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Makeup number 7 Videos

Boots Number 7 Make Up Range # 2 1981 UK Advert

Boots Number 7 Make Up Range # 2 1981 UK Advert.

Boots Number 7 Woman Putting Make Up On UK Advert

Boots Number 7 Woman Putting Make Up On UK Advert.

User Comments

God I used to love this advert..... why don't they make them fun like this anymore
They don't make adverts fun like this anymore

Boots - Number 7 - Make Up Range - 1981 - Advert

Boots - Number 7 - Make Up Range - 1981 - Advert.

User Comments

Why does the makeup in this look so pigmented and good quality in this ad and the ad from '87 where the girl does her own makeup? Is it because in this ad the girl is so light that she's translucent in this and that's why all the pigment shows up on her well or was No. 7 just way better in the 80s and stuff than they are today?
Sophie Ward was indeed a stunning looking girl !! Can anyone remember an advert for Boots No 7 make up with Gail Elliott in the same vein as this one but she roars like a lion at the end then giggles ?? Would LOVE to see that ad again !!
I remember that advert. It features a saxophone version of 'Put On A Happy Face'. That was in the late 80's as I remember.
There were a couple of No 7 ads this was one of the later ones would love to see the slightly earlier ones too!
The ad you are talking about was on youtube up until about 6 months ago. It always stuck in my mind too!
good heavens,i remember this ad like it was yesterday!I thought it as quite cleverly done,for the time.
30 years old. Seems like only yesterday. I was 15 and had a bit of a crush on the girl in the ad.
fantastic. Can you find the slightly later one of the girl making herself up from scratch ??
I agree with nwlman one of the beautiful girls of the 80's and even more beautiful now !
The advert you're talking about is back on here! Type in No7 1987.
I don't think anyone thinks of No7 like this any more! =L
That particular advertisement is back on here!
Sophie Ward one of the most stunning girls ever
Brilliant, thanks for posting this.
Such a classic ad; I love it!

Makeup bloody eye Number.7

Video 7 Makeup Forever Foundation

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