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Flat lump on breast Videos

Healing Breast Lumps with Parasite Cleansing: My Story & Pictures

Fruitful Healthy Living: //www.TashaLee.org Fruitarian Diabetic: //www.FruitarianDiabetic.com After my 2nd thermography visit, my thermographer (who ...

User Comments

Your videos are so encouraging. I've learned so much about parasites and the digestive system. I believe that if I didn't know you I would not be alive today. Thank you for sharing all you've gone through! May you be this healthy from here on. I know your testimony will save many more lives.! God bless you, Seth, and your entire family.
+Nancy Reindl Nancy what beautiful encouraging words! By the hand of God you are alive today! I am grateful that my sharing has been useful to you for sure. I wish I could do more, but I trust the same God who helped me find answers will lead you in His perfect plan for your life as well. Much love to you sister!!!! <3
Wow, Congratulations.... what an amazing improvement! You are such an inspiration!!! xo
+Tasha Lee (Fruitful Healthy Living) Love you, girl!!! xo
+rawsynergytv Thank you my sweet sister!!! You have been such a blessing to me for so long. MUAH!
What was the cost of the thermography? Did insurance cover it? I went through 4 painful mammograms a few years ago because they spotted a "lump" in my left breast.(same side for you too - strange - maybe from cell phones?) Anyway, they finally said it was nothing. lol Thanks for irradiating me! Of course insurance covered the cost, but I am not so sure they will cover thermography. I will pay out of pocket since it is safe and I no longer want to nuke my body! Also, how does one find a competent thermographer?
+poolahpot i think it was like 200, maybe 250 dollars for the exam? no insurance coverage. not sure how to find a good one, lol. i just looked up thermography online and asked some questions about the thermographer's qualifications and experience. there weren't really a lot of options, usually like one person per county, at least in this area, so basically, i just hoped the person available was good. it seems like those who get into thermography do so for really good motivations, at least the two i have looked into seriously. :)
Incredible video! Thank you so much for sharing your journey. This can save so many lives.
+santi santi Thank you so much for leaving this very encouraging comment. Much appreciated, and I sure hope so! <3
So excited for you. And you did wonderfully, capturing all the pictures!
+Susanelizabeth Turner thank you sweet sister! <3
Hello Tasha Lee watched subscribed and hope to watch again with thanks excellent information thank you will check you book out some more very well done vid using cell phone for pics impressing (and I could see the large worms)
+r smith yay, so glad you could see them! thanks very much for leaving this wonderful comment! :)

TOP 10 Things Jordan Cannot Do with Her Huge Lady Lumps

Having big boobs is wonderful but not always advantageous. I thought of ten things that are actually harder to do when you have big breasts like me. I'm really ...

User Comments

It breaks down to science and evolution. Girls with a bigger bust, wider hips, and a bigger ass attract males more because it's natures way of telling us that women are fertile/ a good child bearer. When you break it down to science, it makes much more sense.
wow I am skinny as hell and yes have some hipe but no ass or boobs and I have two healthy boys and could keep going if I wanted to.
No, you don't look pretty.....with two things jiggling up and down....nope
That's so mean so is Beautiful no matter what
You poor poor lady. Life must be hell for you. I have tear running down my face. :P
Its pronounced mother fucker! Geez, damn Canadians.
One simply cannot cry without watching Titanic, logic mothafucka.
I'm 13 and I'm a 32b/c is that big for my age?
+Mya Christie Make a video about it so we can make a better judgement.
wtf write an private Message
Its a bit large but you can rock it girl
+kemmlithat a joke right?if its not you do know its the Internet Idiot.this is why americans are failing  every thing
+supersev2001 dude, I feel like this should be a safe place for girls to ask innocent questions like this. It's you who make it creepy.
+Mya Christiemaybe a rapist might?a pervert?
+ToneProjectTV I wasn't directly talking to you was I? No I wasn't if you don't care dont bother commenting simple as plus I only said I was 32b/C there is nothing wrong with that
+Mya Christie Your 13 we didn't want to know your breast size.
I like the liars here it funny go on
I'm 13 and have a 40/D it's not that big for your age
I am a male and my pecks are 36A ha
38D; 14
+Mya Christie not in austria
38c and 13
I'm 14 and wear 34 DD... my swim suit top is an E
stfu pedos are gonna want your 13 year old titts
No I'm 37/b

My Thermography Appointment & Results (Fibrocystic Breast Lumps)

Fruitful Healthy Living: //www.TashaLee.org Fruitarian Diabetic: //www.FruitarianDiabetic.com I keep getting asked about the results of my thermography ...

