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Live Music Video Alabama Johnathan East Performing American Boy

Live Music Video Johnathan East from the Cullman County Fair September 29,2012 performing Laid Back Lovin' Mood for the Texaco Country Showdown ...

ASMR Whisper 99 Questions Tag No One Ever Asks

Leave me a comment or feedback =] Channels Mentioned, along with instagram and paypal TinglyShoop ASMR ...

User Comments

Very soothing voice and gorgeous eyes c;
+ChanceBrahh hey no fair don't twist my words. I stand by that their lovely as heck
+Bim Brooke ahaha well thats a first, i have nutty eyes and with a hazel hue
There's not a single horrible thing about them! They're gorgeous and almond-shaped which what most people only dream of having. They have this hazel hue to them which makes them distinctive
+Bim Brooke they are horrible lol im not fishing for compliments but i really cant see what you like about them
Whaaat, they aren't even that bad! Don't be so harsh on yourself! You're pretty dang handsome. The eyes draw attention away from them!
+Bim Brooke thanks, lol how i always have such big bags under them :(
Where can we see the pics you posed for?
+ChanceBrahh I'm talking about the full frontal pic lol I wanna see it all.
+whispmeaway one of them is in the video.
AMAZING VIDEO! its my first time in your channel... you are amazing :D really relaxing :)
+Esteban G awesome! well hope you stick around =]
I couldn't stop laughing at some of the questions XD anyway I just happen to click on this video by mistake and can I just say that this is now my #1 favorite asmr video! Subscribed! Thanks for the vid and you're voice is amazing! 
+Kathya Valdezumm.. yeh she prob wont do another one for some time lol she doesnt like doing it :P any others?
Yes please! A whisper video from you and you're wife would be nice, loved her whispering in the test video if girls or guys were more popular.
+Kathya Valdez awesome! glad i didnt turn out to be a mistake =] if you have a request that isnt roleplay i may be able to do it as im starting to get free time =]

99 Random Questions Tag

QUESTIONS: 1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? 2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? 3:Do you sleep with your ...

User Comments

I will not say how pretty u r because u get that alot from men and from woman, and maybe u get bored of that, u need some body real in ur life 4 u could feel important with out the word pretty all the time or how great u are. 4 u 2 be acepted 4 u and not because ur pretty it all fun and games 2 people with u of not be taken seriously at all just 4 sex and that's it. ITS. Like that's all ur worth,I would like 2 know do u hate that not being real to the
U must have guys wanting u 4 pleasures 2 be satisfied ,u could activate The launch sequence at anytime at a man. Just press the button and they will launch with accuracy they will be like dogs happy as hell shaking there tail left 2 right very fast I would like 2 talk u 4 real with no bull shit because I am real it would be more exciting. 
You should do videos of how you do ur make up nd hair it be cool


YOU'RE TAGGED! ;) (QUESTIONS BELOW!) WANT TO ASK ME A QUESTION: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE2rbEO751k MY GIVEAWAY: ...

User Comments

Thank yous!:) And oooooo!, coolio iglasias! I'll be looking forward to seeing this episode of JamieLikesToVlog! ;)
Thank yous! I'm filming the haul in a bit! so it will be up later! :) Thanks for watching! :)
This is awesome! Great video as usual :D I can' wait for the haul!
LOVES! Totes perf as per

Why the Fuck is Joe in a Banana Hammock?

Smokin' Joe Haines surprises 3 men of color who just happen to be standing around at New York Band Draft Conference Finals by wearing a shark beanie and ...

رقص بنات الهند - band kamre mein pyar karenge

حصرى ومصرى بواسطة د ايهاب مهران Exclusive by dr ehab mhran //www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-ehab...

Cathedrals Quartet - Dry Bones

The Cathedral Quartet at the peak of their popularity singing "Dry Bones".

