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What vaccinations do i need for india Videos

Infowars Confronts Bill Gates of Paralyzing Vaccine Program in India

Bill Gates really didn't want to be confronted on how a vaccine linked to the Gates Foundation paralyzed some 47500 children in India, but Infowars reporter ...

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All I can say is: My brother nearly died of polio, but I was born after the vaccine so I didn't. That said. Question... do other drug company's vaccines have the same kill rate? I don't recall that kind of tragic result here in the US but perhaps its a statistic stored in the illusive screen saver file or under the "OLD" Thalidomide files!
There were two boys that both had polio in the same city at the same exact time but no connection was ever made between my brother(5 yrs old) and the other boy (age unknown). However my mother was not allowed to nurse me because of high level of DDT in her milk, so that's very interesting. BTW my mother was a RN and asked to be tested. 
+gipsydove Polio went, before vaccination, they banned DDT. Everyone got vaccinated, all the kids, near 100%, then they reintroduced DDT in a mix...... USA, had the biggest polio epidemic ever, they banned DDT, the epidemic disappeared....... Of course they didnt call it polio, this epidemic, as they had decided polio was caused by one bacterium............. I dont know who decided that polio was caused by just one bacterium,,,,???????? Previously any paralysis was called polio..........
Last time i looked around Bill Gats malaka was a salesman not a biologist or doctor. Start using ubuntu and tell him good night ass hole
+Elias Tsaltas Linux mint is nicer...........
If what Bill Gates is saying is true then perhaps he should demonstrate his vaccine live on himself.
+Robert Farquhar Funny how youu can't reply J Williams below! No doubt a total shill troll for eugenics and population control aka death
What does Bill Gates have to gain by trying to reduce the world's population? Nothing, the guy is sitting pretty with his billions. Who really knows what happened with that vaccine program but I highly doubt he was intentionally trying to kill kids. 
+KK69NYC Well, thank God you're not in charge of any important decisions.
+Derek WilliamsonYou're still pimping this garbage...the GMO baby is going out with the fluoridated water. YES. 
+KK69NYC Certified organic has to be GMO-free in Canada and the US. Being 100% GMO-free is actually very, very hard: //news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/organic-foods-gm2/3 of your examples are not GMO related - not sure why you felt that was important. McD's move was simply a move to appeal to public perception. //www.vox.com/2015/1/29/7947695/gmos-safety-poll "54 percent of people knew little or nothing about genetically modified foods, while 25 percent said they'd never even heard of them." People fear what they don't understand. That is not evidence of their safety. GM foods have been in our food system for over 30 years, and there has been no observed impact on human health. You've fairly consistently demonstrated a lack of scientific understanding as well. Tell me, what is the difference between traditional cross-breeding and GM? Even if there were an effect, GMO's are a bit of a red herring. The more likely element to effect human health is the increasingly powerful pesticides/herbicides used on a lot of these crops. Demonizing all GMOs because of this is very much throwing the baby out with the bath water.
+Derek Williamson Eating organic GMOs does not count. Go natural. You don't need food grown in labs. The Gov't just passed a law to remove 50% of the fluoride out of city water, TYSON Chicken will stop giving antibiotics to their birds and McDeez just announce it's taking GMOs out of their foods. Now please continue...how good are GMOs?
+KK69NYC Also, more on the "GMOs cause cancer study" - unless Wikipedia is also "paid-off"://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A9ralini_affair#cite_note-72
+KK69NYC I... I'm not sure you can read. I actually just said I eat organic.Of these "100s" of countries, how many have stated that they were known to be unsafe? None. At most, some governments have stated that further investigation is required. The bigger issue for these governments is food sovereignty and biodiversity. Do your research. Also, if the "NWO" is all mighty and powerful, and backed by these billion-dollar multi-nationals, how do you explain them not being able to get their products into these countries?"Forbes, and the Times own stock in Monsanto" - are you kidding me? Both of those companies are publicly traded, as is Monsanto; if that were true you could very quickly look it up.  The more obvious answer is that you've convinced yourself that anything that counters the opinions you've formed must be bought off or part of the conspiracy. The fact that you refuse to accept the mere possibility of another truth borders on delusion. Tell me, what "agenda-free" and "unbias" news sources do you use?
+Derek Williamson Your proof. 100s of countries have banned these self producing pesticides foods. Look at it this way...more for you. We lose out! Good for you! Go and muncha, muncha little man. Another thing. Don't read Forbes, NY Times, LA Times. That's why you sound the way you do. All confused and convinced that NWO frankin foods is good for you. I'm willing to bet that Forbes, NY & LA Times holds stock in Monsanto. Can you see that far buddy? Nah.. not you.
+KK69NYC So...your proof is that anyone who eats GMOs is stupid, and therefore no one can argue against you? That seems like a dangerous belief system, don't you think?Unfortunately, your 'proof' is completely undermined by the fact that I actually eat predominantly Organic - mainly, though, for sustainability reasons, and wanting to support more traditional farming methods. While I loathe Monsanto, as I'm sure you do as well, I'm not ignorant enough to paint all GMOs with the same colours. Do you know someone with diabetes? Insulin is a GMO-produced product. It has been in use for over 30 years, and there is absolutely NO question that it has vastly extended the lives of millions. Most people do not fully understand what GMO actually means.Almost all research to date does actually support the safety of the GMO crops in our current food system. The commonly cited "GMOs cause cancer in mice" study was seriously flawed://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2012/09/24/does-genetically-modified-corn-cause-cancer-a-flawed-study/Continued monitoring on the long-term effects to humans and the environment is essential, but it would benefit you to research more about GMOs and vaccines. Whether you like it or not, everyone has their own agenda... including the sources where you're getting your information.
