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Why Anarchism Will Not Work


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To answer your question LuckyShitZu in order for anarchy to work it has to be established across the board everyone has to agreed to have that type of society. Second the society has to be based on direct democracy, common goals, mutual respect, and mutual agreements. If all the above can be met it is unlikely the society will get someone to dictate to the people. Lastly if the society feels like it is threatened the people can vote in a militia with the goal of safeguarding in protecting the society while keeping to the society's rules, and social structure.
+Anonymous Anarchist "Everyone has to agreed to have that type of society"Not everyone is going to agree with you, so you're buggered.
Anarchy won't work because people are greedy selfish assholes
+deathcrustpunk I empathize with you, I have been fortunate myself and interacted with people expressing these qualities(often they either work for the government or rely on government handouts,) however, do you think its possible some people are "greedy selfish assholes" partly because they were raised within a "CULT-ure of scarcity," which supports the need for a ruling class? Is it also possible these same ruling classes began force indoctrinating the masses generations ago at young, very impressionable age, only perpetuating a "scarcity doctrine" to keep the slaves occupied, fighting and competing for these indoctrinated ideas about scarce resources? Could it also be possible these ideas have been internalized, adopted, normalized, then accepted and taught to the next generation, a domestication process of sorts? Is it at least possible we might have at one time believed and thus behaved and treated fellow man differently? Do you think this above mentioned is possible?

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