips Just asking, if he is accurate then why would you still be an active member of the LDS church?
+Anne Marie Well..........Im a still active rm....what he says sounds pretty accurate to me
Yes u do know that CHRIST JESUS will not be in Mormon heaven because he doesn't ask for permission to enter into anywhere. You do know this right?
+Anne Marie "it doesn't matter! Anne i'm going to Mormon heaven"
+Anne Marie How do you know that he is full of crap? I know the MOrmon church. It has slowly changed over the last 30 years. It is now what it is and the younger sheep doesn't know about the stuff that happened 10 years prior.

Hank and Marie Love to see the Mormon Temple

Hank and Marie are mortified when they see what's on the video Walt gave them. (Most of the footage used of the inside of a Mormon Temple was filmed inside ...

User Comments

Well this is humorous. I had to look up your published video list to confirm a hunch. Not surprisingly, I was dead on. For someone that thinks the Mormon religion is silly, you sure spend a lot of time and effort making all these anti Mormon videos. Why the obsession? And you think Mormons are crazy and weird? Oh the irony.
+david josol brain washed
+david josol bullshit line, that is the famous line. I know because I was one of you. David your a kid and you don't know what the hell your talking about. google the ceremony prior to 1990 and tell me why it is different then today and why.
+david josol "Why should I read those stories" The call of the brainwashed .
+Adam Wesley would you really just want to let a long con keep getting away with it? Would you really just want to ignore something that had ulterior motives at the expense of people's emotions?
+david josol It's not sacred, it's fucking stupid. Time will come you'll understand you've been indoctrinated by a cult.
What I meant to ask was when was David in the temple. 
Thank you Bill, yes the embossed are put on right after Lucifer tell them too.  When have you been to the temple?
Bill where did you find this?
WOW, good one bill
+david josol prior to the changes in 1990 the word "secrecy" was used in the "Endowment" ceremony
+david josol The aprons that Mormons put on have "fig leaves" embossed on them, so they obviously represent "fig leaves" that "Lucifer" mentions, and they are put on right after "Lucifer" tells them to put on fig leaves.
Yeah, going on a full-time two year mission on my own dime is totally sane but posting videos of what was required of me as a Mormon is bat shit crazy. Seriously? Get a fucking clue, dude. Call me if you ever want the truth more than you want your cult to be true. (801) 971-8661
+Lori Quin oh I see.. you mean Lucifer's apron? He's not the one who says to put aprons.. but "Fig-Leaves" to cover because "they" are naked.. and the apron that you are talking about that is being used inside the Holy Temple.. it is not the Apron that Lucifer has.. it is the apron that symbolizes fig-leaves, think about this.. do we need to bring "fig-leaves" inside the Temple? no.. not the apron of Lucifer that you want to mean..God says they will allow Satan..Satan just knew good and evil. in other way, Satan was the instrument to let them learn and started to gain knowledge.I'm sorry but you misunderstood it sister. my eyes are already opened, and many more things will I know in the days to come..
David I'm not going to convince you of anything.  The next time you go to the Temple note who instructs you to put on your fig apron. Who is it that he says he is.  Then note how long you keep the apron on.  Then once you get into the celestrial room and are seated in the white quiet room, go ask anyone why it was Lucifer who told you to put the apron on and why you still have it on in the Celestrial room. Just remember that.  Then ask your self if Jesus died for your sins why are you doing all this and why do you have to remember strange handmovents and the names of those movements etc to get into the celestrial room.  I'm not trying to focus just on the faults of man, I'm trying to help you open your eyes.
+Lori Quin and why should I read those stories? tell me! Why do you keep on taking time focusing to the faults of men? I will tell you brethren and sisters, people may have mistakes, members, leaders even Joseph Smith and prophets of old.. But the Church will remain true.. rely from the histories? yes, it is a history. the church was restored, God restored his church.. and still the restoration is not yet done and still moving. Men inside the church might have faults.. but it cannot make the church to be untrue.. The Church of Jesus Christ will always be his Church. You will never have peace doing those non-sense research.. Money could buy everything, even to make false doctrines to be true.. remember.. The Church of the Devil also exist. BE AWARE OF YOUR ACTIONS!Stop it!!!!
