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Pbs flat earth theory Videos

Debunking the Flat Earth Theory!

MnRTV Live Show discussing about Debunking the Flat Earth Theory //mnrproductionsmariolaur.blogspot.ca/ To jump to these points 16:58 ...

User Comments

You Guy's are funny, all you are doing is spewing the same "theories" science has been pushing for forever. do some research. Stop regurgitating!
+John Cardinal I Believe You Meant "Parroting", "Regurgitating" Takes Physical Work.
It is impossible to see star thru a telescope on a 1,000mph spinning sideways ball earth. Take a telescope put it on a tripod and set it in the backyard. Then realize that that telescope and the ground it is sitting on is spinning sideways at 1,446.6 feet "PER SECOND!!" or a 1,000mph. Debunk that ball earthers!!!! It is impossible to see a star thru a telescope spinning sideways at 1,446.6 feet "PER SECOND!!" or a 1,000mph. Only conclusion is the earth is stable and flat. The telescope is the head shot to the spinning ball earth model. Checkmate!!!!!!!!!
+midas1212444NASA agent?!
+reality358 Nice try retard
+Sailor ManSorry buddy, but its game over. The North Star Polaris has killed the ball earth. No way that the earth and sun can travel trillions of miles per year, for thousands and thousands of year and yet you look at Polaris all night and it never leaves the telescope eyepiece, staying perfectly north.And do you know what 1 degree of earth's curvature is?!? Really! You can see a star as the earth is dropping at near freefall speed thousands and thousands of feet of curvature.As far as the 1 degree thing, I'm immune to jeti mind tricks. If the telescope was a laser, then you can see how foolish it is to believe that that laser would still hit the star when the point of origin is spinning sideways at a 1,000mph. LOL
+reality358 Thankyou so much for bringing this telescope viewing issue into question.At first glance it certainly sounds like it would be impossible to view anything in the sky by using a telescope that is sitting on top of the earth which is spinning at 1000 miles an hour, or approximately 24,000 miles a day.Let's do some math on the subject though, to see what numbers we are actually dealing with here.The round earth model states that the earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours, which is why we have the sun appear over the horizon every morning and then set again below the horizon every evening, and then it rises again 24 hours later, which equals 1 full day.Now if we consider the fact that one complete spin of the earth = a rotation of 360 degrees, then to find out how many degrees the earth spins every minute, all we have to do is divide 360 by the number of minutes in each day (24 hours X 60 minutes in an hour) which is 1440.So let's divide 360 by 1440 to find out how many degrees the earth rotates every minute. The answer is 0.25 or 1/4 as a fraction, which is the same as saying that the earth rotates 1/4 of a degree every minute. To put it into a more understandable way, we could say that the earth rotates 1 degree every 4 minutes. I actually have a telescope, and anyone who also has one, would have observed this movement of 1 degree every 4 minutes. So what happens when you've got your telescope pointed at a celestial object, let's say Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky? Well, initially the star is nicely centred in your view finder, but then over a period of time, it slowly moves further and further to the edge of the viewfinder until it is out of view and you're then required to orientate the telescope to bring the star back into the viewfinder. If you still want to keep looking at Sirius, then you will periodically have to keep re-orienting the telescope. Some of the more expensive telescopes have small motor drives which continually move the telescope to keep the object within the viewfinder without the need to manually