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Lgbt beach weddings Videos

Beach Wedding Locations LGBT Wedding Locations CA

Venice Beach Gay Wedding

Protection for churches that refuse gay weddings

The Christian Family Coalition is pushing to protect churches that refuse to perform same-sex marriages. This comes after a bill was filed this week in the State ...

User Comments

Did I just get this right? Not one single reporter at this "news" station didn't realize that no church has ever been forced to perform any wedding they did not want to perform?

May 11, Gay Wedding on the beach, ten things bartenders hate

I am asking for donations to take the JeffreyGShow to the next level. Please go to JeffreyGshow.com to donate! We are all in this together I got pulled over to the ...

Cottlesloe Beach Gay Wedding

Bunch of Drunk backpackers gathered for a magic moment when 2 men became 1. 1 of 3 vids.

User Comments

Was this some kind of joke?
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