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Which ajah is egwene Videos

A Memory of Light Readthrough Part 7- Eastward the Wind Blew: Rand/Egwene

SPOILER ALERT!! If you haven't read any of the Wheel of Time Series, or would prefer to get your copy in person before reading it, then you might not want to ...

The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan--Audiobook Excerpt

Listen to this audiobook excerpt from Robert Jordan's epic fantasy novel The Shadow Rising, Book 4 in The Wheel of Time. The seals of Shayol Ghul are weak ...

A Memory of Light Read-Through Part 9- The Choice of an Ajah: Pevara/Aviendha

Wheel of Time Rp Site!

This is an advert for the Wheel of Time site...Weave as it will: //weaveasitwill2.proboards.com/index.cgi? Note: The Ajah artwork was curtsy of Ben ...

Moiraine Damodred e Siuan Sanche

Il mio primo amv, quindi so che non sarà il massimo, però ci ho messo il cuore.. per i miei due personaggi preferiti della stupenda saga fantasy di Robert Jordan, ...

User Comments

Ti ringraziamo per aver postato questo spectacular video, Moiraine e Siuan sono i miei personaggi preferiti nella Ruota del Tempo serie. (Mi dispiace se messed a su scrivere, non ho scritto in italiano in oltre 3 anni.)
@iridion83 no they weren't they were novice, Accepted and Aes Sedai at the same time as well as good friends but not pillow friends.
Bellissimo video e grande canzone! COMPLIMENTI PER AVELO INSERITO SU YOUTUBE!!!!!!
bello,il mio preferito è Mat, ancora 1 giorno ed esce le torri di mezz'anotte
@IsmeldeiSedai they were, it's mentioned in the books :P
a chi lo dici: è spettacolare! Grazie del commento ^^
Bello:) mi piace tantissimo la ruota del tempo...
looks cool. Is there an English version...
Moiraine and Siuan were pillow friends
Grazie mille! ^_^ W Moiraine e Siuan!

The Wheel of Time series- Fan trailer II

Went to google one day and there's still no update if Universal Studios is still doing the movie or any update at all just that the release date is 2010. Anyway, I got ...