orientate the telescope.Now let's get this clear. The earth actually only rotates 1 degree every 4 minutes, which is a TINY movement and is virtually impossible to detect over a short period of time. It's only by looking at an object through a telescope, that this TINY movement can be detected at all, but obviously if a longer time frame is used, then the earth's rotation/spin is easily noticed, with the 24 hour day/night/day cycle being an obvious example.So despite your lack of understanding as to how it could ever be possible to look at a star through a telescope which is sitting on top of the earth that is spinning at 1000 mph, I have resoundingly shown that because this 1000 mph spin actually only equates to a movement of 1 degree every 4 minutes, then there is absolutely NO reason whatsoever as to why it shouldn't be possible to view stars through a telescope.You put up a challenge in your previous post 'debunk that earthballers'.Well guess what? It's been debunked - well and truly, and it actually wasn't that hard either.
You guys really have your facts crossed here. First off, you can't make a video claiming to debunk something while asking in that video that someone come on your show and debate it...... Why? Didn't you just debunk it? Secondly, you didn't debunk it, You just asked a bunch a questions, which do have answers in reference to the flat earth theory.... Which tells me that you did ZERO research. Night and day can exist on a flat earth. No one knows what's at the edge. There are even explanations for how air travel is done in the southern hemisphere.
Well our viewers are not to much into this theory but we had to do it even if they did not like or enjoy it. However we knew by doing this topic what would happen but its all good. We have other shows that are much better. 
You read some articles..... That's not really research, guy..... I'm just saying. If you are comfortable with that level, fine. It's your show. But I'm guessing by the level of viewership this video has.... maybe that's because I have a point.....
You say we didn't do any research maybe not to your liking but it OK
lol? Why are you laughing? Is that supposed to shut me up? I'm not saying I can prove the earth is flat, but I am saying that 25 minutes worth of research could answer ALL of those questions posed.If you don't like the answers, that's fine, but there are answers.
Why don't u go on the show and talk about your knowledge lol!
earth is not flat, its a hollow sphere. all has been explained in the Joseph Cater, Jan Lamprecht, Marshall Gardner's books. For first-hand account, read Etidorhpa (auth ed) and The Smoky God.
+California UNICORN DEATH GROUP 1981its not my theory. there are 3 experiments that tell earth is concave. the reason ppl doubt is cuz they have been duped by nasa. earth is planar terra concavum. there are no pictures of whole earth from space either, they are all cgi.
+Mystic Bardock LSSGSS Your Theory Holds No Water. There Are No Walls Visible Anywhere. Concave My Ass, Reasons People Doubt A Planar Terra Firma In The First Place.
+California UNICORN DEATH GROUP 1981lol. earth is a hollow sphere and you are on the inside surface of this hollow sphere. lookup concave earth on wildheretic's website. read the book the cellular cosmogony by cyrus teed.saiyans are never un-anything and we never fund anyone. globetrotter? we are globeblowers.
+Mystic Bardock LSSGSS Completely Wrong. Earth Is A Planar Terra Firma. - You Unscholarly And N.A.S.A. Funding Globetrotter.
flat earth pizza boys make me sick to the stomach
+Levon Fox And Too Many Damn Globetrotters, No Common Sense Or Awareness. Wake Up Child, You Are Very Uninformed.
+Levon Fox Maybe It's Because You Are Not A Bright Individual, Meaning You Can Not See Through Bullshit.
+Robert Carobene way to many ... 
And there are many lol
+Robert Carobene those who believe that the earth is flat
+Levon Fox What are pizza boys?

