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Rap search Videos

Paid Search 101 rap

This time he raps about the basic steps of starting a PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaign. lyrics: you want to start SEM well heres what to do focus on a product and ...

User Comments

@ewlklqv yep. always i've been curious about a real way to do SEO my blogs. Listen George brown who suggested this link building software is my friend and i know that he is really making millions a month. you can also get it from here >> bit.ly/IwwlUi?=lnvqbd
yep yep.. I'm making 1k$ in a short days and still consistent. The most important technique here is finding the right niche and methods. Trust me dude.. this is a great one! Its all in the site: TrafficEqualsMoney.info
Hi all, have you heard of the Zerlux Cash Code (google it)? I got this awesome ebook that teaches you how to make plenty of cash with paid surveys. I am already getting my first check in the mail!
Hi all! Have you seen in regard to the Tube Cash Exposure? I found it on Google Search and listened to quite a few phenomenal stuff about it. Some of my friend also advise me to look at it
It's hard to defend popular top-40 rap based on the content, but thats not a reason to rule out all rap. This rap has more to it than sex, drugs, and swearing unlike the stereotype.
Loving the entertaining education. Thanks for the video. keep up the great work and connect with me on twitter @theclickagency Would love to talk more!
poetic you obviously not only have a ill flow you know your tech. keep up the good work brotha. whats your twitter...i'd follow you off a cliff.
Okay.. put AdBrite in your next rap and I'll give you free advertising. You rock. Philip Kaplan Founder, AdBrite pk at adbrite dot youknow
I don't know why, but holding a pen the whole time really added to this! lol. This was crazy, I hope you add more!
WOw .... do ya thing man. You are Rappin about SEO... Thats crazy. hit me up anytime. This awhole new level
Wahahaha, this is some funny stuff. I was laughing my *ss off here at the office, nobody got it tough.
Makes more sense in 2:11 than many people trying to explain SEM/PPC in a couple of hours. Great job!
Great - makes lots of sense to me - wish someone had shown me this when I was learning the basics!
dats pretty sweet, hey check out my raps too & tell me wut u think but i aint as good as this guy
One of Ehsan's gangster buddies! I thought Biggie was dead, but he's hiding out in the SEO dept.
Much props Bro. I AM going to show this for training. When is the album dropping? Seriously...!
check out new joints "get ghost" and "raindrops" when u got a hot sec peaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Haha this is dope, at first I thought it'd be a joke but you actually got some flow!
i'm looking to learn.. when is the album coming out? lol.. for real tho, funny video
Hi! It was Fathom Online, which is now Geary Interactive - based in San Francisco.
Nice intelligent rap. Not that there are none out there but this is a good one.
big up, that shit rocks :) SEO experts and hiphop lovers....gotta love it. :)
AWESOME MAN! I myself work with PPC, and homie..HAHAHA.. very freakin' cool!
you going to stay paid at SEO conferences...get that convention center guap
Love this, have you seen the new SEO PIMP video? worth a watch - hilarious!
Hey Michael, I would like to speak with you...I am the owner of a SEO firm
this was really interesting. u made a whole rap song out of ppc. great
i would love to see a site that you've built. can you give me a name?
amazing man. screw Poetic Prophet, your rap name should be PPC Diddy
i know a great awesome youtube poster... tiny(.)cc/YoutubeComment

MSN vs GOOGLE - Search Engine Rap Battle

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our channel! Google and Microsoft trade nasty punchlines in the Search Engine Rap Battle. //searchenginerapbattle.com ...