User Comments

Red eagle productions are gonna get their hides peeled off by thousands of savage, angry fans if they blow up this movie. To avoid such casualities i have but one advice for them: LISTEN TO US FANS. seriously. they should have fan advisors. Plus they will get more success if they follow our lead for the screenplay and all. success=more money for them and pleased opinions on our side so listen up ya suckers!! i feel like starting a big riot here cuz after the movie's out theres no going back !>_
@Lemuron01 I would love to see at least one movie, but yes.. it would be almost impossible to do every book. Especially without losing over 3/4s of the quality. I think it would be better adapted into a series - on Starz or HBO that way it would also have, at the minimum, 10 hours of screen time per book(@1-2 seasons per book), and still have great quality as Spartacus, Camelot and Game of thrones among other great series. Not like they need to do every book. I thought the 1st 5-7 were the best.
I think the last book of the series should be conluded, and released before the release of the first movie. If released before the conclusion tot he series, watching the movie may cloud all of the views i had on the characters and plots in my mind, and would give me a different perception of the books entirely. as the last book will presumuably conclude the series with the last batle, the epic climax of the series, that i have so eagerly anticipated, it would be a great shame to have ruined now.
@xXxXDolanXxXx Truly you are correct. It is just that when someone makes a movie that undermines the quality of the real story then they are in fact kinda ruining something that is very good.. I would totally agree with you that a series like Spartacus would be a very good way to solve this.. Using actors that's not too Hollywood (preferably up and coming ones) and that would be great.. Maybe someone could give a good screenwriter for this? As i am not very well informed about any good ones.
A Wheel of Time film trilogy could be made and if done right would be better than the books. The series is way too big to "recreate" on film. Instead, the movies would have to tell a story that operates in the Wheel of Time universe but is a kind of metaphor for the many ideas in the books. It would take a willingness to improvise off the original story. Having suffered for 20 years with these books, a film actually would be great b/c it would capture what I love without all the extra crap.
@mjello100 I do agree Harry Potter pulled it off pretty well, although i would say it dabbed off a bit at the end there. To be honest i would much prefer a sort of Game of Thrones series to the whool serie rather than movies. But it's merely my opinion and whatever may come, this is just pure speculation. It might be good, i just have a really big hope it's not really bad. If it's bad i'm going to close my eyes.. walk out of the room.. and pretend that movie was about something else entirely
The only way the WoT can be brought to the screen successfully is to wait until Avatar-quality visual effects can be done on a TV budget. Then make it an HBO series. 1 season for each book. In 10 to 15 years this ought to be possible. An all-CG HBO series would be the first of it's kind and would allow for all of the detail and world/character development that makes the books so effective in the first place, to be present. If done right, this would be the greatest tv series ever created.
@Baronstone I had the feeling, once they announced they would be making movies for the series, that they would come to the conclusion you wrote about. Far, far, too complex, and LONG. I think it would be far better if they made it a mini-series for television...like someone else mentioned, HBO, maybe. Then each movie could be as long as it needs to be. I also think it would make a great anime series, considering how dramatic it is (but isn't that what we love about it?) Just my 2 cents.
tor.com/blogs/2010/05/jordancon-interview-with-red-eagle-entertainment Read that. We all know a movie will never be as good as a book. It's just the way it works. Quit bitching about it. Would you rather just have Jordan's epic work just end after the last book? Or have at least a solid attempt at a film? and possibly more films and tv series, as well as video games? At least the fans will have something to look forward + enjoy, rather than reading the same books over and over again.
I really wish these books could be made into movies. It would be amazing if they could successfully capture the tones from the books into video. Unfortunately though, there's the fact that the series isn't done yet, and the passing of Robert Jordan is saddening. And I feel like making a movie about Wheel of Time would have the same result as the T.V. series for 'Sword of Truth'. Any director would try to change things. That would plainly ruin the greatness. (opinion of course lol)
Hmmmm.......possibly a project HBO should tackle? definitely not syfy.....the couldn't find their behinds with both hands and a flashlight.....Joss Whedon directing maybe...... I did like the character casting I've seen on here...... The guys from supernatural for Perrin and Rand......Bayle Domon is a big guy though, looks fat at first glance, then you realize that none of it is jiggling.....Elyas Machera the same. Either could be well done by Billy Connolly.
I think they need all new actors that haven't been seen before. The wheel of time series is the first series that I was able to come up with my own faces instead of actual actors. I also think they should make the books into a T.V. series because they can't possibly put such a big book into the movie without destroying and butchering the story. At least with t.v. shows you can keep more things from the book in it instead of cutting it all out.
Great job. I'm really excited for this movie :) From some info I found from last month, the release is slated for 2011, along with an MMO and platform games. I don't necessarily agree with your cast list - Nicole Kidman would make a good Morgase, not Siuan. I like your Egwene pick. I really wish there were an influx of talented *appropriate aged* actors. We have to remember that these guys start when they're around 16 (about 24 for Nyneave).
To actually be able to compressthe magnificent detailed work of Jordan's books, every book (if not every mini serie within the book) should be represented by a movie of its own. Wich should last about 4 hours. Wich would give a total of 14 movies each 4 hours long.. And thats a minimum for a decent complete work I do not have the sleightest hope that any movie company could afford such an undertaking with a decent cast and prima quality
Ok. If u Feel the movie is gonna ruin your perception of the Characters i Suggest Listening to the Audio Books If u have not Already. I just Finished and already i have a totally different view on how i see the characters. (For the Better) and now i would really enjoy a Wot Movie, but Animated, Beowulf anf Final Fantasy Style/with a heavy metal (Rated R) Theme. ex. Pillow Friends, Naked Sea Folk, Massive Cleavage, etc. etc.
I feel like the Eye of the World could be made into a 2 hour 30 min film. It's fairly simple plot structure. Not every character has split up and leading their own stories. But after that, it would be insanely difficult. I feel like they would have to put 2 or 3 books into 1 film. Which is outrageous. Just make a HBO series riding on Game of Thrones success and youd have enough material for 12 seasons...
having those 2 in the movie would make it terrible!! the best move to make would be using unknown actors. lord of the rings was shit for many reasons but the biggest reason is that they used ilisha wood and sir ian. (yes i know my spelling is crap) they made the movie worse, the actors are 1 of the biggest parts, (1 of, not THE biggest part) hopfully they wont cock this up like they did LOTR
if we really want any hope of anything dealing with the WHeel of time getting made we better hope the Game of Thrones series on HBO (based on ASOIAF) does well. The producers would be much more respective if they saw a fantasy series doing well. Personally I'd rather they made it a television series and possibly animate it with each book getting turned into six to eight hour long episodes.
i could tolerate screw ups and cuts of the book (as long as they are not sickeningly different) as long as the movie is epic and gets the story line across without missing crucial details. For example, as far as i am concerned, they could cut a lot of the Tanchico/Elayne/Nynaeve/Seanchan subplot out. Focus mostly on the Ta'varen and we are set. They are the best parts of the books anyway.
don't forget the last 4 or 5 books or so that R. Jordan wrote before his death began to drag more and more. You could probably cut out a lot of the unnecessary plotlines which would make it much more manageable. But still, it'd be a behemoth task. And it has to be done right or not at all out of respect for Mr. Jordan and his masterpiece.
Nicole Kidman as Suian Sanche?? You gotta be kidding. Kidman would make a good Elayne, though, in her younger days. Angelina Jolie would be a great Lanfear. Catherine Zeta Jones would be good too. I think Keira Knightley would be better as Min Farshaw. For some reason I have Bette Midler as Greandel... that's F-d up LOL
they can do three things to dis book if dey make it 2 a movie dey can do a eragon which sucked big time a harry potter which was alrit but made loads of money or lotr which was different dan da book but still amazing twilight isnt even counted was worth goin 2 da cinema for it
this video makes me shiver...it would be a dream that come true: a movie about my favorite saga of all times! and since i've always imagined lanfear with the face of angelina jolie and moghedien with that of catherine zeta jones..it looks like i made this video on my own!!!
hey that was awesome! very cool. i agree with everyone on using new actors, but maybe use famos actors for charecters without big roles, just to kinda add to the credibility of the film. i dont know how well anyone will be able to make this film, but im hoping for success!