Science Forces on Flat Earth: #2- Coriolis Effect

In this video I show science's Coriolis effect and the ridiculousness of believing in the LAME scientific theory. There are two ways Coriolis is shown by science ...

User Comments

Yep.. doublespeak !!! 7:16 You can see a cannon ball shoot perfectly vertically out of a cannon and Fall Right back into the Same Hole of the cannon! This is an effect of the spin or no spin on the vertical, what Rich describes is the same thing on the horizontal - The 16.000 mph spin of the Earth would have the same effect on objects vertically as horizontal - i'ts simple Laws of Motion Physics. ( just in a different direction) . If were spinning at 16.000 mph and everything in the atmosphere spins at the same speed then that ball should ALWAYS fall OUTSIDE of the cannon hole - but we don't experience that. -- She just said we Do experience that! The mainstream scientists for NASA like to - Break The Laws of Physics whenever it suits them! My 3rd post on this topic.. hehe.. sorry Rich I get more carried away the more of the video I watch.
No I'm Not a Droid.. If i were.. i wouldn't be here... LOL But I Think I know what you mean.( thats why i'm Divergent) Anyway.. as Long as your for Truth, and your Honest, you'll get my support. And again.. Thank You Rich.. because you do the experiments.. you make a lot of sense.
+Divergent Droid You're a droid - go for it man! I appreciate the support! Thank you.
I STRONGLY disagree with the Heliocentric's claim that you travel slower as you move up in longitude - think of a ball 2:07 .. YOU put the ball in motion by spinning it - All of that ball spins at the exact same rate of speed no matter where you are On a ball. The Only thing that changes because you are higher up from the equator is that you are shortening the distance traveled in your path of the circle you are on. How can they Royally Screw Up this simple observation?? LOL It's double speak just like in 1984.(the book)
I've thought about this for a couple of days and I cannot wrap my head around that idea no matter how i try... yeah link was a typo.. I had something else but er.. got it mixed up and lost it.. Also re-reading over my comments I get a lil upset/rude.. I don't mean to.. my apologies everyone..
+Divergent Droid You do know there's a difference between angular speed (e.g., radians per second) and linear speed (e.g., meters/s or mph), right? The angular speed of every point on a spinning solid is the same. The linear speed changes based on the circular path each particular point traces out during that solid's rotation. Points closer to the axis have lower linear speed than those farther away. Simple geometry.What does that line of sight link have to do with the linear speed due to rotation at any given latitude?
+Divergent DroidI'm guessing you meant 1000 mph.It doesn't matter though, both are wrong.If the equator is about 24000 miles long and it makes one revolution every 24 hrs, its speed will be about 1000 mph. Now imagine a spot about 4 miles from the North Pole. It also makes one revolution every 24 hrs, but the circle it traces around the the North Pole is only 24 miles long, therefore it is only going 1 mph.The revolutions per hour will always be the same everywhere, but the speed will not be.
1600 mph silly..there is NO good reason why a solid hunk of Anything square round triangle or otherwise should suddenly all or some bits .. planes/ of it's  it's circle to spin faster or slower than the rest - because they are all connected together as a solid!! Simple physics.. you cannot make physics something it's not just to prove your stupid theory.That's not real science.. that's dogma..religion. We don't  deal with religion here, only science. Of course none of that maters cus we are Not spinning.
+Divergent Droid What would the speed at the poles be if the speed at the equator was 1000 mph?
+Divergent Droid "you expect me to believe your formula but it doesn';t match observations all around the world.. can you explain this???"My formula is speed = distance / time. So say you drive in your car for one hour and travel exactly 50 miles during that time. 50/1= 50 mph. You're saying that's incorrect? The math is wrong?
I won't even read your word problem cus you haven't answered my questions first..I wont let you confuse the issue.. lets stay on this same topic shall we? ( see folks.. he's trying to get me  off the subject) Go back to this: //www.davidsenesac.com/Information/line_of_sight.html then prove i'm wrong. Here is The math. unless you don't agree with His math.. I should think he's done the math right.. he is a photographer...If his math is wrong.. Prove it.
+Divergent Droid All my math is false? OK, but I'm just talking about speed. Let's say you're in a bike race with Jeranism on a circular track. The winner gets a free ride in an airplane over the south pole. The track has ten lanes, each three feet wide. The radius of the track to lane #10 (the outer-most lane) is 100 yards. That means the radius of lane #1 is 90 yards. Lanes 2 - 9 are wet and slippery and can't be used.Jeranism decides he gets to pick his lane first because he has more subscribers. He chooses lane #1. You're in lane #10.  You start from the same line at the exact same time and both finish one lap in exactly 60 seconds, crossing the line at exactly the same time! Amazing! That means it was a tie, right? It seems you were both pedaling and moving at the same speed. Because nobody won, you both get to fly over the Tropic of Capricorn, but not all the way to the south pole. Would you say that's fair?
Of course your math can NEVER explian our real observations because all your math is false.. thats my Proof of your math you cannot refute.. no matter how you slice the ball.. you cannot change our observations. To believe in math is to believe in magic.
I cant.. that's YOUR PROBLEM.. you expect me to believe your formula but it doesn't match observations all around the world.. can you explain this???
+Divergent Droid LOL! The mathematical formula that's universally used to calculate speed "is designed to prove a faulty premise"? That's awesome. Can you provide me with the correct formula? Next time a get a speeding ticket, I'll simply inform the judge of this little known fact. I'm sure he'll understand and let it go.
+stillimjustsayin If you really believe that Science is right.. then show me the real math that matches our observations. because your current math doesn't match our observations. 
No you don't, your math is designed to prove a faulty premise. ignore your math and see the real results.. SPIN any ball.. and MEASURE the speed of that ball at any point! Your math will always fail If you compare it to the faulty math they use for a round Earth.. Every point on that ball will spin exactly at the same rate that - Er - YOU SPIN IT AT A CONSTANT SPEED!!! It's really THAT easy. My Proof ( unless you can prove this guys math is wrong) //www.davidsenesac.com/Information/line_of_sight.html 
+Divergent Droid Speed = distance / time. If you decrease the distance, you decrease the speed.
Are you a troll or just stupid?
+Tim Rogers both

Are Space and Time An Illusion? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Want to ask some sort of crazy question about Space?: Tweet at us! @pbsspacetime Facebook: facebook.com/pbsspacetime Email us! pbsspacetime [at] gmail ...

