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Money vs happiness Videos

Money vs Happiness

As this ScienCentral News video explains, researchers havefound new evidence that "American Dream" achievements like wealth, fame and image are not the ...

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@JennyFarlopez Hmm..you say "extreme poor"...But to attain the amount of financial security it takes to survive and feel secure for the rest of your life (ie retire without fear) is one hard thing to do, it would take at LEAST 3million (US) dollars to achieve that level of comfort , and you would still have to be frugal in your spending. That's spending 50k a year for 30 years..50k goes fast..mortgage, car, health care, bills, food and so on...So i guess 97% of the population is "extreme poor".
and u foolish ppl wonder why u are poor. it is because u think in this way.get real like it or not money rules everything. it is the reason why ur punk asses have a laptop and keys on ur keyboard and its the reason u have a internet connection, it is the reason why most of u get up in the morning. the reason u have a toilet that flushes. u ppl will forever be in denial of the true place of money. i find it funny that same ppl saying this often complain of bills and expenses. u ppl make me sick
I want enough money to live in comfort, put plenty away for retirement, not have to worry about bills, drive a nice car, travel the world and explore everything life has to offer. I also want to be able to comfortably do this while supporting a wife and kids. I don't care about a number, but I do care about the experiences it will bring me and the lifestyle I can maintain, not to mention the feeling of accomplishment. Right now, that would be about 100k for myself and 150 with a family.
@kay19833 Can you please tell me why you can't afford basic needs of life which you claim food, clothing, shelter and rent but still manage to own a PC with network connection which many people living in third world countries couldn't even afford one. Your country states your from poland and 27 years of age, your still young and able and if your willing to make changes to your life and look for a proper job and take care of your basic needs of life. Once your needs are fulfil, then (next)
@BrettSchall lol don't even get met started on that. i think its to make them feel better about not being rich.i bet you if someone gave them the choice to be rich or not they would choose rich. and i bet if they walk down the street and find a 100 dollar bill, they would be quite excited about it.you don't even have to be materialistic. its also being able to afford life. i don't want to worry about losing my job,paying my mortgage one time or being scared of a recession. i really dont
its not money that destroys people. its the constant pursuit of it. and even when you acquire lots of money, it wont bring about true happiness. by "true" i mean lasting happiness. its a much better idea to simplify our lives the best we can. i once read a list of the top 10 most richest men in history (or something like that) and all of them either died by suicide, died miserable, or died penniless. just goes to show you money can only buy you things that make you happy... momentarily.
I prefer an exchange of good. For instance, let's just say Oklahoma need apples, and Nevada need oranges. Then an exact exchange from each other would be an excellent way. It's even use in Indian tribes that live into this day in USA, and they had live well. Of course, thanks to capitalism, those people are more likely suffering, as they are trying to prohibit such acts. Money had only destroy us, and hopefully, people will open the eyes about that.
you are saying that b/c you want to keep up with the trend yet you don't have money to buy them. And since when does poverty connects with McDonald jobs anyway? Have you even seen people in real poverty before? If a person can't maintain lowest survival need, that's when we called real poverty, not the poverty that you can't buy the newest useless thing, that's called materialism.
@1happiness you say that and i tell you what if you can't afford the basic needs of life i.e food,clothing and shelter? i haven't paid my rent since february and every unpaid month gets an 10% interest,i am really sad right now,tell me if i had money i won't be happier? bullshit! anyone tells you "money doesn't buy happiness just doesn't want to best for you.
There's alot of truth about money not being the key to true happiness but like more people commenting this video when your broke as hell and can't afford a haircut....money right now would be great. Cause if you're never getting money, you start to loose your friends, girlfriends/boyfriends, and even family,etc. money creates Independancy! + Stability!
@KingKarl04 - Very true. The point here being made is that once a certain amount of income has been achieved, such as $65,000 I've read in a different article, doubling it from there would only bring about %5 more happiness. Earning $65,000 opposed to $130,000 increased people's happiness by only about %5 according to surveys & interviews.
if you're ugly and are able to save up the money to get cosmetic surgery, you will probably be a lot happier of a person. money can absolutely bring an individual happiness. not the money itself, but what one can do with the money. money will get you anywhere. including a decent education, which most people cant afford.
I believe its not possible to make a general statement on whether money makes people more or less happy. Money comes with a whole set of new elements that may have good or bad impact on our happiness, and depending on how susceptible we are to every one of them, the conclusion will go one way or the other
There`s a theory:Once reach a certain point of money(i forgot),than gaining more money stops increasing your happiness.I personally rather work a profession i like than i profession which pays more,but fails to give me the lifelong contentment and wellbeing that the lower paying job has to offer.
Isnt happiness relative anyway? Money can probably help facilitate happiness. For instance perhaps you would like to take a trip to egypt to see the amazing pyramids. The money can action the trip, but the experience and joy you get comes from you, not the money.

