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Break even twilight fanfiction Videos

Didyme- Utopia Twilight fanfic- Didymes death Clip#1

No copyright infringement intended in the making of this video completely fan made! The full moon glistened down upon Didyme Volturi as she sat near the pond ...

User Comments

its like she realizes she is going to die and is kind of asking him if it is true. she is saying when they are done with her she wont see his face like she will be in heaven or where ever
I know this is how your fanfiction is.. but I could not help but see Marcus when Aro was screaming no. Because Marcus would have been pained greatly. Lol :D
i really need inspiration for clip 2 plus i need mpre clips for this actress. she says "your face will not be here when this is over will it?"
but that is the mystery why was marcus there? aro may be crazy but his sister was very important. maybe marcus has a hidden agenda...
I loved it when Aro's like, NOOOOO!!! lol, and actually, Aro was the one to kill Didyme in the first place, so, yeah. :P
@Childofthenight225 I like your thinking :) I just may start reading this fanfiction!
when will you make clip two? and what she say at 0:7?
that's really sad! thanks for replying.
What song was in the background?
what does she mean by that?
love it xDD

Bella & Jasper Love will Find a way

This is a fanfiction I am writing and would love to become popular. So I hope you like it. the link is ...

Bella/Jacob/Edward Twilight Fanfiction - Transposed

This is a fanvideo I decided, on a whim, to make for my WIP fanfiction - Transposed. The story centers around the question, "How would Twilight have gone, had ...

Pretty Little Liars fanfiction - breakeven - Episode 4

Here is my Pretty Little Liars fanfiction writing episode 4. The writing belongs to me, but the characters that are used in this story belong to Sara Shepard and ...

Twilight Fanfiction: "Salvation" - Writing of Chp. 15

Okay, I love the track "A Yankee Vampire" so much I had to put it in this video even though it had no relevance. XD All this music is from the Breaking Dawn Pt. 2 ...

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Pretty Little Liars fanfiction - breakeven - Episode 1

I have been watching Anna Fitz's Ezria fanfictions and I decided I wanted to do one for pretty little liars. This belongs to me, but the characters belong to Sara ...

Pretty Little Liar fanfiction - breakeven - Episode 2

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (//www.youtube.com/editor)

kidnapped || (a twilight fanfiction) by madcowre

MATURE! "I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY!" this story, it means so much to me. although i'm barely hanging on to the twilight fandom, re-reading this PERFECT ...

User Comments

aww thank you! and me either. I totally fell out of it, but I swear whenever I read this story it makes me love it! maybe it's because of how into it I was when I read it! but this should totally have been a film or something! the whole concept of this is story is so intriguing; and i'm in love with the whole love/hate thing! but urg, i'll shut up now and let you read it! just be warned of the heavy lemons! I find it strange to remember I read this when I was twelve.. :/ xx
okay! uhm- I didn't write this story! Rhiannon Bentley wrote the story, and I've mentioned this in the desc! she goes by the pen name 'madcowre' and the link is in the desc. She's actually discussed the possibility of it being published too! & so I didn't write this story when I was 12, but I don't think the swearing is particularly bad, and it makes the story what it is it's trying to capture the lives of 17/18 year olds :')
This is absolutely AMAZING! I'm actually trying to make a trailer of a few things-I've written two novels, and like created celebrites to match-up roles for one of my favorite books (Dreamland by Sarah Dessen) and I'm starting a fanfic-I'll inbox you, maybe you can give me tips or we can work together! :) AND I STARTED READING THIS, ON CHAPTER 11, AND HOLY CRAP, IT'S FANTASTIC!!! #TeamEdward
aww thank you! :') and I'd love to read your fanfictions! but I didn't write this! the wonderful rhiannon did, and so I can't really help you there! I write a bit on fanfiction on the side, but editing is my complete passion! I'd happily take a look at some of your stuff though! and I'd happily try to make you a trailer if that's what you wanted!
i-i-i i'm speechless... apart from sying: This is amazing! well the advert is get it published! as in now! its amazing and i'm going to write one! and this is so good! YOU HAVE TO PUBLISH IT im going to read the full thing! i swear! or at least i swear ill try! it looks amazing! have you done any othe r books? see im spoechless!
it's not 'my' fanficiton, I've said multiple times in the description, namely in the first sentence above "I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY" And the story made perfect sense, a lot of other people completely understood it and Rhiannon is an amazing author.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, SO MUCH! SO AMAZING! I can't believe you guys still like this story after all this time. It means a lot to me. So, thank you!
Omg this looks good. What's the name of the song? I've heard it in another fanfic but never really asked wat the song was, so I'm just wondering.
aaah this is so stunning! I'm not in the twilight fandom so much anymore but I think I'll give a try to this story, seems very interesting :)
Holy fuck I remember reading this Fanfiction back in 2010....damn omg. So reading it again, definitly one of my favorite fanfictions ever.
An amazing trailer for an awesome story!! This is such a beautiful trailer you made. The quote you used are just right. Amazing job!!
oh my god i remember watching the original trailer of this and bawling and then reading it and bawling and i just
thank you! it's called 'shattered' by trading yesterday :)
btw y does it have so much swear words in it if u ewere 12
oh rite oops i missed that part, but good advert thingy
thank you so much!
Your fan fiction didn't really make sense