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So, how can I escape spacetime?, and what's outside of it?
you can escape it by dieying?
What if God is outside. Just a thought.
+alberto meza You can't. Events such as movement or thought cannot take place without spacetime nor could matter even be. Asking a question of how you can escape it is purposeless and irrelevant. Even if there was a way to escape it, whatever lies outside of it can't be observed, move, or even exist within our knowledge and idea of what matter is.
so in theiry,if my future is already exist i can wake up a "year" later?
"The future already exists." So, basically, we can throw quantum theory out the window?
+Mateja Zlatanovic you're making a connection up it doesn't have to be true, the outcome is random and its un predictable but it already exist, not now but in the thing you call the future which is what relativity tells us
+Daniel Skiba random is something unpredictable,if outcome already exists would it be random,it is random to us,but if future already exists it means that nothing really is random because its already there
No, random chance is random but the outcome already exist
This helps me understand The Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut much better. Those damn Tralfamadorians, it seems they knew their shit after all. Coming unstuck in time and traveling around your causal timeline as if it was a series of physical locations seems like a far more coherent idea to me now.
+SniffinBradysDiapers Just saw your message now, I replied pretty much the same thing just now. Glad someone else saw it too!
this gave me an existential crisis
+NaomiRemixes- Remixing Great songs lol, why? this isn't even proven to be correct, there are many flaws in this "theory". relax, It's not totally right. and no, the future does not exist. yet.
Tragedy. This video presupposes knowledge that the average intelligent layperson just does not have. Like the Math-y stuff. Who the hell knows what a 4D non-euclidean mathematical space is? Only people that have studied it. Epic sadface.
+Aaron Horrell Yeah it takes ages, even at the end of the playlist, the dude (forgot his name) says to rewatch it, he ain't kiddin'. Visualisation of the concepts for me is the hard part
+Aaron Horrell Ok, after rewatching and pausing frequently to go on 20 minute google/wikipedia hunts, I think I get this video. It's fucking crazy. Space(-time) is awesome.
Just to add to the mindblowness: Quantum mechanics tell us all things have several superimposed world-lines, with it's own ramifications branching out of each one. Yes, your future already exists, ALL of your possible futures does, simultaneously, until you collapse that superposition with your experience of the now and turns the possibility into actuality. This is not a blow against free-will, it is a proof of it. To lock it with a golden key: Hugh Everett, father of the manyworlds interpretation, with his "quantum suicide paradox", believed quantum mechanics would make him immortal, because since (he believed) you can't experience death, your world-line would always be the one in which you don't die... Who knows, maybe Everett is alive in some sort of parallel reality?
Why should I take out the most important part of the comment? According to relativity, the future is already set in place, but according to QM this future isn't unique.Experiments already proved the collapse is not caused by interference of the detectors, the collapse of the wavefunction is caused by knowledge of the state, and knowledge require somebody who knows.
+Matheus Adorni Dardenne take out this phrase " until you collapse that superposition" and your comment is fine.

Flat Earth Theory

We all know that the Earth is a sphere. But there are some people who believe that the earth is flat. They are called the flat earth society. And they have their own ...