User Comments

you think i am as retarded as you are? They kill the infidels and by muslim extremists own words that is america and anyone or country that befriends america. ipso facto stupido! You put god in small case so that just implies a "god" which can be anything even a wood carving. But you are not even smart enough to spell "God" in correct form but you can deny God all you want, denial doesn't equal non existence. If I am wrong I lose nothing BUT if you are wrong you lose EVERYTHING! think on that?
There is nothing that I said which either means or implies that "Satan" is "good." On the other hand, it is a fact that "God" at one point (supposedly ... according to the "holy" bible) commanded that people should be stoned to death if they work on a particular day of the week. Only an evil entity would command such a thing. And only an evil entity would find satisfaction in the brutal torture and murder of an innocent being (even himself or his son) as "atonement" for sins of others.
its because God implanted the truth on their hearts and they are seeking the truth while trying to convince their flesh they hate God for implanted the truth on their hearts. They don't realize it's their heart that is calling them here. Remember that's why the world will hate the BIBLE and Christians and Jesus Christ, but love allah, love muslims and accept the koran that says muslims should kill all americans. BUT above all mans heart is wicked and who can know it..God can & does..
Why would people who don't believe in God and what these songs are saying even be here to make these comments? It appears to me, the only reason would be that they are looking for an argument. I'm thankful that they have listened to the wonderful ministry, and know God's Word will never return void...BUT.... I enjoy listening to these recordings I grew up on, and enjoy reading comments from fellow fans. Why do you make me have to shovel through your feces? LEAVE US ALONE!!!!!!!
stop getting in arguments and enjoy the song! first of all, you stupid atheists don't even know anything about the bible, so don't debate it. second, when Darwin was alive, he didn't even challenge religion. Ever. In fact, evolution is just a theory of how animals change over time. Of course that doesn't mean god didn't create them first. 3rd, if someone is ignorant enough to reject god, then they should reject Satan too. Stop debating and listen to the song
man's heart IS wicked.. Why else would anyone marry children rape rob and pillage and then invent a religion as an excuse to justify it all and glorify himself. Islam is 1600 year old cult founded by a Pagan hack who knew less about Judaism and Christianity than an atheist. Mohammad...the original Jim Jones These people used to worship Stars... Statues, Rocks...they worshiped King Nimrod, His Son as a reincarnation, and then Nimrod's ghost... nuff said
Now: I was only answering the arrogant idiot who calls himself Trent1998stairs who presumes to know who is in hell and who is not. But if you want to turn this into a theological debate, we can do that and you will loose. On the other hand, you could just be quiet and listen to the really cool music and leave theological debating to people who have actually read the Bible.
though I am touched that you and people like you seek out God but your brain dont know what your heart is doing. You people seek out Believers we dont seek you out though we should because its our duty to do so to open your mind to follow your heart in seeking God because thats why you are having this conversation now, dont deny it just accept it.
no kidding it doesn't say kill all americans...you think i am as retarded as you are? They kill the infidels and by muslim extremists own words that is america and anyone or country that befriends america. Get an education and learn how to read what one implies. you cant be that dumb, can you?
The koran says kill all Americans......no it doesn't....... America didn't even exist when the koran was written...... it was still in the hands of it's natives and the trouble there was small......then along came christians and the trouble got big
replaced? of course not, He and Glen disbanded the group when they retired. So there will never be a Cathedral QT ever to grace the SG stage again :( an era died with these 2 men dont you agree folks? they dont make'em like that no more
There is NO music better than this, this is when people actually poured their heart into music, i can just listen to The Cathedrals for hours and hours. The chopped up edited autotuned trash of today is sickening
Nimrod, Mohammad, Jim Jones, L Ron Hubbard, Marshall Applewhite... same bullshit different day. There is only one act of God that justifies a man before his maker. There is NO act of man that can accomplish this
The first time I heard "Dry Bones," I was a little kid. It was on the Fibber McGee and Molly radio show, sung by the Billy Mills quartet. Loved it then and love it still. Cathedrals do it proud!
Considering the fact that that is just your believe, you shouldn't go around saying things like that. It makes people like me sad... but not sad for Mr. Darwin, if you understand what I'm saying.
Personally, I always thought God, Allah, the Great Father were different names for the same God. I always felt God was too big and complex to be defined by just one religion.
Yah Has SPOKEN. A beautiFULL rendition of this song. These bones are gonna get up and walk around. Get ready for Ruach Ha Kodesh. The Spirit of YAH. HalalYah. Allahu Akbar!
These guys were real characters. I was fortunate to meet them as a young Christian in the 70's and I never forgot the positive influence they had on my life.
Mr. Darwin connected dem... dry bones. Mr. Darwin connected dem... dry bones. Mr. Darwin connected dem... dry bones. And speared de word of de lord! ;-)
So you consider Satan as good. If you believe in Satan whom you have not seen how can you not believe in God whom you also have not seen
Considering the fact that Mr. Darwin is in hell, it don't matter if he connected anything. It is all the work of our God.
this was my favorite song back when i was growing up i just recently started looking for it and am so glad i found it
First time I hear a little anatomy lesson in just an awesome Gospel song!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!
The so-called "Christian God" is evil. It's a good thing such a horrific entity cannot actually exist.
@MrGodhavemercy Fife? The small Scottish city? That's a strange reward for returning from the dead.
I'm certainly not dumb enough to believe in god....... how can the Koran mention America you idiot
did Glen forget to go up when transitioning from foot/ankle bone to ankle/shin bone?

The Best Soul, Funk, and Disco Songs of the 70s - part four

Full Songlist- 1970- Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours (Stevie Wonder) Groove Me (King Floyd) ABC (The Jackson Five) She's Not Just Another Woman (8th ...

User Comments

plese help me ( iam searching for something like - it looks like love - ) idon't know enything else .
+dadai ay i don't know actualy ... but 60's i think ... again .. i am not sure and i don 't know .. but thank u for trying .
+ammar abdalbagi what era is the song from and are thoes lyrics?
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