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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - MythBusters

Name: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Release date: March 2, 2010 Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Publisher(s): Electronic Arts Developer(s): DICE.

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Hello this is Raven701, BC2 soldier name Buzzk1LL_61. If your looking for some BC2 experience or would like to play in a Clan as a squad member and talk strategies in TS3 then come join our SGA community on steam /groups/-serious- We are a brand new Clan looking for team players on any level, even noobs. We also have a Steam group that you can join as well for other games like L4D2. So come stop by and we can set you up. Hope to see you soon! If your interested make sure who recruited you.
@leftwingerx And i killed 16 players (all enemy team) with one load ones xD ofc it was a machingun but still sick. But only because the game was a failure we owned them so hard that they all gathered close so i just walked up the mountain and shot them all xD
no offence, but i didn't see any myths in these. I busted or confirmed every single of theese "myths" myself at least 10 times. It's like the myth of beeing able to repair a vehicle with a repair tool.
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Dude remeber when we were talking about Battlefield not englsh class and dude remember when you told me to put punctuation and when you dont even and no capitals in the start.
@sustantivo1espritu haha yeh, just make sure the tank doesnt road kill you by accidently happened to me lots of time when tanks back up incoming fire and wops ur behind
Das hat mal ein Freund von mir gemacht, er wollte mich wiederbeleben, ich bin in dem Moment bei ihm gespawn und er hat mich mit den Defibrillator gekillt :D
I mean its hard to get close to them without dying and ninety percent of the time they kill you and I always play as a sniper so I have almost no chance
@AntiNBBForce Well, actually, defibrillators would be multiple pairs of shock paddles. "Shock paddles" is a common nickname for a defibrillator.
@sadafrc yeah yeah i know but i had the hud deactivated. and somehow youtube didn't delete my commens as i told it to, after i noticed it.
All of these "Myths" are so obvious.... Some of them are even achievements :/ Or written in the damn game manual (Gravity affects bullets)
killing a guy with a repair tool is not a myth because you can get a trophy for killing a guy with a repair tool with a headshot
@TraceurMikado hahaha that would suck maybe if i get a buddy to be a en engineer with me. we would some tank assassinations
You can find out these things by just looking at the achievements/trophies or just playing the game for a little while...
this arnt myths and Duuh u can kill an enemy with rapair tool its a trophy : headshot with repair tool the dentist
@AwesomeGrandpaDave It was from the Beta, which is before the game even came out so of course no one knew these.
@treycurrieba now im confused must i thumbs up for BF3 or the music? or must i mkae 2 profiles and do 2 Thumbs
if you defibrilate alive person , he will die but if you defibrilate dead one , it will save him what a irony
I knew the answer to each and every "myth" you had posted here....you just gotta play the game to find out
i love how you dont get injured by destroying the tank. unlike BF3 you die with whoever is in the tank :/
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