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+Ben Menke Ok sure I will send you some links of proof. BUT YOU HAVE TO READ SOME BASIC FLAT EARTH BASICS IT WILL SAVE A LOT OF MY TIME TRYING TO TYPE SOME OF THIS STUFF UP AND PREVENT  ME FROM BUTCHERING SOME OF THIS FLAT EARTH STUFF UP LOL. You can't see the sun all the time because the sun is on the other side of the earth when it is night as I said if you looked into this flat earth stuff at all you would know this because this evidence is on every flat earth researchers book,website or youtube channel. Actually you can see the sun at the north pole 24 hours a day at certain times of the year also a youtube video SHOWING THIS, don't believe it you can go to the north pole lol. Here is a link with so much basic flat earth 101 stuff.  //testingtheglobe.com/
+captain42979 Actually, I want to see your proof. You did not provide any sources, and you did not show evidence against my sources. I can't just take your word for it. You haven't credibly explained anything. Also, you did not answer my question: why can you not see the sun all the time?The reason that people should not believe in a flat Earth is because it does not explain as much and requires more assumptions. You have to assume that gravity doesn't exist (even though it's proven that it does) and you cannot explain the force holding us to the Earth. This, with the actual evidence I have provided, prove the Earth is a globe.
+Ben Menke Why not make thing's simple. How many still water lakes are there out there that we can easily measure curvature on in the world? I have no idea but there are ton's and the fact that there is no curve at all on them tells me the earth is completely flat. There has been test done using lasers recently but in early times they had the Bedford experiment but anyways we get the same results no curve everything remains perfectly flat. So many people wanna focus on the unanswered question's about flat earth but you gotta realize that people up until a couple years thought the earth was a ball for at least a 100 years or so. Recently we just woke up and started testing thing's for ourselves and stoped assuming that NASA is telling the truth. How about explaning the ball earth theory? How does gravity make water bend and were is the proof? If we are spinning a thousand miles hour why dont't we weigh less at the north pole than the equator? If our galaxy is moving through space how do the astronaut's get back home not even mentioning that we are spinning a thousand miles an hour? You have looked up in the stars and so called planets please tell me why one of the distant planets haven't slammed into us as our galaxy is moving through other galaxy's at break neck speed's because tere seems to be a ton of stuff out there if that is space? 
+Ben Menke You assume people of ancient time's wasn't smart as us but yet we are the one's that believe the earth is a ball. Ok I did look at 2 of the 3 links one wouldn't load but I see the same crap I alway's see on these websites like a boat dipping going out to sea or NASA has had space planes out there and has showed us picture not picture's although they have more than 1 picture they claim to be authentic at this point in time we should have thousands and we DO NOT THIS IS A FACT. NASA was caught faking the picture of the earth from a plane so any evidence from NASA I will avoid like the plague. Now about the other comments on those websites like the boats disappearing on the water I did take into consideration but now I know when it goes out of our view from our eyes just get a telescope and it pops right back up into view this is a fact and has been repeatedly demonstrated many times. Another thing your website claims is that after Columbus returned from his trip across the Atlanic the flat earth was shattered this is a out right lie. If you search ancient maps the map makers and the people that believed in the earth being flat did not think you could sail off any edge JUST LOOK AT THERE MAPS. The maps they has showed a ice ring along the coast of the world and this was well known at that time just do some searches on flat earth maps and you can see what I am talking about. On a side note you need to study both sides to see the truth in some thing's and you obviously haven't looked into this flat earth thing at all or you would have already known this or you are a person just trying to confuse people like that guy in the website you posted but I am not saying wither personally I just think you haven't looked into it at all.You mentioned that if the earth was flat we should be able to see forever basically or farther than we do now well this is not true for the same reason you can't see a ship cross the ocean ALTHOUGH if you has perfect weather condition's and a kick butt telescope you could see way farther than you should be able to than if we lived on a ball earth. There are so many repeatable scientific test people have done using very pricey video recorders and telescopes on youtube just go search them out just like seeing Chicago from Michigan. This is absolutely impossible on a ball earth.As far as shadow's and thing's about lunar eclipses I don't have an answer I am not an astronomer and I won't pretend to be so the simple answer is I don't know about that one but I see a flat earth and there are to many scientific repeateable test out there for me see clearly that the earth is flat an average Joe like me can see this clearly and I am sorry you don't wanna see it.
+captain42979 Again, where is your source? Evidence? People from thousands of years ago aren't as advanced as us and therefore we have a better understanding of the world. You claim that "it wasn't really accepted by the general public until ABOUT 1 to 200 years ago and it gradually increased its popularity by the church accepting it", but really, Pythagoras came up with a very accurate circumference of the Earth in the 5th century BCE.Also, explain to me how you cannot see, say, the Rocky Mountains from South Dakota or Nevada. Can you explain the heat coming from thermal vents? Also, if the sun is moving over the Earth, couldn't we see it all the time?You argument is invalid.//www.smarterthanthat.com/astronomy/top-10-ways-to-know-the-earth-is-not-flat///www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/05/people-in-columbus-time-did-not-think-the-world-was-flat///www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/ae535.cfm
+Ben Menke I can look up some sources but my statement is based off of what we know from history. People always believed the earth was flat and then a ball earth theory was introduced to society but it wasn't really accepted by the general public until ABOUT 1 to 200 years ago and it gradually increased its popularity by the church accepting it and being taught to people and then when NASA started there crap people just didn't question it at all because they believed it was fact that there government wouldn't lie to then like that. I could look this up and give aproximate dates but I don't even believe you or anyone would not except what I just said. If I'm wrong tell me maybe the ball earth started before the Romans but it isnt much further back than that. Even the Egyptians and the Persians and all the different countries knew it was flat.
+captain42979 Source?
Loud music, and I hear some indian guy in the distance.
+LiQWiZ I wonder who that is!
250 miles? I can disprove that just by driving across Colorado.
+luke law disprove soz
I can prove that by driving from my home in London to see a home Manchester United game!
There are conspiracies out there which deserve attention. However, the earth being flat is not one of them.
+lonewolf9390 They'll probably quote you from the bible or link some Youtube videos with misapplied science like it's something credible.
+Chris Wilson Where's the evidence?
The conspiracy refers to deceiving the population from the earth being flat, not belief in the earth being flat. I evaluated the idea from an evidence-based approach and I have concluded the earth is not flat.
+DANTRON  Why do you so readily assume that belief in "the earth being flat" is a conspiracy? Treat it as an evidence-based fact, and you may learn something.

