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Wedding gifts china Videos

Dad's Wedding Gift From China

What do Chinese people from Beijing say about Pakistan, Must Watch

What do Chinese people from Beijing say about Pakistan, Must Watch.

User Comments

pakistanio ka land kata hota ha
+Aniket Dalui agar time mela to toma be mouth ma da donga...
+Mohammad Ehtisham Mohammad Ehtisham tera kate wuha land ko teri ma hi chategi chutiya ar sath ma teri randi bahan jise industani har din chodti ha
+Aniket Dalui nahi tere sister ka anal or pussy dono poronga apne cute howe lund sa wo be tere father or ap ka samne.per ap ki mom ke bari ho ge os ka mu ma cum karunga take sahi bacha paida hogai.......
+Mohammad Ehtisham tera kate wuha land ko teri ma hi chategi chutiya
+Saad Iftikhar tera ma ki chut chati thi badi rasili ha safeda ki tarah
Best way to teach an animal is to become an animal like him. Janwar ko samjhaney key liye janwar ban naa parta hai.
+Saad Iftikhar nice ans bro i think he suck my dick and i didnt let him to breath he was continously sucking my dick for 4 days
+Aniket Dalui Toh sari zindagi Pakistanio ka chossta raha hai?
Loved It chinesse are so cute especially when they try to speak urdu :P
Wow thats great. It means south Asian culture is growing.
+Saad Iftikhar don't know if they can speak hindu but i have a few russian friends here in pak who speaks a lil bit urdu
+Fazaian726 How many Russians can speak Hindi? none.. Lol.

Blog in :30 | How to Keep Wedding Gifts in a Storage Unit

Wedding VDO Highlight Gift + Gap at Villa Sava Panga

Congratulations to newly wed "Gift + Gap" from China For inquirie: Please contact Ball Thawat Email: [email protected] Tel. 089-7235565 Location: Villa ...

China gifts Ethiopian residents with a standard secondary school

Residents of Dongolat town in Tigray Regional State of Ethiopia are celebrating establishment of a standard secondary school financed by a Chinese company.