User Comments

@Lan438 i love it how some comedy thingie turns into a web browser flame war. SO: Lady gaga is the number 1 pop singer of today , does that mean that she is a better singer than maria kallas ? IE might be the most popular browser, that hardly makes it the best though, in fact it sucks IMO (yes just an oppinion) The fact that many people dont know nor care to bother about looking for a better broweser (why should they ?facebook and porn sites work just fine with IE) doesnt mean IE is the best.
M.S.N. (Bing) is actually right, everytime I search on Google Wikipedia pops up first, the same for Bing, but Google depends on it, while Bing offers a wide range of competitors, so does Google... well, it depends on what you're searching, I'll Bing porn, Google scarcely dressed chubby Asian females, but Bing has superior women. So M.S.N. (Bing) won, when it comes to porn, and no-one counts the other 1% that is the internet.
@Lan438 You're the only idiot here. Every test out there places IE on the very bottom. It is the worst browser there is. The only way it can be number 1 is because every PC has it already downloaded for people to use. It's simply because IE pays them to place it on there and most people aren't knowledgable enough with computers to know or they just don't give a shit.
Ok look----google would win in search engines BUT msn made a point in being a better rapper and how google mostly leeds to wikipedia and the only reason y google would win is because of popularity. Msn is a better search engine but google is just favorited. Msn did buy facebook and google says its fast... When it was already in it's database loaded and ready to pop up
Google fucked us over forcing us to link to a google account! it's bullshit because this isn't even my real account, i had to make this account because i can't even access my old youtube account anymore!! Everyone should start using Bing.com instead of google! spread the word!!
I love Google, but the blue msn dude has a point Google bought YouTube and YouTube's search function really isn't that great... it's easier to find the vid you're looking for via google that's just weird. But still Google ftw.
@different1233 Or you can say "screw you google" by using scroogle.org" Keep Google out of your wallet where you've got all you care about, whatever you consider your privacy.
@Lan438 Firefox is currently the most popular browser, even though google chrome is the best. If you actually use IE you're in no position to call anyone an idiot, lol.
@hbgqfei I'm making over $700 a day and climbing. If you can get into the right niche theres no stopping you. This course explains it all >>> bit.ly/Qatkib?=xxyfof
Google will start charging people for being on google earth soon here in the uk. Change to another so stopping world internet domination by the yanks
Love SEO Raps but my favourite is one I discovered yesterday by Tory McGill called SEO PIMP - tops them all, don't know why he isnt famous - genius!
Google all the way! I Hate !E! Its Firefox is the best, and that El Goog Part was H o t ! And I Love That Dudes Mohawk Btw Lol!
msn sucks. Sure google bought youtube for 2 billion. Then they made like 6 billion. 4 billion profit sounds good to me.
@SwiftHDX Internet Explorer has been rated the best Internet Browser to download another Internet Browser :D
You might have users, but they'll soon be leavin ya cuz your search results say search Wikipedia
Thumbs up if you use Google Chrome cause you hate Internet Explorer cause it's slow and ugly :D
MSN destryoed google with that bit at the end "your search results, say search wikipedea" LOL
The new Bing HTML5 (released beta demo for English-US for some people, me too) PWNS Google!
Woow google rentre chez toi rentre chez ta méreeeeeee c'est du lourd putin chui en sueur
BING BING beats any other crap.....i like alot of search engines but bing takes the win!
@cozzaaaxx True. It's only old people, blind people and ignorants who use IE. :P Cheers
I think Google won, but I have to admit the Wikipedia thing brought them pretty close.
some one call the fire department because my shit cats are caught up in my ass tree.
white guy's can rap, just listen to me. So now, go home and cry with ya Mommie. lol?
google owns Google Chrome MSN owns Internet Explorer. We all know who wins this.
@forust98 Seriously? Even racism gets the top comments? Youtube got CRAZY dudes!
it's true haha whenever i search on google the first result is wikipedia xD
@littlequote yahoo doesn't even run its own search its powered by bing
when was the last time you herd just MSN it?! Exactly! Google FTW!!!!

Santa's Google Search Tips Rap

Search tips: //goo.gl/o9fmF | To help St. Nick with his big flight this year, a few Googlers created this holiday search tips rap video. Song written and ...

User Comments

@cfs26OS Hey douchebag, just because you celebrate one culture's holiday in a video doesn't mean you are promoting it. Google celebrates a lot of things. Take your hatred elsewhere.
y was he doing this in someone's house? and why were the elves in someone else's house with him?
@alanson112 well actually thr is :P cz the music was done by a Sri Lankan :D and he's Ranindu
shall we say "like if you're listening to this in 2012, but dislike if you dont
Hey the female elf. Lose the ears and come to see me under the mistletoe. ;-]
Gayest Google ad I have seen yet. Other than the Google supports gays ad.
imi place de aceasra fata ce stie sa urce vocea este placut la multi ani
Great stuff Ranidu, we're proud of you as Sri Lankans!! We love Google!
thought it was Ian from smosh in the thumbnail CURSE YOU THUMBNAIL!!!
kkkkkkkkkkkkk, cada coisa ridicula que o google faz nessas datas *-*
Proud to be a Sri lankan...i have two Middle Fingers for 258 People
@MrNingaboy123 he is srilanakn,,he made music for this video!!!
Acne and using a shitty OS? Sounds like an android user to me.
wait a sec... *clicks description* *Scrolls down* -___- oh ...
Well Done RANIDU... We R Proud of U.. Bcs U R a Sri Lankan...
Thumbs up if you paused to read Santa's Naughty or Nice LIst
We love you Santa and young people around you. corima lumen
yhh Ranindu!!! u r awsm man!!!! proud be a Sri LAnkan......
Ranidu, you're great, i am very proud of being sri lankan.
why do the top comments have nothing to do with the video?
@superkoff1 he is srilankan,he made music for this video!!
I'm so proud about the great work of Ranidu JAYA SHREE!!!
awesome u rock man loved it to the max :) keep it up bro
Apple made it better with Santa talking to Siri and stuff
hmm... mrs. clause seems a little old for santa.... lolz
@MrNingaboy123 Talented young musician from SRI LANKA
1.500 people inadvertently depresses the thumbs down
grate work RANIDU.. keep going thumbs up man....
This is the SHIZZLE! Go Google Teacher Academy!
Hwos map from google????? TURN on subitite 00:01