Money vs. Happiness: Pick One

We asked people in Speaker's Corner to choose between Money and Happiness. Go! Subscribe for more Videos!

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For me the answer is very simple. I need just enough money so that I never need to worry about having enough money. I hate stressing out over not having enough money...
And then you can be happy:) I agree with you
+tvtoms I see now that there is a total contradiction in this video. The title says pick money or happiness. But the first two girls were clearly reading the question off of something that had been placed in the recording booth, and it said "How much money do you need to be happy?" So most people were answering that question, which is why I did too.But to answer your question, I would pick money. Because money affects the most important things in life, like food, clothing, housing cost and repairs, utilities, taxes, insurance, car payments and repairs, gasoline, internet(I don't have or want cable TV), mobile phone bill, and anything else I forgot to add.I'm already used to be alone and unhappy. So for me, financial security is more important.
+SirReptitious Well if the question were that easy then everyone would just say all I need is barely enough money and I'm happy. but that's not the question :) ONE or the other.. not both. Now choose. Miserable and loaded with no possibility of happiness, or always broke with no chance of money and always happy. Which?
for me Money=Happiness why? because i get to travel, meet new people, and see new places. get to eat and live in a cosy comfortable apartment go to concert and buy albums afford gym and yoga classes own a coffee shop and a design company but because i'm poor/broke college student i can't do any of the above xD
+Nana LuvExo Of course being able to pay bills and then play with money makes people less stressed and more happy, but that's not part of the question. It's a magic spell. Choosing happiness means you WILL remain broke forever, but happy forever. Choosing money means you WILL remaining unhappy forever, but rich as a Queen. Now what would you choose?
I think most people who say you don't need money to be happy are people who never struggled with money in their whole life. Financial security creates a solid base for being happy, but that does not mean that simply having a house to live in and enough money for food will make you happy. and money can buy you happiness if you're not born rich and not used to being able to afford the things you like. money can buy you memories (concert tickets, theater plays, movie tickets, travelling), money can buy you material happiness (being able to afford the clothing you feel most comfortable and confident in,collecting things you really like ,buying books etc) money can even in a certain way "buy" you friends...as in, being able to afford more opportunities to meet people who share interests with you. (e.g, you like dancing, with money you can participate in dance classes with other people. you like comics, money can buy you convention tickets etc). and if you're not selfish at all and you#re happy just by making other people happy, money can do that too. you could pay off other peoples student debt with money, help finance kickstarters etc...in my opinion if you really think money does not buy happiness you're either not creative enough in your thoughts or you're just lucky enough to be financially secure with awesome friends and family. one can be happy without money, but that does not mean that money can't buy happiness too.
This is totally accurate, some people just need to think. Do they really think that always need to worry about the amount of money you have and for example if you even can spend money to go out with friends is a great experience? It's a lot harder to be happy with less money than "enough" when you live in a society where it seems like everybody can easily throw their money away without thinking a second time.
I honestly think it depends on the person, their situation and the environment that they grew up in.
+kawaiisweetgirl Yup it depends
The blonde girl sounds adorably ignorant. 
+Fernando Carbajal Yeah, she labeled America materialistic. I don't know exactly where she got that idea. However, once you get into the heartland of America, it's definitely not about being wealthy. It's about family and friends at the end of the day.
+Fernando Carbajal Luckily for her the old saying is very true - "Ignorance is bliss". You have to admit there are worse things to be than a hot, happy blonde. ;-p
+Poppykaren Taemint the worst part is that she's in asia herself. You'd think she'd be more educated but nope...still ignorant.
+forgivemenot1 That's what I was thinking too, just a simple language barrier of communication. I'm sure she didn't mean any harm, you're right. :)
+rmbf 244 I believe you’re right, she was talking about cost of living where the amount you need to live in say US Dollars is less in the majority of Asia and Africa than it would be in Europe or North America; she wasn’t trying to be rude and we all know there are exceptions to the rule in those places, but as a general viewpoint she is totally correct in what she said but since English is obviously her second language she didn’t put it across very well.
+Fernando Carbajal i think she was talking about currency... english doesn't seem to be her first language, i think she meant that in asia and africa things are less expensive so you need less moeny? it's also true that the average money per year a person gains in asia or in africa is less than in europe or america because there are more underdeveloped countries in those continents. i can be wrong tho.
Her comment really made me so mad. How ignorant can you be blonde girl? Maybe I should go around telling everyone how blondes are so stupid. Would you feel good if that isn't a fact?
+Fernando Carbajal Yeah I was thinking the same thing. The fact that people still think that Africa is filled with nothing but poor people is just plain dumb. Or in Asia...like in China they have more millionaires then in NY, so I don't know what tea she is drinking.
+Fernando Carbajal man she sounds so stupid. seoul is one of the most expensive places to live and then there is dubai that is also in asia.
+Fernando Carbajal I agree , OMG she needs money to buy a brain so she needs a lot of money.
"When you're from Africa or Asia where it's more poor"

