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Wedding bands halifax ns Videos

Insane...Hard Rock Band...Chaos Theory... Halifax...Nova Scotia...Canada (Description.)

Flogging Molly - Halifax, NS Encore Part 2 - Band Intros & "Seven Deadly Sins"

Flogging Molly performs in Halifax, NS on Oct. 14/09. For more great music plus trivia check out my podcasts: //www.clickcaster.com/marksmusic.

User Comments

Me too! I've been to a lot of shows, and this is definitely one of the best I've been to!

Hard Rock Band...Chaos Theory... Halifax...Nova Scotia...Canada (Great song!!)

Smokin' Contra Band dance in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Smokin' Contra Band dance in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Oct. 24, 2010.

User Comments

(This dance sequence is "Awesome Double Progression Dance" by Donna Calhoun.)

Halifax's Fade 2 Black Band Intro

User Comments

hi, great sound. I was talking to the guitar player at the grocery store in toronto. He said he remembered seeing me in Long & Mcquade a few days before trying out piano's. Hows that for a small world. best wishes for all your success.
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