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Playstation dreams Videos

Dreams gameplay demo | #PlayStationPGW

Welcome to the wonderful world of Dreams.

User Comments

This all looks so fun but also the graphics are really smooth.. didnt see any poly-edges and that stuff and messing around in the bread level looks a lot like its voxel based... is this true or are there just maany many polygons with a really good dynamic mesh creation engine?
yeah watched the talk about that too a few days ago.. really impresive especially for such a small studio to just ditch the industry standart in realtime 3d rendering for atom splats. so they basically did what euclideon said they would do with their point cloud engine which almost nobody believed to work out back then :D
Not one polygon is used in Dreams. MM took 2.5 years creating a new 3D rendering technique that doesn't use polygons. That's why there's no aliasing and no use for anti-aliasing. They showed how they achieved this at a technology event...it's on YouTube.
interesting, but tbh all the characters look really creepy
+Timon well if you make a cute character message me again ;)
+Timon I think that's intentional. When you're dreaming lots of things are fairly creepy.
pewdiepie need to play this
He'll just make duck porn everywhere..
he dreams about Playgirl magazine
Louis C.K. and Norman Reedus made a game?
+GameBoyPL1991 I definitely see that too.
+Nison545 "Norman" looks kinda like Sean Bean, lol.
One thing I'm hoping for is the ability to export whatever character we can create to perhaps obj files or what and be able to transfer them to Maya. That would be so sweet.
+TheFlyingVideoyeah I just read that, that's freakin awesome! This is more than a game, its basically a Game Creation/Animation tool in itself, that alone is a buy for me as it will let me bypass Maya altogether
+DragONheart27X As far as I know, it can be exported to Unity and 3D printers.
I'm probably not the only one who still doesn't really *get* Dreams. I mean, I understand what they're saying; you can build actual puzzle levels, or wide realistic areas, characters and 3D stories, etc. But... how? I want to see how you can do it. I know he uses the furry cursor fellow they mentioned at the beginning, but where are the options, settings and configurations? I've played LBP 1 to 3 and have created levels in each, so I'm used to having a window detailing my options and settings. I don't see where anything remotely close to that is here. I understand it's a hard game to grasp from the outside, as Alex has said before, but I didn't expect to still find myself asking what exactly Dreams *is* and how do I play it. I guess I'll have to wait to play it and discover for myself when the BETA releases next year. I'm hopeful.
+JakeLikesJoking We'll be explaining everything more in detail very soon :)
think of it as sculpting, we have already seen people sculpting in E3 and in the "PS4 announcement event" prototype of dreams back in 2013. then you can get whatever you sculpted or borrow another person's sculptures and edit them and shape a level/dream. i have been following dreams closely and i can safely say it all works out great.
is this the ps4 super Mario maker?? l would like to know who come whit the real new and fresh ideas first Bacause game mechanics remains me to Mario maker... or who is stealing the ideas for a new game from who...because...for example it's a little odd to me the new far cry shown, horizon zero dawn and wild all are about of something like cave man.... does any body has seen it??? there is no more deserts, jungle,or some fantasy landscapes...there's only cold, snow, ice,forest,mountains, wheat wheater in all three....
i will take for a fact that you are trying to tell that i should compare dreams with little big planet...well y do play it... and you are right i miss to mention little big planet, but  I made the comparation with mario maker because it is what we have in store selves this days.... you are right i miss to mention little big planet....perdon mi ingles, i am  from mexico....  
+Antonio Ocanas You obviously never played Little Big Planet when you talked about Mario maker..

Spawn on Me at Playstation Experience 2015 playing Dreams from Media Molecule

Kahlief gets to grace the Twitch booth and hang with two of the Anton and Jon of Media Molecule for a walkthrough and demo of Dreams -- Watch live at ...

User Comments

For Twitch participation, I have an idea : Let's say a streamer wants to make a level, but wants his viewers to contribute to the level by letting them create level objects, the streamer could create a sort of hashtag kind of filter so only the viewers can post their game objects in there. Even we could have different kind of creator for a designated hashtag, where designers, music composers, level designers could post things out in there while the streamer creates his game. It would become Twitch creates Dreams (ala Twitch plays Pokemon type of experiment)
haha thanks ! I am very optimistic on what kind of games a community can create together, so this would be a very interesting experiment to see unfold !
+Carl Beaumier This would be so awesome!!! I'll share this with the folks from MM. I wonder if there are going to be any Twitch specific things in the game.
legit question: what kind of idiot would buy mario maker when lbp exists also this is why I got a ps4 ;v
+Kazekai Nintendo and Mario fanboys XDI'm also looking forward to this one
What about coding or is this just making a level ?
+leims skos This game supports logic similar to but more advanced than Little Big Planet 3, but they haven't revealed this yet.
the cup guy instantly reminds me of conker's bad fur day.
That was what project spark hoped for, it however was very quickly forgotten.
it would be cool if you created a conker themed level!
can I create with friends online?
+Armokle 87 So happy we could bring this to you.
+Kahlief Adams nice, thanks for the info
+Armokle I believe that you can.
This game has so much potential I already know there's going to be some very impressive custom created levels out there.
+1LIFEtoWIN yeah we are super excited to see how this goes.
looks awesome. Its not for me but my little bro loves creating stuff
+Zinmaster Volibear If he did get it, I think you would love to mess around with it for sure. Thanks so much for checking it out.

