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Beginners applique quilt patterns Videos

How to Applique Faux Fur

I'll show you how to applique faux fur onto regular fabric. In the demo I'm making a monster quilt block, but this is also a great way to add a moustache or bushy ...

User Comments

This is very useful, thanks for posting! :D Ive got a few questions though, im appliquéing fleece on fleece, but i cant seem to get my machine to cooperate. I get about 3 inches of sewing done and the thread jams in the bobbin, or the needle frays the thread, im using a 'stretchy' fabric needle, maybe im setting the tension too low on the foot, or the thread tension too high? Or is there a specific thread i should use? Sorry if im asking too much, i just really want to get my project going. :)
Hmmm. . . if the needle is fraying the thread my first that is that you have a burr on your needle. Have you tried replacing it? A dull or burred needle can cause all KINDS of problems that seem unrelated - like the thread jamming in the bobbin. I didn't usually use a stretch needle of special thread for fleece, but it shouldn't hurt. Fleece on fleece is going to be pretty fat - increasing your stitch length might help.
Try another new one. Oh - and if it's making a loud thunking sound it means your machine's timing is off - and the needle is slamming into the bobbin case instead of going into the little hole. It'll dull a brand new needle in one stroke - and mess up the bobbin thread. If that's the problem you'll need to take it in for service.
Its a brand new needle, it could possibly be defective? I'll try replacing it to see if that helps, and change the tread length, thank you so much for getting back to me! :D
Its not making any odd noises or anything, its a brand new machine. I'll give a new needle a try, hopefully that'll work. Thanks again for helping me troubleshoot. :)
I just want to say thank you, i figured out what the issue was! :D It was both the needle and the thread length, thanks again. :)

Look Inside First Time Machine Applique

Find the book online: //landauerpub.com/First-Time-Machine-Applique.html Learn machine appliqué basics in 9 easy lessons from Janet Pittman, author of ...
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