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Wedding menu blog Videos

Wedding Series ~ What's on our MENU!?

See more here as we share the entire experience with you! ~ //toneitup.com/blog.php?-5811 ♥ Join the WEDDING SERIES for FREE!! //bit.ly/XHTWBB ...

User Comments

ok i got a problem :) so i would love love love to watch how brian prpposed, but this video is not available in my country(germany). so is there anything that you can do to make it work so i can watch it here in germany? i would appreciate it so so much!!! + i must tell you guys: i love you. you are a true inspiration and show how positive and happy and nice and open and loveable and.. (i could go on until the world ends haha).. you both are. i get excited when you post a new video.love
Totally not really related to the vid, but my name is Constance (obviously, see my username) but I never hear anyone with the full name Constance. Made my day! (Everything looked delicious, by the way!) And congratulations on getting engaged, best of luck to you! :)
Love it! and what an awesome menu. I would have tropical foods for my wedding but a lot of the ones on your menu I really liked. I am not one who likes beets though. So that one would not be on my list. But the rest look soooo good.
ALL I have to say is this was the Cutest video and YOU are going to be the most BEAUTIFULLY FIT Bride I have ever seen!!! So HAPPY for you TWO!! xoxo Mel B. Couture
Omgosh you guys are so cute. Congratulations again Kat, he's one lucky guy and your def. a lucky lady. Best wishes to you guys on your beautiful life together. :)
so how many courses would that be? its very different to weddings where im from where its three courses and huge portions, i prefer yours so much
For my wedding which is in exactly one month we'll be having fruit and cheese and crackers. The reception will be after lunch and before dinner.
I know you guys don't really do youtube tags or what not but you should do the bf or husband tag. IT would be cute to hear how you met etc.
Katrina, you're going to make the most beautiful bride. Wish I was going to your wedding. Hope you post a video, it's gonna be gorgeous!
Looks awesome and so happy for you!! Katrina, can you pleeease do an updated hair routine/how to do these everyday curls? SO beautiful
look very delicious! and i think the guests would like it too Where do you got your shirt from, it so adorable with the free back!!
"Can you tell I don't have a shoot coming up? I'm eating everything" I LOVE YOU HAHAHAH

5 Reasons... Wedding Menu Advice

2 Chef's Bistro Breakfast Clyde Harry Linda Menu changes day before wedding 6 sept 2013

Happy Family Show *CHRISTMAS* Vlog #4 - Grandma's Kitchen

Next Happy Family vlog! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV2aDWCbEHU&list=PLDtsJYcRUjjyIrN3uE8fOfFkXgShgj5OG&index=6 Instagram: //www.

User Comments

I think Ryan did better than grandma
You are a awesome I love your shows I vote for Ryan
I you guys are awesome I love your shows like a big heart I watch your shows all the time my favorite character is
I pick Ryan's sorry grandma
♡merry♡ Christmas
I love that video
ryan ipick ryan kissme.

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Sims 4 - Drifter Challenge House 003 - Part 7 - Wedding among the trees!

User Comments

-_- I totally watched this & 8 out of order heh Aren't those baby cow plants adorable!? Gratz u 2!
Hey! Great video!!I subscribed. Do you mind checking out my channel and possibly subscribe
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