Dreams on PS4 - How You Actually Play It

We've seen Dreams! Join Hollie and Dave as they explain how Media Molecule's beautiful PS4 exclusive actually plays. PlayStation Access TV brings you the ...

User Comments

PS4 will reach the heights no console has ever had!
+Sasuke Uchiha In particular No Man's Sky for the 'height' you can go.
Holly, you mentioned there is a video on MM's site about the technology behind dreams. Struggling to find it. Do you have a link handy by any chance? Thanks! =)
+PlayStation Access Hollie, that book was full of NOTES? Looks like an essay.
+PlayStation Access The amount of awesome in you is over 9000! Thanks Hollie! :)
+Jeff Albertson ta-daaaa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9KNtnCZDMI - Hollie
The best way I can get my head around this is thinking of it as how they actually built dreams in Inception
+Tim Senna (timontheradio) That was the movie. I had to watch it a few times before understanding everything though.
+Tim Senna (timontheradio) You know, that is a pretty good way of thinking about it! - Hollie
Mwahahahahahahhahahahaha jump scares! Name my dream Special pony unicorn adventure. Truthfully, it s a monster scaring you to death. mwhahahahahahhahahahahah
Can you guys link the video when media molecule talked about polygons and solidarity?
+PlayStation Access Thanks govnr
+kapil busawah Here you go - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9KNtnCZDMI - Hollie
Can someone please tell me what they mean by "beta"? (not sure how it is spelt)
+Jack S. Thank you! :)
A beta is just a version of the game that is put out for people to play before the game actually comes out.
What is the Y symbol in the background?
+360bobba It's part of a wall that reads "20th Anniversary" :) - Hollie
this legit sounds like the hardest thing to program to date. besides maybe a true artificial intelligence
+crash1998100 yeah i know. you would think more about this would have been released by now. i feel like this will either be really bad. or really good.
+Brandon Bevins It took them few years just to make the engine and they're still working on it!

Dreams GameTrailer Sony Playstation 4 (E3 2015)

Download our App here, or search for GLP in the App Stores: Android: //tinyurl.com/n4w4qab Apple iOS: //tinyurl.com/le24bqw Watch more Game ...

User Comments

Imagine how many penis dreams there will be when this comes out
+thedeatruction Meh, didn't really enjoy the obvious trolling, 0/10 honestly. Gotta love that there are only two comments on this video and still an argument to be had. Not to mention the OP comment was the best in this thread.
+LoLXD4118 thank you for writing these novels, i see you really care what i have to say. I have been quite the troll and have succeeded. Also tl;dr
+thedeatruction Thankyou, for continually degrading yourself for my amusement. Seeing your replies puts a smile on my face, knowing that there are people more stupid than me. I look forward to your next reply. :)
Yeh you mad
+thedeatruction I am? Why would I be mad when I winning this conversation with pure logic? Frankly I find your delusions amusing.
You are so mad
+thedeatruction spoken like a pleb, well done
+LoLXD4118 tl;dr
+thedeatruction well you are a pleb, you are right on that. But, I never said anything to imply that I like sucking cocks, perhaps that is from your homophobic delusions. I merely implied that with the vast amount of childish people on the web, they are going to use the game to make penises ingame. A natural occurrence in creativity based games like Little Big Planet and Spore.
guess we both learnt something today, i am a pleb and you like sucking cocks
+thedeatruction thank you for proving that you are indeed a pleb, well done!
it's "you" not "your". Sorry try again, faggot
+thedeatruction Nope no clue, and it is "you're" not "your". Now do your know, how I know you're a pleb?
+LoLXD4118 you know how i know your gay?

PlayStation 4 Dreams - Nightmare Halloween Special

PlayStation 4 Dreams - Nightmare Halloween Special shows you how Nightmares could be on Media Molecule's new Dreams game. Ya didn't think it would just ...

User Comments

I love evil..lol
+PlayStation Dreams I calls dem as I see dem..sack boy was in trouble..lol
+HoLLyWooD Producer Woah! Calm down. guess that's the Hollywood producer in ya, haha.

Dreams - Bear Dream (PS4)

One of the first dreams made for Dreams PS4. Bear Dream! From the latest Media Molecule stream Stay updated with Dreams from Media Molecule here at ...