+Derek Williamson OK Derek. You have a few options....YouTube: GMO  or Goggle GMO study. Why you're at it learn about Albert Pike or Alester Crowley or Pope convicted of child rape in Holland. Ck out Childabuserecovery.com or Cathy O'Brian. You can even dare to ck out CIA sex trades. All on record, real cases, real politicians and real convictions. Hey...if you like self producing pesticide foods keep eating GMOs. You see if you would of been on organic food your brain would of been able to record all this information I'm giving your retarded ass. This proves my case and many other studies showing how people get dumb down by eating GMO foods like you.
+KK69NYC I asked you for evidence to support what you're saying... this is just rambling. If you truly believe in this, surely there was some evidence that lead you to it?"GMOs cause cancer". What GMOs? All GMOs? Based on what studies?I find it fascinating that you're preaching love, caring and compassion... yet hold such a sinister view of the World, and evidently have so little faith in humanity. 
+Derek Williamson  All jokes aside. You don't really believe that GMOs is a good thing and vaccines are another jar of honey. Do you? GMOs  cause cancer...you know that. Dead babies are dead babies..you know that. You see once you know that the entities these NWOs worship need negative energy to live. Then and only then you'll understand why the NWO need the people; especially babies to suffer. That's why the news is always bad news and gov't tell you bad news and Hollywood comes out with demonic movies. Their God needs that energy. How to kill their god. Love, caring, compassion, truth, unity and understanding. Stop believing in men like this nut Gates and get with Yahshua. Save yourself and you won't be fooled by such phonies like Gates. Lol!  It's been years since I come across somebody like you who actually stuck up for BS and she was ex-FBI single and childless. No love.
WI-38 is a cell line that was originally derived from one aborted fetus. The "vaccines are made from aborted fetuses" argument is clearly meant to prey on those with limited scientific knowledge.To your main point about Gates not spending on vaccinations for poor parts of "White nations", that is because developed nations already have very high rates of vaccination.Again, I have seen no compelling data to suggest that anything you're saying is actually happening. What effect has fluoride, GMO is the food supply, and vaccination had on infertility rates or life expectancy? Infertility is dropping and life expectancy is still increasing. Are they just really, really bad at carrying out this evil plan?To appeal to logic and common sense, why wouldn't someone like Bill Gates, with ~$50B just go out and buy some nukes or chemical weapons if he hated the human race so much? Instead he chooses to kill them over generations?
+Derek Williamson It doesn't make cents it makes billions if not trillions. That food is all GMO and that water has plenty of fluoride. The GMO is design to kill your kids and their kids to the point where you can no longer produce children. To hear a cheer leader for a Vatican agent like Gates is funny. OK, you see the good in White man coming to town with vaccines(we don't want) full of WI-38(aborted babies). Gates spent millions on vaccines and he is not going to the poor parts of White nations with it. He likes Africa and India. OK.
So he chooses two of the slowest ways possible to kill people? Sure, certain GMOs might kill you.... in 50 years. Do you know how easy it is to poison drinking water supplies, or spread airbourne diseases? It takes as much, if not far more, coordination and collusion to contaminate and distribute tainted vaccines, or indirectly poison us with repeated minuscule doses through GMOs. When he speaks of depopulation through vaccination, he is speaking of a well-documented observation that birth rates will decrease with access to better health care and poverty reduction. In fact, this is observed in vaccinated AND unvaccinated communities. I encourage you to research that, and not just take my word for it. If he is, in fact, poisoning people through vaccines, you would expect to see an increase in the mortality rate in the areas where the vaccines are being distributed, correct? Have you seen this in the data? 
He is hell bent on depopulation.. he has many speeches about saving the world through depopulation, he is a huge advocate of Monsantos GMO foods.. just have a look at what happens to rats after a lifetime of GMO foods.. 
+TheMattozzie Again, with what end goal?Also, it would be a lot more obvious if there was actually a conspiracy to taint vaccines and kill people. The data just doesn't support it at all.
That would be far too obvious and the world would demand that it be stopped, investigations, and everything else that goes along with it.. with a slow kill vaccine he can do it for decades without any repercussions.. 
+TheMattozzie ...with the goal of what? Why would he need their support? He's already the richest man in the world. Plus, with his resources, he could easily have diseases spread without it being traced to him. Seems like if would be far more effective if that were his goal...
because through vaccination he can get the majority of the world supporting him.. making him look like some sort of super hero
+TheMattozzie So... why wouldn't he just spread diseases, instead of vaccinating against them and trying to poison/sterilize them? It's cheaper and easier to implement...There's a pretty gaping logical flaw in your claim.
+Minislice because he is a demonic fucker that loves the thought of children in pain
+Vicki Takacs His Foundation owns a small block of shares, which are a tiny fraction of their total investments... If his goal was to make money through Monsanto, you'd think he'd have a MUCH bigger stake in them.  
He owns shares in Monsanto. Enough said.
Are saying Bill Gates' goal is to take the land?
It's not stealing when those who live on a piece of property are unable to reproduce and leave it uninhabited.
+KK69NYC It makes total sense. And he's going to take all that land and resources by giving them access to basic necessities - food, water, health care. That'll do it! It's not like the richest man in the World has access to anything better...
You have to learn a lot about human greed and power. You don't really believe he loves Black and Indian natives from the bush do you? Maybe, just maybe White man wants their land, their resources and their enslavement? Nah! He would have nothing to gain. Bill cares. I mean it just makes you wanna kiss the Pope.

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