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Breaks her ankle Videos

Cali Montour breaks her ankle

December 9th 2013, Cali Montour video tapes herself jumping off of her 10 foot balcony with w bean bag for cushion. Little did she know that she was going to ...

User Comments

aww I feel bad for her :( but that was a stupid thing to do we yah your self don't do that again please you already broke your ankle
I feel so bad

GloZell BREAKS her ankle at streamys! - THE PEWDIEPIE EFFECT, Leave PewDiePie Alone // TYTRENDS

In today's episode of TyTrends we will discuss how GloZell more than likely broke her ankle at the Streamy awards after party! And also, the "Pewdiepie effect" ...

User Comments

The YouTube community definitely doesn't get the respect it deserves... but the mainstream media is just trying to keep it that way. This isn't the 1950s anymore family's don't gather around the tv to watch I love Lucy or gun smoke... kids are in their room watching Pewdiepie and Grav3yardgirl and most parents are at work or watching netflix. Things can't stay the same forever but because that doesn't positively the mainstream media they are doing thier best to put off change as long as possible. Great video.
+Lindsey Mounce Pathetic that the Jimmy Kimmel show has to hate on Gamers in order to get money.

Girl breaks her ankle

sorry i didn't show it but it hurt so bad and the bone was sticking out but it was under neath so you couldn't see it.

User Comments

This is more fake than Kim K's butt
Dang you savage
How did you do that
It's fake she is a faker and she faker than Kim k's butt

Dance Moms CADC , Clown Dance goes wrong Taylor runs of stage because of broken ankle

Dance Moms CADC , Clown Dance goes wrong Taylor runs of stage because of broken ankle.

User Comments

Does anyone know what she actually did to it
If you loon closely when she jumps her ankle goes into the floor
When kendle said she is my teammate now i hope she is ok that was fake. She did not mean it. Taylor must have been really brave. It looked so so sore. Well done taylor. Get better. Xx
I know it's like she didn't mean it
She's my team mate hope she is okay!FAKE

Roller Derby Girl breaks her ankle!!!! Calgary

Classy broadside of Calgary Roller Derby snaps her ankle in a bout. It's sick as it turns 90degs to the rest of her leg.

User Comments

You're just a mean person, and a low-quality human being. My empathy for her is not creepy or nasty. Simply, empathetic. Not into fat chicks, never had one. I do like pretty feet, so what. So you're unattractive and enormous, that's your fault, not mine. I think if we went out for a beer you'd probably like me. Instead you want to be an internet bully. Sad...
you were waiting a month? My god... This comment obviously comes from someone who has never had any kind of real injury. Come down to Tampa sometime. Seriously, ill introduce you to all of the girls in my league who have suffered this same injury. It'l be fun, you can tell us your opinions, and we'll beat the shit out of you.
lol what the hell? Your so weird! btw im 17, 5'5" and 120 pounds. Ive modeled for Hollister in 2009, I have blonde hair, blue eyes. Internet bully, no. Normal human being who has her opinions, yes. low quality is you for dragging this out. get over it. i said she was fat. whatever(:
ooh ive been waiting a month to see if anyone would defend her. It sure took long enough. And im not mean or insecure, quite the opposite. Im skinny, and to me a lot of people are fat. To a fat person, a lot of people are skinny. Also i think this was funny(: lol
I totally understand the pain. Last season of derby was working on some drills with my coach and fell backwards on to my foot. It's been 5 months and all my ligaments are not even healed. Derby girls are tough. Much love
I just spent 3 months of my life recovering from this injury so, yeah people care. With all do respect, fuck you lauren. Fuck you, you little twig bitch. There's a special kind of karma out there for people like you. ;)
She is not fat. Why are you so mean? Do you have such deep-seeded emotional issues and insecurities you need to denegrate people in physical trauma?! What is wrong with you?!?!
Hey Lauren...Classy Broadside is far from fat. She was a rugby player before she started playing derby (this was her first bout) and was and probably still solid muscle.
it is considered disrespectful and terribly bad form to film, photograph or otherwise record an injured skater. If you have her permission to post this, then rock on.
wow thats almost exactly how i broke my ankle wen i was trying out for roller dirby. I wish I could have filmed it...u kno since I as gonna break anyways lmao
chill lady. No need to make this something it's not. I think it's funny. Whatever. Go do your thing, no one cares. byeeeee
Ouch.....one of us minnows fell two weeks ago and...broke her leg in 4 places and her ankle..total 5 places in all. ICK!
oh...and for those that don't think it should be posted. Classy knew it was posted as did CRDA.
OW! that makes my broken ankle hurt more just watching that... :/ hope she healed up fast!
Your just some creepy pervert with a fetish for fat women and feet. Nasty.
stupid she regret it when she gets older and gets early arthritis in it
Uhh, That shit SUCKS!!! I hope she's healed ok.
when this happened the parimedics laughed
Calgary alberta canada wow i live their
Rude. Not cool to post this at all.
She took that shit like a champ!!!
Ahh shit!! i just pooed a little!!
Oooohhuuu Shit!!
sure there is.
Ew. Fatty.

Beatris breaks her ankle

She really wanted them mellos.

Taylor Breaks Her Ankle

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