User Comments

Perhaps a pentaforce, sorry If I posted 1 month later, this game is pretty weird and may be ppl who don't give it any shitty credit or whatever, too many COD, BF2, or GOW3 (not the kratos one but the one with the marines and aliens). But for the sake of creativity, it is better than minecraft and somehow MM had owned the entire LBP franchise, although I may keep LBP as one of my favorite franchises.
I cant wait to start building movies in this. and to the people who dont know what this is look back at all of Mm tech demo projects shown at E3 before they announced this they had 2 videos made for E3 one of building 3D worlds with 3D modeling using ps move and one using that engine to make digital pupetry. this game is about making and sharing your dreams to the world just like LittleBigPlanet just for movies
+magnumninja In case you don't know now, it works without PSmove and you can make games, music, films and sculptures.
+magnumninja They have already confirmed that you will be able to create games with this, using an improved version of LBP logic.
i think there will be some type of interaction but since this game is for ps move I have no idea how that interaction will work
I don't believe this game is gonna be limited in only creating movies. I think this is the next step from lbp, letting you to create almost every kind of games, and movies too.
Audio what....? Almost like someone left their mic on during the recording of this video. Like they were cracking somethin open to either eat it, or drink it....
Agreed, it makes it less credible, but almost part of this game has been showed in dev blogs and on MM channel, the only questions left are mainly two, how to record or use audio in creative mode???. Is there a chance for a quadruped puppet like the ones used to create both polar bears???... Ahh and a final question, is it possible to make them act like seemingly appears to be possible on this video???. Anyway it has some kind of potential to surprise us. Despite of the fanboys of FPS.
will somebody please explain wtf this is because no offence it looks shit
+streetough Came in late, and yeah, I'd have explained it sooner and saved you some grief, overly negative people in these comments. I would think the same way you did, and I was an experienced LBP player. It's become a stereotype now; all this "ur a call of duty fan fgt" is getting mega old. But yeah, this is really old and is a test. The game is basically a powerful design tool, probably the most flexible sandbox outside of flat out game engines. Media Molecule can be a bit artsy and abstract, but the concept is solid and should appeal to anyone, really.
+mark partridge Cool. I knew it was playable but I saw someone mentioned something about being able to watch it so I assumed they knew what they were talking about and went with it. lol
+streetough just watched the paris games week demo. you can control characters and other things it's not just something you watch. so yeah more like a fully 3D little big planet
Call of duty fan detected
+streetough guess i'll have to wait till they show somw more stuff
+mark partridgeFrom what little I understand about it, it's like Little Big Planet where you can create your own stage, but in this game, you create stages and possibly sequences that become like a short film. I haven't watched the E3 footage so I'm not too sure though.
+streetough thanks, and i still don't understand what it's all about lol
+illdrainyoursoulI can understand getting hate for calling anything crap without trying to understand it. (Although in your case, I'm sure you understand Halo very well and just aren't a fan.) And of course fanboys will defend their precious.But this guy was literally asking, "I don't understand this and want to know more because without further knowledge, this game looks terrible. Help me understand this further." Instead of helping him out, some people got their jimmies rustled. lol For some reason, it's just funny to me.
+streetough you can't criticize or have a different opinion on a game with these Sony and Xbox fanboys I've been getting a load of shit for saying halo 5 was crap and accused of not even have played the game even though I've got footage on my channel these fanboys are pathetic ha ha
+mark partridge I'm not sure why people are getting mad at you. lol You're literally asking for the game to be explained to you because you don't understand what's going on.
O god.. The ignorance is strong here.Please just go back to your yearly rehashes.
+Calvin Weustink yeah just been watching on ps Paris show I like the look of that something different
+illdrainyoursoul A new video by the devs has been released. You can also create game with it sort of like lbp
Dude these developers make great games
+magnumninja certainly differant.
+mark partridge from the 2 engine videos we got and the dreams announcment video Mm has only showed off the 3D modeling and Digital Puppetry but if we look at the trailer of the piano guy they actually created him and moved him around like a puppet before they made a video so im guessing dreams is a game were you show off your dreams and ideas in the form of a movie.
+magnumninja didn't see the e3 demo. so can you actually control whats on screen or do you just watch it?
+damcs like i said before sorry if i was a bit harsh. what i meant to say was ' this game doesn't look very good in my opinion could somebody tell me more about it' lol
well if you played LittleBigPlanet this game is like that but for making short movies duh its obvious from the begining when they showed people pupetry after building a puppet in the E3 video.
+mark partridge what an ignorant kid.
I could be wrong but I think it's not really a game but a interactive story book type thing were you can create anything your imagination let's you and then is animated in short movies this is what I took from what I've seen of it
+Angeal878 ok sorry probably a bit harsh didn't mean to upset you but wtf is it. do you make video clips?
+mark partridge lol
+mark partridge go back to playing COD
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