User Comments

China is everywhere, you should focus on China US imbalance trade and debt. Better yet, you should scold the west for exploiting Africa for decades. What ever China is doing in Africa, is still better than what the west has done in 100 years.
+Jonte Ded​ why.?
+Africa's Best You should work on your reading abilities. 
+Jonte Ded I'm a mad dog? At leastt am mot a dumbass wayne who can't do shit for themselves and all you guys can do is be beggers, your the number one begger shermutas. Get your leba self out of your ass and go join your ape leader chenawi in hell, where he resides.
+Africa's Best I already told you that I'm not a Woyane supporter, I never claimed to be. Unless someone isn't a mad dog like yourself, they automatically must be Woyane? You're a crazy person, take a brake from the Internet for a week, you need it.
+Jonte Ded​ ya bs there is no point of arguing with woyane supporter because y'all have mental illness. You guys get very confused with what the words and concept of "success, achievement, and improvement" I recommend all of you check out a mental institution.
+Africa's Best Woyane? I don't support the current government, but I'm not a brainwashed 100% hateful opposition troll either. You are 500% emotions. There's no point in providing facts, you make absolutely no sense. I'm done.
+Jonte Ded so in order to develop your country? You have to steal from other ethnic groups, be leboch, kill everyone that disagrees with you, beg, beg, beg, like filthy rats and lastly sell your country because you can't do shit for yourself. You wayane donkeys are so fucking dumb, no wonder Ethiopia is hell, and no wonder every ethnic group wants to separate.
+Africa's Best There's not a singled developed country in Africa, I never stated that. It's developing. In order to do that, you need infrastructure (electricity, roads, rail) and if you can't afford to build all those things or don't have the know-how, you get a loan and hire foreign contractors. How can this be so hard to understand?
+Jonte Ded I think your the idiot here because Ethiopia hasn't "developed" and I'm pretty sure economics is not selling your country.
+Africa's Best Seriously, you're just typing jibberish nonsense. You don't seem to understand simple economics and how countries around the world develop. 
+Jonte Ded​ "hire" let's use some factual words, replace with sell, beg, steal, and make Ethiopia for any body that's not Ethiopian. Even the Jamaican rastas and the Shabia people have more power than actual Ethiopians. You don't have any factual proof, you just blah blah blah about shit or your perceived notion of "achievements, accomplishments" your perceived notion of "hiring the foreigners" your vary laughable, you are an Idiot.
+Africa's Best It's all emotions, you don't state any facts. No, Ethiopia doesn't have the billion dollars needed for all infrastructure programs, that's why they have to take loans. If you are poor, you hire the most price effective which tend to be the Chinese. Similar service from a European company would cost a lot more. Either way, these infrastructure projects are needed to provide an environment where manufacturing and industrialization can take place. With that come knowledge and in the future, you will see Ethiopian firms competing for similar projects. You have to start somewhere though. 
+Jonte Ded what I'm on about is why is the Ethiopian government such dumbasses? "We hire" please you mean you beg and sell, let's be honest you don't have that much money "to hire" and the money you have is stolen money #leba. Wake the hell up dumbass.
+Africa's Best What are you on about?That "Troll God" asks why we hire Chinese company's to build rail. He simply doesn't understand that poor African countries doesn't have the technological know-how domestically. He would probably ask why Africans doesn't build nuclear plants themselves next (like Egypt that contracted Russian firms). 
+Jonte Ded your a dumbass. That Mary Antoinette story is exactly what's happening in Ethiopia.
+Troll God You remind me of a story that took place in France a long time ago, where a young princess went to see poor people on the countryside that were starving at the time. When this was explained to her, she replied by asking "Why don't they eat cake?". I'll leave you with that and see if you get the point. 
+Jonte Ded  "It sounds like you're a puppet of the Western anti-Chinese propaganda machine" are you fucking retarded? have you not heard anything I said. I swear its always the same shit "o your just mad to see Ethiopia doing good" I mean like seriously how can a human being reach such level of retardation? ETHIOPIA NEEDS TO BUILD ITS OWN INFERSTRUCTER NOT FOREIGN COORPERATIONS!!
+Troll God most Ethiopians agree with me and you actually, each oppressed tribe has their own freedom fighters. Don't listen to those that call you haters because those are lazy woyane rats who enjoy getting "free hadouts" aka become slaves, selling your country.
+Jonte Ded stfu we all know what woyane is doing, he doesn't have to be part of the Anit-Chinese propaganda dumbass because you've soled the land to the Europeans, Arabs, Indians, and Chinese. Woyane donkoro try to open your eyes. Most Ethiopians don't like woyane rule, that's why the Ogadens have their own freedom fighters, the Oromo, the Amara, the Afaris, and the Gambella do as well. Don't worry everyone know who the real jegnas are, and it's a matter of time before we send you where your dear leader chenawi resides in a firey hell.
+Troll God *sigh* Point is, Chinese are not "stealing" any natural resources from Ethiopia, which you claim, since Ethiopia is not an exporter of oil/gas.The Chinese are among the top 3 biggest investors in Ethiopia, they're building industrialized zones and establishing clothing factories - all which creates jobs for locals.Chinese company's are also hired to build infrastructure such as railways. Indian, Turkish and possible Brazilian company's are involved as well. Would you make all of this noise if the Ethiopian government contracted German or French firms? It sounds like you're a puppet of the Western anti-Chinese propaganda machine.
+Jonte Ded  lol wait are you saying Ethiopia has no natural resources? THATS ONLY BECAUSE ITS LEADERS HAVE NOT EXPANDED THEIR SEARCH FOR IT. what have Ethiopians leaders done to better the country? NOTHING!! Eritreans just blindly follow their leaders not realizing they being fooled. and china is not INVESTING in Ethiopia they are just using them to build their structures to make money. 
+Africa's Best  finally somebody who knows what's going on. everybody els just calls me a hater. lol there is no way in hell Selassie would approve of what's going on in Ethiopia today. in fact he is most likely turning in his grave. Ethiopians have forgotten who they are. the fact that they are so naïve that they cannot tell what china is doing to them is just beyond my comprehension.
+Troll God TPlF aka Agames are known as beggers, that's whay they're good at. They can't do shit by themselves, they always beg, beg, like starving rats and then look where it got us, Ethiopia is being sold to the Europeans, Arabs, Chinese, and Indians. Ethiopia is not for Ethiopian. Dumbass rats woyane pigs think this is supposed to be the biggest "accomplishment" lol they didn't accomplish shit but they did make Ethiopia a slave state, where their own citzen can't live in. All they've accomplished was getting hadouts, by begging and selling. Now if this was Selassie, Belay, Towdros it would be a diffrent story, they wouldn't be selling our country to foreigners or begging on foreigners.
+Troll God I don't even know where to begin with you, I don't know if you lack basic knowledge about Ethiopian society and economic, or if you're really just trolling. 1. "they need to stop tribalism and end ethnic based politics [political parties]" - I agree 100%. This has nothing to do with China though. 2. "end feud with Eritreans" - Eritrea started the last war in 1998, according to the final conclusion/statement made by the International court in the Hague. Eritrean regime is super communistic & nationalistic and they are hostile towards not only Ethiopia, but Djibouti and Yemen as well. Basically, all it's neighbors except Sudan. Current "no war, no peace" status doesn't hurt Ethiopia though, so Eritrea isn't really a concern at this time. If they continue to support armed anti-Ethiopian rebels, like they are currently do, it might come a time where the Asmara regime needs to be stopped once for all. This time without the half-Eritrean Meles Zenawi, so the job will be done properly. I wish for peace though, so I hope Isaias regime come to it's senses. 3. China is INVESTOR a in Ethiopia. Ethiopia doesn't have OIL, we do not export GAS, there are no "natural resources" to steal. China, like any other country, are welcome to Ethiopia to do BUSINESS. Investments creates jobs, transfer of knowledge, etc. NO country on EARTH survives or developed without foreign investment! You need to go back to school and learn the very basic of economy.I have seen terrible Chinese projects in countries like Angola where the Chinese only hire their own people. That is not the case in Ethiopia. Look at the railway project, over 80% of employees are LOCALS. It's also in the contract to educated locals so that the railway can be run and maintained by Ethiopians. Don't apply whatever Western media has brainwashed you with to Ethiopia. Different experiences in different countries! 
+Jonte Ded  THE solutions to Ethiopia's problems lie in Ethiopia NOT CHINA. they need to stop tribalism and outlaw ethnic based politics and they need to end any feud with the Eritreans. because that's all Ethiopia start taking pride in who they are again. Ethiopia is the greatest African country and should be leading the way. but stop the begging from other country's Ethiopia is the oldest nation on the planet so really they should be the most advanced
+Jonte Ded  but here is what I don't understand why cant Ethiopia built its own structures? why cant Ethiopia start printing its own money and developing its own country? WHY DOES IT NEED FOREIGN HELP?
+Troll God "A structure"? You have to be more specific. If a private Chinese business man builds a shopping center, obviously he owns it. If a Chinese firm is contracted to build a rail network, obviously the buyer (Ethiopian government) is the owner. Now answer my question. 
+Jonte Ded  ill answer but let me as you this first. when china builds a structure for the Ethiopians who owns it china or Ethiopia?
It's the TPLF lol they are selling our country.
+Troll God Oh do they? Which resources do the Chinese own in Ethiopia, please do tell..
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