you might want to read some of these stories//exmormon.org/phorum/list.php?3Also look at this video amd story, this man was a an, area authority in the church.  //www.nytimes.com/2013/07/21/us/some-mormons-search-the-web-and-find-doubt.html?pagewanted=all&_r=2&
Next time you go to the temple and when you are told to put on your apron and in other areas of the temple to do certain things...take note David of who is instructing you to put on the apron.  It's very important that you notice that. 
David, I did not have a peaceful feeling when I was in the temple. ( I pretended I did, to fit in)  White is nice and many things looked pure, but from the first time to the last time I did not have a good feeling.  Very few people who are active in the LDS church if they are talking to other active LDS people will say they had a bad feeling in the temple. They will lie just as I did.  If you lie you are accepted, if you tell the truth you are told you need to pray, you need to do this, this, this.  Your heart is not right and the list goes on.  Evil can use God's name as a disguise. I also challenge you to find me one prophecy that a prophet from 1980 to present said that came true. Prophets tell prophesies that’s what they do.  I can find prophesies of former prophets in Mormon history who said something would come true that did not. That's called false.  
+Laura Quinton If temple and temple ordinances are of Lucifer, then there must be no room for God even names to be spoken then.. I am only 18 years old, but I know a lot of things inside and outside the church. When questions pop up into my mind, I only spend time reading and praying and asking Heavenly Father.. for I knew that listening to opinions is just a waste of time. Sis. Laura, if you left because you found out many things that just cannot be explained away.. you shouldn't, for God is the only one who will let you know and understand about those things.. you should feel about it, at first place.. if "practices" been made inside the temple is of lucifer.. we would feel it for if it is good, it is of God.. and if it is bad.. it is not of God but of Satan.. "Broad".. why would we have joy or feel happiness when we are inside the temple and performing ordinances? and for I know that If i tell other people or not to keep the things that have to be kept sacred, people who are not a member of the church my not understand for it is to be learned step by step.. "even to spouse or to any member of the family or a church member outside the temple?" yes, for I found the answer by myself that satan would play into our mind for it is a deep and a sacred doctrine.. Revelations are "unlimited" everytime i enter the Holy Temple. I testify that these things are true, and God will widen our understanding by great faith in him. I understand Sis. Laura.. I know we were given an agency to choose for ourselves.. may we have a peaceful conversation. Thanks for opening, Keep Safe. :)
+david josol I was fed that sacred not secret for years. I went to the mormon temple for years.  David don't you find it strange that Lucifer is instructing the putting on of the green apron.  Don't find it strange that it is he that gives the threat, and I know you know what the threat is.  Don't you think it's strange that the penalites are now takin out of the temple..I went when the penalites were in there.  //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penalty_(Mormonism)   I testify to you that they were in there.  Why is it you cannot talk about the temple even with your spouse outside the temple. If you would like to more I will be happy to share.  I am 50 years old and I have spent most of my life in the mormon church. I left because I found out many things that just cannot be explained away.  I wish you well and open mind. Don't use mormon talk such as it's sacred not secret..that's the exact words you have been taught and what I told people for years.  
+katums141 its not secret, it's sacred. :)time will come you'll understand about these things. 
Just what mormons do. I don't think it's bad what they do, I think its smart that someone wants to show people what they dont know.. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm not hating on anyone here, I have a lot of mormon friends, I just think its silly that they need secrets.
+katums141 what truth does he wanted to expose?
+katums141 agree with adam why are you so upsessd with the mormon they do nothing wrong i feel sorry for you.. there is nothing bad...
He's an ex mormon wanting to expose the truth and show the curious world what they do. That's not crazy. That's fucking smart.
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