Reincarnated - A Twilight Fanfic Trailer

So as you can probably already tell... I love making trailers form my fanfics. They're just such a challenge. In this story, Bella is actually 16 even though in this ...

User Comments

Not bashing the video. Because the video was amazingly put together and built. I will try not to spoil the books and movies *I have read them* But it is physically IMPOSSIBLE for Bella to die.... how would she die 90 years ago when she is human? *if you want to know more because you don't care about it beeing spoiled, just send me a message. But.... she can't come back 90 years later. If this video was a Twlight trailer... impossible.. an opening movie of a completely different orgin? then maybe
@44454469 By God, the dignity in your statement...you know, it's rather interesting to think that the person who made this trailer and who's probably written one heck of a lot of words and given one heck of a lot of people entertainment in doing it 'doesn't have a life'. However, you, who's name is only a number so you don't even have a proper identity and who sends rather horrible, immature messages, seem to think you have a life. Grow up, child.
i know I'm going to sound so dumb, but I know you organized this trailer but my question is Is there really a movie??? if their is... where can i watch it??? I'm a fan of twilight but all this reincarnated thing is new to me!!!={ I had no idea of this and the wide awake....... yeah dumb right??? please answer me A.S.A.P!!!! thanks=)
She would've died... 90 years before this fiction took place? I don't see how Bella cannot die, as she's human in [most] of the Twilight series. ;] Think of it like this; Bella: *dies somehow when human* Cullens: D: New!Bella: *is reincarnated* Hence the entire story.
That was UNBELIEVABLE! You really have a talent for this stuff. I wish you would make some of the actual movie trailers because to be honest they are kind of rubbish. Question: What movie maker did you use, I really want to know please?
how do u all know that she died at the age of 72 when i don't know.. and the 4th book isn't out yet.. so i really don't believe u ppl yet. it could be true but it could be a lie.. i'l find out when i read the 4th book Aug 2nd.
wooow awesome! this is the idea for the 5th book and great video, really. wich programm is this?? you used diffrent filmes with kristen and sobert, right? at first i cant see it xD (sorry for my english ._.)
i guess u cud say im a little confused. so bella died..but then came back to life?? or ...i dont know.. can u explain to me tho?? thanku oh and other than tht it was a pretty good video :]
small problem i see in this fan video. If bella dies then we all know edward would kill himself as well. But since it is a fan fic, i suppose anything could happen. Nicely done though!
there is no specific vampire type. if every vampire was the same, the vampire genre would be extremely boring. instead of flaming, go out and get fucking laid by a damn hooker.
I really liked the story....until it switched to an upbeat miley cyrus song. Don't get me wrong I like Miley Cyrus but this song just wasn't meant for such a serious video.
No, you don't forget your past. Alice just didn't remember hers because she was locked up all her life practically. Rosalie,Jasper,and Carlisle remember. She won't forget.
lol i liked it, but i gotta say, 0:50 threw me for a second there cuz first there's this epic at world's end music, then miley cyrus comes out of nowhere. it was funny.
True he probably would kill himself. In this he wanted to but thought about how it would affect his brothers, sisters and parents... So he just wallowed in his sorrow
how do you mkae videos like this, with the clips and what not, i'm trying to learn but i can't figure it out, or find any online tutorials.... help would be great
What about Renesmee? How did Bella die? Doesn't Taylor Lautner play Jacob? And Jackson Rathbone as Jasper? And Ashley Greene as Alice? What about Renesmee?
I write fanfiction myself... So I will definitely give your story a look. I've made a trailer for one of my fics... so I feel where you're coming from!
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