User Comments

Get to rebounding woman! Move that lymph, move that lymph!!! lololol
+poolahpot lol thank you
Will they do another thermography in 3 months?
+Susanelizabeth Turner That is the plan. :)

Breast Lump Update & Thermography Follow-Up (Fibrocystic, Toxic Mold, Parasites)

Fruitful Healthy Living: //www.TashaLee.org Fruitarian Diabetic: //www.FruitarianDiabetic.com Today I went for my "3 Month" follow-up thermography ...

User Comments

It is happy news to hear that your healthy eating, thinking, and lifestyle habits are working for you, slowly but surely.
+health101DOTorg Thanks Don :)
I'm so happy for u. great news!!
+lolipop2004 Thanks for celebrating with me! :)
Dear Tasha. It is Sad news to learn that your "Healthy Living Diet" is failing you, thus you must be doing something wrong in your food and beverage (diet) selection and consumption, and your PH level is not between 7.365 and 7.45, as it should be if your body was in an Alkaline state. Otherwise, if your "Healthy Living Diet" was working for you, then you would not of found lumps from (as you say) "parasites" in your breasts. These "parasites" are Candida Albicans that sound to be spiraling out of control in your body, because your body's blood PH level is not in its optimal Alkaline state. In fact it sounds like your body's blood PH is in an Acidic state called Acidosis, and is why you are in ill-health. I suggest you carefully look again at your food and beverage consumption, where your food comes from, how your food is grown, and what your food is grown in. You must ensure you keep your blood PH level between: 7.365 and 7.45 at all times! If your PH level falls outside this range then you will have ill-health or disease, as you do. Ideally you need to keep your blood PH level at 7.45, slightly more Alkaline than Acidic. Every piece of the body e.g. bones, organs, fingernails etc... is made from blood, and the body's blood must be kept in PERFECT EQUILIBRIUM at all times; otherwise you - your body - gives birth to disease, as it is doing. You also need to ensure your body's essential vitamins, and minerals are at their optimum levels, as again it sounds as they are not; otherwise you would not be in ill-health. In addition, ensure your Raw Food Diet is high in Nitrilosides (Vitamin B-17); and exclude all meat, as meat is Acidic, and will cause your blood PH level to become Acidic unless to are able to counteract this effect with Alkaline foods, but it sounds as though your body is not able to do this, thus it is best to exclude all meat: red or white including fish. If you do follow my suggestions, you will find all your health troubles will slowly disappear, and you will feel healthier. Lastly, be careful of general practitioners or medical doctors advice, as most of them support the pharmaceutical companies, and know little about nutrition and good health, and providing the body what it needs. However, they do know a lot about how to sell or prescribe drugs for profit to their customers or patients, as it is their business to support the pharmaceutical companies for profit not for healing; as if they did heal people with their drugs then they would go out of business. Best Wishes.
+Tasha Lee (Fruitful Healthy Living) That means you are doing something right then! ❤️
+poolahpot I should also add that my troll count has increased by leaps and bounds, an added benefit for me! lol
+poolahpot Thanks poolahpot. Well stated. :)
+yoo tube Well....if you will go back through the MANY wonderful videos that Tasha has done through the years you will see that when she only spoke of diet, what I eat in a day, fruit ETC she received LOADS of views. People love to hear the happy happy joy joy videos. Then, when she became ill from toxic black mold(which has actually killed people) she started doing videos about this as well as all of the other health problems that arose from it. Her video views went WAY WAY down. Yet, she continued on. They are still way down. So, why then does she persist? IT OBVIOUSLY IS NOT TO MAKE MONEY! NOR TO GET ATTENTION! She does these videos to help people who are going through the same thing. She has been nothing but kind, loving and helpful and certainly needs no meanness shot back at her. It's one thing to try to help someone in a loving way....it's another thing to troll and be mean.
+Tasha Lee (Fruitful Healthy Living). That is perfectly fine if you are not interested in my comment, after all it is your health; but be honest with yourself and your viewers - clearly your "Healthy Living Diet" is not working for you, and you are doing things improperly; otherwise you would be in good-health; but according to you, you are ill, and continue to be ill with new ill-health troubles or diseases, when you should not be ill in any form especially two-or-more-years-on; thus something is very wrong in your methods. One example I can see in your video is your skin should of partially cleared of all the freckles you have, but it has not, as your cells are failing to renew themselves properly, because your version of your "Healthy Living Diet" is not working.I felt sorry for you, and thought I would mention a few options for you to investigate if you are really ill; but perhaps your are not really ill; and perhaps you just like to brag about being ill, hence all your videos seeking sympathy. If I had all your continued ill-health troubles I would be grateful for good free suggestions from concerned  individuals - of course I would do my own research and analysis first to determine if the suggestions are right for my blood type.It has now become clear that you have been and are over-dramatizing your actual ill-health condition in your efforts to acquire video views, and profit from those views, and your book; otherwise you would keep your videos or channel private, or only available to your selected friends; but no you have not done this, as you want the whole world to see you as being ill, and how you conquered your ill-health - rather than seeing you for the fake drama queen you are.If you are not a drama queen over-dramatizing your apparent illness in your efforts to create profit, you would not ask your viewers to "like" your videos, as you do, and to give you, as you say the "thumbs up" - that is incredibly rude of you, and again proves you are a Fraud.I am sorry I wasted my precious time with you, as you have proven to be: ignorant, and arrogant, and a waste of precious resource space.If I remember you in the distant future, I will look you up again to view your progress - if any, and what new diseases you may have had or have, or whether you may be on your death bed.Enjoy the life you have left upon this overpopulated under-resourced earth.
+yoo tube sorry, this made me laugh....the "twisting" of things is so...brilliant. i am sure some people reading your comment will be eager to hear more of what you have to say. i'm not interested. best wishes. :)
woooohooooo! awesome news!
+Holistic Health & Nutrition Thanks for your love and support, Beth. :)

