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Beginners imac Videos

iMac 27 inch Basic Set Up - Beginners Guide manual

Apple iMac basic set up first time turning on brand new iMac.

How To Make A Beat

Step-by-step instruction on making a simple beat. Some musical concepts are covered. How to make a beat. Producer uses basic equipment in his budget home ...

User Comments

QUESTION Is the piano quality important?
+Donato Burroni Definitely. If you want some low qual shit go for it. If you want some real quality shit, You can go all the way in the qualitay. Your choice.
+accent2k Thank you man, that's all i wanted to know! Keep on the good work
+Donato Burroni Piano quality is only important to piano snobs. Some people like the way the keys feel on certain boards. Other than that, you press a key, the computer responds. That's what matters. I like more options but you definitely don't need a pricey keyboard
that last note on the bass is ass
+accent2k lol
+RAPTIMETIMETORAP people that have a hard time expressing how they feel in words should not comment...A beginner is someone that has not invested much time into practicing an activity. To call a person that has been on stage hundreds of times, worked in dozens of studios (some of which you'd need a passport to get to), worked with well known artists of different genres, have credits on albums (under pseudo names) and all of that spanning over more than a decade... To call that person a beginner, you'd lose ALL CREDIBILITY. I think what you meant was either:1. I don't like what you do. I don't like how it sounds or how you choose to do it.or...2. I'm just here trying to drive traffic back to my own page.
beginners should never try to teach beginners...
in other words its like hey man do you want a job? me i respond by saying yes i shure would he says heres a to do lit do it but he does not show me how thats whats wrong with teachers now a days they give us a goal with no structure steps or methods...
+ben salter (equinox) How does doing everything step-by-step help your imagination? You get job - figure it out how to do it. You might come up with a cool new way of doing it!
Is that a MIDI controller you're using or a synth machine
+Greig Buckley It's both but in this video I'm using it only as a midi controller. Funny you ask. I was uploading a video about midi controllers as you asked this question.
What apps should I begin with?
DM1 is really good to begin.
How much is the GarageBand program
A whooping 0 dollars
+brandon646464646464 Free... As long as you own a Mac computer.

How to customize personalize your Macboook iMac

MacBook Pro , MacBook retina display, MacBook Air, OSX personalization Mac start up , where to begin For beginners Mavericks.
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