Breathe in Life - Loving Quotes by Harold W Becker 8
Quotes by Harold W. Becker. In this video series, inspiring quotes are combined with beautiful images and harmonious music that explores the nature of ...
well done it's beautiful - delightful and glorious
Our Precious Earth – Loving Quotes by Harold W. Becker 2
Quotes by Harold W. Becker. In this video series, inspiring quotes are combined with beautiful images and harmonious music that explores the nature of ...
Thank you! The Love Foundation; Thank you! Mother Earth. Archangel
Sandalphon, I ask that now or at the most appropriate time that you remove
the separations and boundaries between the Earth and the Angelic Kingdom to
allow the love of the Angelic kingdom to truly manifest into humanity's
physical plane and reality. Archangel Sandalphon, as an Archangel of the
Earth I trust in your sacred knowledge of the Earth and humanity's needs.
Let the love of the Angelic kingdom prepare all to be receptive to the new
energy wave of 2015. Thank you.
i'm not sure why i'm here; but i know it for a reason ... i dont know where
i'll go but it leads to good... that's fit my inner voice ~Thankyou
AngeLove n Dharmacist~