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Access rights Videos

Setting Access Rights for user

OpenERP 7: Setting user rules and privileges for viewing.

User Comments

Thank so much!

Assigning User Access Rights by Roles

For Administrators: find out how to create roles that you can assign to users for easier maintenance of user access rights.

TrackYourTruck Setting Access Rights

In this video we show you how to set access rights providing specific privileges to specific employees.

Whato purpose do access rights serve?

Access rights on Principle 10 Rio Declaration.

SBS 2011 Licensing - CALs and Access Rights

A brief overview of client access licenses (CALs) and access rights for Windows SBS 2011, including Essentials, Standard, and the Premium Add-on.

User Comments

Not bad, not bad at all. You presented this very well #UN#. I enjoyed watching it, looking forward to more videos from you.

ENGAGE (iOS) - How to Grant User Access Rights in the Cloud Database

This video demonsrates how to grant user access rights in the ENGAGE cloud database.

Privilege Management: DirectAuthorize for Windows, Network Access Rights

This privilege management video will discuss network access rights and privilege for remote administration. This discussion will tell you what the network access ...
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