Search and Destroy - Rush and Clutch Rap Song

LIKE AND FAVORITE :) GFXLab - Search and Destroy - Rush and Clutch Rap Song Lyrics - Chorus - rush and clutch, rush and clutch I bust my nut, when I rush ...

User Comments

I'm not twelve and I enjoy trickshotting, isn't that what video games are for? To have fun? I'm not the type of person that will go for a trickshot over and over and over again on a guy just standing still. The people that do that aren't trickshotters, those are people who are thirsting for money and don't care about other people, for example, I'm not a dick so if you were on the other team and the last guy standing was just up, I'd kill him cause I hate spectating trickshotters for 2 minutes.
spinning snipers stay dumb and gay no matter what you say. but keep doing it, because 9 times out of 10 it's easy to own them. yes I'm the kind of guy who pretends to go sit there as a target in the end and then kills your whole clan. The satisfaction is great when you hear the twelve year olds crying. Or the twenty year olds calling you a kiddo.
Good stuff man. Nice job with this. And as an FYI, I still sometimes rap "Rape Whistle" to myself before raping fools even to this day. lol. We once chatted on twitter about making original & creative content. I created a Beastly Theater Mode vid called "Merked" that you might dig. Feel free to check it out for your own enjoyment. Peace.
My friend found this song last night while we played and we had it as a background sond every time we met trickshotters and shit. Best night ever.
You misspelled soon at the end of the video, and I'm commenting this because there's nothing else left to say in such an orgasmic video......
if u nothing to unlock, u can still fun setting personal goals like getting 150 kills in a game, using pistols only, knife only etc
This guy has to be as dumb as a rock because this epic rap explained everything. Rush n Clutch, bust some nuts lmao good song Lab
The same as if you hit a lucky shot in basketball, you get that amazing feeling and you can't believe that it really happened.
I was so happy when you said "Shoutout to FaZe" I was just like "ohhhhhhhhhh shit. FaZe needs to suck your dick"
Can you explain how you have fun? It's probably not fun for you, because you're unable to rush or clutch...
Not for me, I could win any game I want but hitting a lucky shot is one of the best feelings in the world.
I think I've said this before, but your intro is epic! :o damn! you bad ass :D even your outro is cool :o
I just don't see how you can have fun tryharding when you're level 70 and have nothing left to unlock.
Shut up ur gay don't watch if u don't like good players Go Watch gay machinama and Jamiexelite fag
he doesnt try hard, he plays for winning and fun, he still plays mw2 because it was good.
Sure, just make sure you put a link in the description to this video
I don't mean to brag but I went 17 & 0 on S&D on B01 on Hanger 18
Awsome!:D What program do you use for making the beats?
GFXLab I would like to use your song as a intro may i
Wow old cods play new ones see if you dont get raped
you're epic man. keep going. death to the trickshots
Yay new tacks !!!!!! Put out another marathon
Try to get this on iTunes I would buy this
this is why he's a beast and legend. . .
The rape song is still the hottest!!!
How can spinning in circles be fun?
And.......sharing this to facebook
I'll let my subs answer that one.
Thats What he does and it Fun.!!!

nokia kick remix rap... search TVSpectre for new videos...

search TVSpectre for new videos... www.myspace.com/spectreishere.