Is Gravity An Illusion? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

Want to ask some sort of crazy question about Space?: Tweet at us! @pbsspacetime Facebook: facebook.com/pbsspacetime Email us! pbsspacetime [at] gmail ...

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0:53 lol planted the seeds, no pun intended
+zeb_gaming Fazel i meen 0:49
Is Einstein a charlatan?
+roy joy Considering his theory has stood up to all testing for over 100 years, I would think not, although his theory may be incomplete.
I hope this doesn't sound scientifically ignorant (busted already--snap!), but I was wondering (as all this was frankly losing me... (some astro-physicist I'd make).... as you were saying that the earth is accelerating upward, it occurred to me that it would mean that a) the earth is in a constant upward movement, and b) it was a plane, rather than a globe. Is this what you are hinting at here? Thanks for your info btw, but could you 'dumb it down' a bit more for us 'scientifically challenged' but interested onlookers?
+Steve Graham the earth is accelerating upwards relative to the apple, if you drop an apple from the other side of the earth where you dropped the initial apple. from the point of view of the 2nd apple the earth is also accelerating towards it
What does this have to do with The Kardashians ?
+benn61 Lol, nice. 
+mrhyde2484 not the whole family, only kim. she's ass is so big people say it has it's own gravity. but acording to einstein she's ass is just moving twords the object. i didn't get it myself
I feel stupid :(.
+benn61 It's all relativity though, especially with the other people who are familiar with quantum mechanics and advanced physics.
+roamer45 you should not. not with that profile picture
Einstein had it going on, just didn't realize that the Earth is flat! Makes sense!
+Racks on RacksFirst, you have to ask yourself, how do you know what you think you know?How do you know the planets are spheres?NASA? Cartoons are what they bring to us.1.) Solar Eclipse is just the moon and sun lining up. Flat earth or sphere; it doesn't matter.2.) The Seasons are a result of the Sun's path. I'm sure you can find a model of the Sun's behavior on Youtube.3.) Simple observations will tell you the Earth is flat. When you can see objects beyond the so called distance where science says things drop over  the curve. (THERE IS NO CURVE)Sunset reflections over the water that reach your feet can't happen on a ball because light travels a straight line.Next time you're in a plane look at the horizon. It's at eye level and does not curve away from you.There is so much more evidence of a flat earth, but you have to do your own serious research. I really don't have the time to explain my beliefs to every person who asks me here on Youtube which is just full of shills and people who have resources at their fingertips.We've been taught about GLOBE earth for so long, people just accepted it, and that in itself kept people from exploring any other explanations for any other model of earth.Good night.
+Diana Campanella You really think earth is flat? Then explain to me how a solar eclipse can work on a flat earth? And how can there be seasons on a flat earth? And also why is every other planet in our solar system spherical but earth isn't?
+Devon HenryNO! Just researching.
You must be trolling
I'm missing something. If Earth is round and moving outward how does it not rip apart?
+windycityspecialties Because Earth isn't moving outward. That doesn't even make any sense. On the contrary. Earth should be imploding because of its mass.
I clattered down the stairs in a train once because it stopped rather violently when I wasn't expecting it. There was nothing illusionary about the painful lump on my head I can assure you.
+Peter Timowreef unless it was the neuroreceptors telling you to feel pain :P.