WoT Cast 2

The second video in my - hopefully - long list of Wheel of Time casts. This one is for the Great Hunt. Enjoy and check back in a few weeks (or some more, I'm ...

User Comments

Gosh this would either be a complete screw up or great succes. If there is a movie coming out I hope they take the time to keep it's flaver. I was so unhappy with Eragon. It was good movie if you didn't read the book.... But this. THIS is something I hope the spend a ton of time thinking and detailing. There is no in between when it comes to this one. A big hit or a crapy movie.
I really like seeing what others think characters look like. My only qualms would be Verin...Aes Sedai have a smooth faced ageless appearance, not wrinkly and old. With that being said, when I read the books, Verin always appears older to me too, kind of like the fairy godmothers in Disney cartoons. Very well done.
you know whats funny, in the books it is always said that the aes sedai have a certain agelesness, and if you take a 40 year old actress with all the plastic surgery and botox, you know she is 40 and kinda looks like it, but also only looks like 30, it creates the perfect aes sedai look.
@GilraenPalantir Seanchan is not Asian in appearance, their culture is based on ancient Asian cultures but they look European with a strong pocket of the population, including the Imperial family who are black. Several Borderland nations however have Asian appearance.
Not bad, I think your choices are dead on with this vid. I need to learn how to make these to show my choices. I definetly think Eliza Dushku, Summer Glau and Lucy Chabert are Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene for me though :)
@GilraenPalantir The Seanchan would be played by Asian and African actors. The Boarderlanders are closer to Native Americans. Taylor Lautner would be a good actor for Hurin.
im sorta like....uhhhhh..Its ok i guess, some good choices on the Aes Sedai like Alviarin Shemarin blah blah but some of em i was like NOOO!!! anyway decent job though
I believe you :) I had no idea, tho, I thought that Asians were about the closest thing to Shienarans etc. So what 'real' people would you suggest?
Yeah its fucking hard to find asian actors, plus Uno sounds EXTREMELY british with all his "bloody" and "flaming" that he uses in his sentences
You can see who the actors are in the description on the right. You're right about those two, anyway, and Siuan Sanche is Lucy Russell.
Is Alviarin Alicia Silverstone? and is Egeinin Carrie Anne Moss? I love your choice for Siuan Sanche - who is that?
Catherine Zeta Jones HAS to be Moghedien!! Lanfear IS Angelina Jolie!! This is my hope for a future cast
Sorry for the huge delay, I couldn't remember it myself ;) But it was Revolution from Children of Dune.
lol, shouldn't masema and uno be asian actors since the characters are from Shienar?
great job again mate,only sheriam i thought to be a bit different though...
f'show, bro still think you have good choices tho, like the list.
JET LI, hes bad ass if he was in a WoT movie i would cry tears.
I guess so, but I don't really know a lot of Asian actors... :)
@corkimushu The music is from the Children of Dune miniseries.
lol cheers - that just goes to show how lazy I am - :-)
Lucy lawless would make an awesome birgitte
Please tell me what music you used?
I agree- Lucy Lawless IS Elaida.
perfect liandrin imo lol
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