User Comments

oi batty boi ur a twat go get laid u batty cunt My wife always carries your photo in her pocket. It once saved her life when a mugger tried to stab her. Of course, your face would stop anything U UGLY TWAT oi is tht ur boyfriend in the background bumming you as yu rap tht explain quite alot as u cnt rap for shit.................................BATTY BOI
ahaha what a prick this guy is....waving his hand around like hes badass!! ahhh i cant stop laughing at his boyfriend in the background looking like a card board cut out... haha!! comedy comedy comedy....good rap aswell...lets rap words like trees and knees! woo youve got game! hahahahahahahahahahaha....**breath**...ahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!
all me apart from first line "i smoke weed every day dont smoke rock". thats sum line i heard wen i was a kid on pirate radio back wen garage mcing was still amazing... i dont really listen to grime otherwise so maybe this flow aint wats expected on the track. who knows!!
wats comic is how minor u r! there aint no trees or knees in there but there is a "dump my cock on ya shoulder now put it on your mind"!! and thats game pussy. ahahahahahahahahahahahaa.... *skull fuck ur mum in her skank ass mouth* ...ahahahahahahahahah hah hah! fag
DO U REALLY THINK THAT U CAN GO TELLING ADELE THAT SHE IS UGLY wen well....cough cough your not so much of a prettty boy either!!!!! and u said she dopest have talente and u think u have tallent! i suggest u c someone about that!!
well i do bassline, 4x4, hardstyle lyk hardcore trance which is no gud haha i can do a bit of hip hop only just started it out unfortunatly i duno no hip hop, grime producers there all bassline lmfaoo
everybody leaving them stupid comments are some ass holes!!!! i dont see no one else making a video respond thats better!!!! rite now this videos is TIGHT! SO FUCK YALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This guy is a fukin sik rapper.. fuk all the haters he is fukin mint.. like 2 c u muppits do better.. this guy can actually spit.. keep it up g ur sik man
why u hatin u silly jabbermouth wheres ur rap at? all talk maybe? I dont see u postin raps on youtube so those who cant...should shut the fuck up
that'z a good song :D dont listen to these rapperwannabe's comments =D it's awesome..whole lyrics made by u or some lines took from other songs?
Fair play but who is the random fucker in the back of the video... what does he do?? he should atleast dance or join in, or move... ANYTHING!!
I think ya fit as fuck pal!!!!!!!!! haters u make us laugh bois get a fuckin life instead of thinkin ya all big cos ya can type letters!!!!!!
yo yo yo waz up siikhead man sik tune nice grime fam oi u should do on metunez pay £200 and u could put ur vid up and become famous
@KiddTitan17 hey thks for the love. i changed my profile to tvspectre. cme thru my page and peep the official video. 1
bitches.....stop callin the guy....yall aint showin no better from what i can see sick video m8 hot lyrics yet again
omfg, did u see the guy in the background :O:O tht was fkin insanely epic dude!!! :O the skinhead was ok i guese
how are you gna teach me to rap wen u dont even know how to construct a proper sentence. go bak to school
i'll give thiz da guy can actually spit!!he is betta than all da haterz i will like to see u do thiz!!
you tramp have u heard the way he dose it nasty what a ugly bastard nd ur sayin respect u lil bstrd
ooooh dear! just went on your channel and realised this is not a joke. To bad this was funny shit.
yo siikhed, wonderin if ya could send me this instrumental...or let me know where ya got it...safe
is this is a joke or what? (for real i need to know if this white boy thinks he's actually bad )
hey,, me n mii mate wonna do a remake of thiis song iif uu dnt miind?? tap back x
Any need to move your hands around like that? Sure you don't have epilepsy?
ur a maggot u think ur nuts but in the street u will get banged on the deck
wow thats quite poetic. i think ill use that in my next rhyme. thanks man!
Record another and make it an mp3 with better quality :) UR AMAZING BTW
Great Rapper But IT Be MP3 IT Will Be Fuckin Good Man Great Again =)
just love it so much!! cant u upload a new one in better quality???
big up mecopk11!! i missed dissin ur skank ass! how u been pussy!

RAP Do Search And Destroy!

Twitter:https://twitter.com/ThiaKitoo_EZ Fanpage:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Thiago/190495087812213?ref=hl Face:https://www.facebook.com/thi.live.


DJ CHEWY & JORDAN SOVIS team up AGAIN! This time adding MICAYLA MARKS, working together to produce another masterpiece music video for this years ...

User Comments

Nice Job! Your store is immaculate! Chewy really needs to step away from the cannolis. No, really! You seem to be filming after close... where's the freight crew? And $20 for a blister-pack socket set? I can get that at Harbor Freight for $6.99. AND THEY FIT (not metrics that have been re-labeled). DOOOOPP! We H A D best prices, and we H A D the best product. Sadly now we only have best profit margin. I'm not feeling so proud anymore.
Next time, if you guys want some coaching on group choreography hit me up. There are some very simple things that you could have done in the video to make those sections less stiff. 
THANKS EVERYONE! It was a blast to do it and perform it at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, an experience of a lifetime :D
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You do know that Tool Shop is a Menard's brand, right?
Great tallant and attention to detail.
You guys crack me up! Well done! 
Ha that chick is fucking hot
You're on MET team now? haha
Awesome. 7074 4 Life.
a great place shop

Word Search Game with Rap Beats - Stutter Rapper Coming Soon

Ever imagined traditional Word Search Games integrated with hot Rap Beats? Stutter Rapper is here to fill the gap and turn word searching into a much more ...

CoD: Ghosts: Search and Rescue Rap! (Funny Ghosts Multiplayer Rap)

Leave a like if you want to see more videos like this! Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmittySmittster My Channel: ...
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