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Which ghost hunter died Videos

Death of a Ghost Hunter | Full Horror Movie

Kings of Horror presents: Death of a Ghost Hunter Twenty years after minister Joseph Masterson and his family were slaughtered inside their home, noted ghost ...

User Comments

im on t see the movie now id like to see a movie based on the real case of the house were tbe devil visit it its a documentary for that with the seven hertz they told about that silence experiment the france had i dont remember were at us the house was people get killed exorcist and ext. anyone remember about that?
not a bad movie. was it based on a true story? at any rate, I was entertained and spooked lol..
that was cool... thanks for posting movies. I can now watch anything for free ☺
i think that was one of your best movies LIKE
Worth watching.Good effort.
Awesome Movie!

Death of a Ghost Hunter (2008) - Official Trailer

Twenty years after minister Joseph Masterson and his family were slaughtered inside their home, noted ghost hunter Carter Simms (Patti Tindall) is offered ...

User Comments

this movie was so good

Death of a Ghost Hunter - Trailer (FILL IN.)

"Death of a Ghost Hunter" film trailer

Trailer for the film, "Death of a Ghost Hunter"

User Comments

It is inspired by true events. They can change the peoples names, the location of where the house is - Due to the families wishes. Now if you all had a relation come up missing in a house, would you broadcast it to interest people so that they too can come up missing? I saw something about this house on the series "A haunting". It just like amityville house, it too was inspired by true events. It was just reenacted.
I am way too scared of anything to do with ghosts. I can't watch this movie alone maybe I can watch it with my sister. Just watching the trailer was almost too much! Though I can read ghost stories, like the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz and Second Glance by Jodi Picoult. For me to be so afraid is just ridiculous. I say I'm an athiest and that when you die that's it. But why am I so afraid of ghosts? It's crazy!
I just watched this on Netflix's instant play. Poor acting? So what .. gave it a more documentary feel to the whole movie. I've done my share of ghost hunting and have never experienced anything like this and this scared the crap out of me, especially towards the end. The story line was great. I still have chills! This is a MUST SEE if you are interested in ghost hunting.
my mom watched it and said that it was really scary. she watches a lot of scary movies, and this one freaked her out. I watch all of the paranormal shows like Ghost Hunters, and Ghost Adventures, but this one looks a bit too scary for me. Plus, I live in a haunted building, and have to deal with ghosts all the time......when they want to be known.
I do not agree with everyone's comments about the acting; I thought the cast did a sterling job. Just 'cos they're not doing "Hollywood" acting (ie. stupid dramatic pauses and shouting all the time) does not mean they're not good actors. I felt it was much more realistic than anything coming out of the Tinsel Town money-making machine!
Well, from what I gather from this preview, the scene with the little girl poking around the corner gave me goosebumps. I love horror movies, and I love the paranormal as well, so I'm figuring I'm going to have to give this one a chance. It really doesn't look too bad, but then again independent films can be a let down.
terrible acting, but i love how they did the effects with the ghosts. it's a good cheesy horror movie to watch when your bored. i thought it was pretty good, i watched it on netflix with my boyfriend and it scared the crap out of us! haha, it's not as bad as people say it is. i don't regret watching it :)
how the hell did i ruin the plot? i could be talking about any of the chicks in the movie i didnt say what particular person kills whoever. so jeez get the hell over it and no im not 'the guy who always says "omg this part is so cool, or he/shes gonna get killed." you dont even know me. gosh!
If you only like Mainstream garbage like the SAW series then you'll hate this one because it's intelligent and goes over your head. But if you're more open minded about horror and can appreciate a good scary if slow buring ghost story whatever the budget then this film is worth a shot.
I wish this movie was remade because the story and atmosphere were there but the acting was just. . . bad. I thought it would have been one of the scariest movies I had ever seen if it had better acting in it. I just can't get past hollow acting when I watch a movie.
Dudes this movie izzzz so creepy... I watched not at night but afternoon and I'm so scared right now and is even scaring because there are some lighting:S Dudessss I will try and watch it at night hahaha GOOD LUCK watch in it.
this is possibly the scariest move ive ever seen. not even gonna lie and scary movies dont scare me lol only this one but I watched this when I was younger so I probably grew out of it but I dont wanna see the movie again lol
The movie isn't too scary and if you searching footage you can understand that the story is a fake. And then, the creepy sounds of the movie are the same of zombies in "beast and bumpkins", an old,lowprice, funny videogame
its a true story and i LIVE IN ARIZONA!!! WHERE IT WAS!!! i got SO scared when i was watching it that i was hugging my Disney Bolt plushie!!! and my parents were shoked cuz im usually not scared of anything XD and im 13 O_o
One of the baddest movies I ever saw! I can't understand what there should be scary?! WHAT? In Germany this movie is just for people over 18 years...but WHY? It's a cheap movie, it's not scary and it's not brutal?
I had to sleep with my parents for 3 WHOLE DAYS after seeing it. SOOOO freaking scary I will never watch it again. I will always respect this movie and keep it in my top ten scary movies. One scare after another.
this movie is based on a true story, the reason y no imformation can be found on it is cos the names of thre peope involved the town were it happend ect was changed for safty purposes , i no this 4 a fact .
your the one that ruined the plot, i understand where he's coming from. i would hate to watch a movie with you. your the guy who always says "omg this part is so cool, or he/shes gonna get killed." moron
Streamed it from Netflix - absolutely superior horror film! One genuine scare after another. I'm so glad practically no one has heard of it - I'm going to screen it for guests on Halloween:)
This was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time! The acting wasn't good nor the ghostly affects but the story was amazing and overall really well done! Congrats to it's makers! :-)
if anyone has netflix u can c it on ur computer for free i kno i saw it yesterday night and i craped my pants. - PAST AND COPY THIS TO EACH TRAILER AND THAT WANTS TO SEE THIS MOVIE-
Oh man, That looks like paranormal activity and after I watched Paranormal Activity, I havbe to think about that stuff every night -.- That's shit.. :( so fucking scary for me..
if you refer to a girl ghost her name is Sophia Morgan Stewart, i know because i read the film credits, her name in the film is Susanne Masterson, Peter Masterson daugther's

Ghost Hunters (S8 E25) - Due Date With Death

Rochester, NY - Rochester Public Library.

User Comments

why would you catch a voice so clear and not show it to the client?
how come they never played the voice that Adam and Ashly heard ???
is that make up or did he have a fight the night before?

Ghost Hunter Killed By Train

The death of a man struck by a train in Iredell County early Friday morning is eerily similar to an incident that happened at the same location more than 100 ...
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