Money vs Happiness - Nayoka & Stefanie Larmie FREE YOUR MINDS! - The Journey's Peu Sur le Cote #5

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Money vs. Happiness

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING! If you enjoyed it, click the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to my channel. I try to do videos every week. The purpose of ...

"Money (GDP) vs Happiness (GNH)" ISB Leadership Summit'14 Debate

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Happiness Doesn’t Come From “Happy Things” - Find Out Why Money or Fame CAN'T Make You Happy

S U B S C R I B E: //www.YouTube.com/channel/UCaN4Pe5JEsWzAByY2WfxxjQ?sub_confirmation=1 =================================== Why is ...

User Comments

He is silly, funny and no B*sh*t!!! I Love IT. He is amazing! Thanks for motivating me everyday for a good start in the morning. This video actually gave me tears in the end. So so beautiful.
+annabelllzz Thank you!!! :)
great video :)
+John Smith Thanks!
+JulienHimself Plz tell me what place you have been while shooting this video? I must go there, it's totally awesome!! :-)
+JulienHimself oh yes, I am stupid! thx for the answer anyway. ;-)
+TheEurymonae Haha, check out the text in the beginning of the video, in the bottom right corner... ;)
Love the scenery and the nature scenes man. Better than the city scenes! Great speech too
+The Reaper Thanks!
wow Julien Great video! Thank you I Love Nature
+Cristiano S Thanks! :)

Does Money Buy Happiness? Surprising Answers by Happiness Expert, Caroline Miller

Does money buy happiness? Do people like others who talk about their possessions? Do wealthy people enjoy chocolate as much as people who have less ...

User Comments

they are so full of shit! tell you what ladies why don't you send me your money and we will find out what really makes you happy hahahahahah America is a country of greed and the poor always suffer. The only reason people even go to work anymore is so they won't get kicked out onto the streets. Just keep running on that rat wheel until your dead in hopes that one day you will have enough money to retire hahahah FTW!
Ill take the money first & figure out how to be happy later. Survival is #1. Ask a forigner.....
love these little clips of insight, thank you for sharing.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard

Money Vs. Happiness

User Comments

Great advice babe. I think that most people are caught up in making money and no one is really enjoying the money. No one takes the time to enjoy life. You have people who work 12 hours a day 5 days a week. There is no time to play or enjoy life. What if you have kids? When do you enjoy your children? Your family? Yourself? Money rules us, but only because we allow it too. Can you tell me the name of the song playing in the back ground of your video? Thanks babe.
This video is so timely! I was JUST thinking about my own life and how if I died today, would I have died fulfilled. I'm not sure if having millions will fulfill me, I think I'd rather be loved unconditionally than rich. I once saw a man and woman sleeping arm in arm on the sidewalk. Had nothing but each other it seemed. And they looked at peace! What a concept!
Thank you for your comment. Love is greater then anything in this world. We all need money but love and happiness is King! Thanks for watching.
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