Breasts, Lumps, & Parasites!...Women & Breast Worms

Fruitful Healthy Living: //www.TashaLee.org Fruitarian Diabetic: //www.FruitarianDiabetic.com I've been researching breasts and worms recently.

User Comments

//pmj.bmj.com/content/78/917/165.full If you really believe that you have parasitic breast lumps, which isn't just an "I'm detoxing let me do a cleanse" type of thing, I would seriously suggest seeking medical attention. And you do know how dangerous iodine is, and that it can burn your tissue from the inside out, correct? I just seriously wouldn't mess around with this kind of stuff.
+Alysha Maiorelli I've done ultrasound and thermography. My docs did not feel it necessary to pursue anything, and I'll get another thermogram in a month or two and have my doc review it. Through this video I was implying that, as with other bodily symptoms, parasites could be causing more problems than we know. I am getting closer and closer to believing Hulda Clark, in her belief that most bodily problems are caused by parasites. As for iodine, I understand there are people who teach that iodine is dangerous, yes. :) I've heard from "both sides", and have made a studied and prayerful decision about using it. :)
Tasha your diligence and determination is speaking to me so much. I am terrified to start this journey but feel I may need to. I can't figure out how to start while I am working. I wish you a speedy recovery and thank you so much for sharing.
+magicandjulie Thank you for your encouraging comment. Praying for you right now for wisdom, courage, and discernment.
Tasha I am just watching this thinking you would have to be the strongest person I have ever seen , you keep searching and trying and trying and doing on and on , exactly what its gonna take ! While people fuss about losing 10 pounds or gaining ten pounds , they could have real problems, I have so much respect for you !
+TANNYRAW Thank you so much for this encouragement. I so so appreciate your loving support. <3
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