You Ball Earthers Got Some Splaining To Do To The Flat Earth Community

Plane effected by the Coriolis effect? Not according to the trolls, PBS says otherwise. PBS linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2mec3vgeaI.

User Comments

I love how the coriolis effects bullets as well but not planes. What a joke. Saddest part is most will only accept it from an authority figure. It is for those with eyes that can see.
good info ! //www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181942830271?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Gleason's map.... thanks for looking !
Gravity causes the planes to travel at the same speed regardless of the rotation..its magic..don't question it, just obey..lol
Done !....Thanks !

Challenge: Which Particle Wins This Race? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

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My problem now is that i have a done hypothesis and an explanation and am dying to know if I'm correct or not, but since its not to be discussed i can't really find the solution elsewhere xD
Yeah realized... My hypothesis did match though :D
+Aron Ironstone little late bud
where can i find discussions of the answers?
+CallMeNiel Correct!
+Liam Marvell I was looking for the same, and it looks like since the deadline is passed, we can discuss it here now. My instinct is that it's going to be a tie, because with physics things like this it's always a tie. It seems to be a variation on the classic problem of shooting a bullet in a perfectly flat trajectory at the same moment you drop a bullet from the same height, they hit the ground at the same time.In the case of the orbiting ball vs the ball falling through the planet, they both start with 0 velocity in the y direction, with acceleration = g. When they pass the equator, they both have their maximum velocity and 0 acceleration in the y direction. At any given point in the drop, the total gravitational pull on the inside ball is equal to the Y component of the orbiting ball.
Ok, this is not the answer your looking for so I wanted to see what your thoughs are. As sphere 1 is traving through the planet and sphere 2 is orbiting around, the the system is off balance, the spheres would attract each other, that would cause friction against the planet and each sphere. sphere 1 would never reach the other end of the planet before it was pulled back towards the center. The same as if we acounted for losses on the system, you start put with X energy and before you ever reach the othere side, you don't have enough energy to come out the other side. sphere 1 would act like a pendulum that eventually rest in the center of the planet. Sphere 2 would slow down from the friction and also stop eventually.
+Jason Walker But you have to assume there is no friction.
What about gravity? The particle going through the middle will never make it to the finishing line, making the first particle the winner..
+Nathan Keogh But because of the Law of Conservation of Energy and the fact that there is no friction, the particle WILL make it to the other end ;)
Now that we're past the end date a small question( i'm doing this challenge just for fun) : Wich law of Gauss is meant here? Because without it i can't figure out how i should calculate the gravity on the second particle. =\
+SpaceCuberMinecraft All right, then it should be al good. I thought that it was needed to solve it. Thanks.
+DragonAssassinCreed Well you don't need Gauss's law. That law just proves that the particle will only feel the gravitational pull from the mass that is closer to the center of the planet than it. As Gabe said. Just write down the formula for the Gravitational Force as a function of distance r from the centre.
So since the deadline for this challenge has already expired, can we discuss its solution now?
+Daniel Rafacz Absolutely! Be my guest.
Straight newtonian with no friction? If one groks orbits, not even a bit of algebra is needed.
+Esther Mofet I entirely disagree. The answer to the challenge is quite specific to a uniform density for the "planet". Change the density profile, even a tiny amount, and the answer changes.
My wife says I'm the biggest nerd of all. Saturday night solving a bunch of equations. hahaha solved the mystery, sent the email response, now time to uncork a fine wine :)))
+Sebastian J Nice
Where is the key? (Cadê a Chave?)
+Hudfel99 BRRRR
+Hudfel99 hsuhsuhsuuhsus

String Theory -- PBS Nova Series -- The Elegant Universe

This is part 1 of 7 of PBS The Elegant Universe describing features of string theory.
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