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Money smart Videos

In The Driver's Seat - MoneySmart Rookie

MONEYSMART WEBSITE: Tips on saving and spending for people aged between 18 and 25 on the MoneySmart website: ...

Too Good To Be True - MoneySmart Rookie

MONEYSMART WEBSITE: Tips on saving and spending for people aged between 18 and 25 on the MoneySmart website: ...

User Comments

Ripping into lithuanian ;(

Raising Kids on Less - America's MoneySmart Family - Steve & Annette Economides

Windy City Live hosts Val Warner and Roe Conn pepper Steve & Annette Economides (America's Cheapest Family) with questions about their frugal child ...

User Comments

These interviewers....Why can't anyone fathom the idea that you don't give your kids so much crap. My kids want all kind of stuff. They are 10 & 6 and have purchased buy their own ipdads, phone, PLANE TICKETS, cameras, etc.! Really, I put it in their hands. And guess what they get it done.
Love what you're doing with your kids. It will pay huge dividends.
Loved this! Saving money and doing all that you guys have done (and with 5 kids to boot) is hard work and requires a lot of strategy, but it IS doable. That's why I bought your first book, and I'm waiting on the book on grocery shopping to ship :-). Lol I think some people are a bit jealous that your kids aren't demanding or wanting to take the easy financial way out and ask for the money like theirs.
thanks for your kind words. Kids really do respond well to gradual responsibility. Start young and gradually transfer adult duties to them as they mature.
The male cohost is definitely being a little snide... But most people who are uncomfortable with an idea tend to make fun of others (really he's just jealous haha)
+Michelle Santiago He was funny - you're right, I think in his mind he was going . . . I wish I had done this with my kids! SE

Money Makes the World Go Around - MoneySmart Teaching

Visit //www.teaching.moneysmart.gov.au for a range of financial literacy teaching resources and professional development. In this video Scott Pape, the ...

Moving Out - MoneySmart Rookie

MONEYSMART WEBSITE: Tips on saving and spending for people aged between 18 and 25 on the MoneySmart website: ...

HOW WE TAUGHT OUR KIDS TO WORK! (Smart Money Smart Kids #2)

It is an EXTREME honor to help launch Rachel Cruze and Dave Ramsey's new book called Smart Money Smart Kids! If you know a child at all then you MUST ...

User Comments

I know this is an old video but the way your kids are in THIS video was me at 19 smh. They are really on their way to being truly financially independent. Kudos to you guys. When i was their age, we cleaned everyday similar to their chores but didn't get paid or anything lol we were just expected to do it. Of course, now at 26 I keep a clean home and cook and all that but it would have been really cool to get paid for it back in the day but knowing how i was I probably would've spent the money on candy lol great video
My sister Grace but we Call her Gracie How DARE you steel my sister name HOW RUDE
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