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Ps4 xenogears Videos

Project X / Xenoblade 2 / Xenogears 2 trailer (Wii U, 1080p) with more colour

While Monolith Soft's Project X / Xenoblade 2 / Xenogears 2 trailer for the Wii U blew many gamers away, one common complaint I've seen about the trailer is ...

User Comments

This is not Xenogears 2.
Well, still, its a little disappointing.. the online part is unimportant to me, there are enough good mmos out there and not enough good new offline rpgs.
The game does have online. But not part of the main story though.
Yeah.. At least it looks decent though I'm not crazy about MMO-style games that aren't really online!
too bad:'(

[RTA] Xenogears(NA) in 18:39:42 - Part 4/4

Xenogears glitchless speedrun (under the rule of RTA in Japan ; SSwR defined by SDA) #1: New Game - up to Aveh-Kislev border ...

User Comments

be cool if they remake xenogears ps4
So touching the ending... Love it
Great TAS, thanks you!

Xenoblade Chronicles X Import Impressions

We spent four hours with an import copy of Nintendo's anticipated RPG. Here's what we saw.

User Comments

Just something for people thinking about getting a Wii U. If you're a fan of any of Nintendo's properties, it's worth getting. e.g. You can play every single Zelda to date on it (apart from the 3ds exclusives). The Wii U is the ideal console to have *in addition* to a pc/ps4/ps3 etc.
+Nidorino Alliance everyone I.e the haters
+controlallarms Wait. are you talking to me or everyone else?
I can't stand all these ppl who fuss and deliberate about getting a Wii U as if they're buying a house or something! It's an amazing little machine with an awesome library of games ! If it was the cool thing to own one ppl wouldn't even think about the money they would just buy it and have it sitting there doing nothing like the PS4&XB1 lol! Quit whining and get playing because you're missing out! Peace!
the game that has finally given me a reason to buy Wii u. it would have been Zelda, but, we all know that gonna be on the NX
It will probably be on Wii U next year and NX maybe in 2017 as a launch title. It won't sell to their expectations on Wii U. It's the most expensive game Nintendo ever made. I doubt NX will launch next year. If anything, maybe the new handheld next year and the console in 2017. Devs have already received their SDKs. Unfortunately I wont buy another 3DS/Wii U unless I can recover my original NNID. I had $400 worth of games on Wii U digitally that I couldnt recover since my old Wii U broke and had to buy a new one. I couldnt do the transfer because I never expected my launch console to fry. Lol. I hope the new My Nintendo Account service allows me to recover my original ID and account. It's out in March 2016 alongside TP HD. Lol. I cri evrytim. Wish I could play Xenoblade X but not under a new ID.
looks so good but honestly the real thing that kept me going in xenoblade chronicles was the music and story. even if this game is amazing i probably will get bored if the music and story isnt as good as the first game
+CRAZYGUNDAMOTAKU yes but it doesn't have the magic like the first xenoblade . It sounded like an adventure with some really calming pieces. X just sounds like a ton of epic songs but because theyre all epic they lose their touch idk. I need to wait until i see the game and the music
+Kevin the Potato Idk much about the story other than what was said in the video and the characters being American but I can say the music is top notch, it's composed by Hiroyuki Sawano of Gundam Unicorn and Attack on Titan fame.
Every time I think about getting the Wii U my friends keep reminding me that the NX will come out soon so I'm on the fence I'm interested in most Wii U lineup specifically Bayonetta 2, Legend of Zelda, SSB (cause Megaman), MH3U, Hyrule Warriors , Xenoblade Chronicles X, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Fatal Frame and Star Fox. Wii U has potentials and good games to boot. P.S this is coming from a Sony Fan between from PS2 - PS4.
+Misha I agree. That would be cool if the NX was released as its own console and as an add-on for the Wii U. From what I hear, Nintendo aren't going to abandon the Wii U immediately after the NX comes out.
NX may be similar to the 32x for the sega genesis. Just an add on that lets you play bigger games.
hope for backwards compatability. its getting to the point that no matter how many amazing games that get released on wii u, i just cant reccommend it because i know there will be a new console soon
HALO 5 GUARDIAN will be 100 time better!!!
+John von Shepard 5 months later and Activision actually just bought Candy Crush. LMFAO. Activision is the devil! Oh. And Halo 5 kinda sucks. Story wise. And I've been a fan since launch 2001. :-/
+John von Shepard this is like comparing call of duty and final fantasy. They have no similarities...
+John von Shepard Silly rabbit.  Call of Duty are for kids.  Xenoblade Chronicles X is the game to play.
+TonyKanameKuran Go back too cod! you casual or candy crush!
+John von Shepard Halo sucks dick, John von Slut.
+John von Shepard Oh yeah that overrated shooter

[新生FF14 v2.4] 大迷宮バハムート:真成編3 学者視点 (Turn 12) (Xenogears ver.) PC PS4

ベンヌ4匹作戦で学者が猛攻撃で優れた白さんにヒールしてもらいました攻略です。 Turn 12 - Scholar PoV Played on PC with a DualShock 4. (PlayStation 4 ...

Xenogears español - Parte 32 - Buscando a Weltall

Muy buenas incorpóreos! Hoy seguimos con Xenogears! Empezamos la búsqueda de Weltall y el rescate de Rico, el excampeón! Gracias por estar ahí!

User Comments

Otro excelente episodio de esta obra maestra de SquareSoft. Por cierto excelente guía. Saludos.
+xeanort99 Ah ok de todas maneras está muy bien elaborado el let´s play. Doble mérito por subir vídeos de un juego que jamás han jugado.
+Felipe Rojas Graciasss. No es una guía, eh, es un Let's play. Ninguno de los 2 nos lo hemos pasado

Xenogears Walkthrough - [Part 17 - Boss: Dora]

Please Read Video Description ◁ ◁ In this part we face off against Dora -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Xenogears Walkthrough - [Part 16 - Boss: Elly & Co]

Please Read Video Description ◁ ◁ In this part we try to retake Bart's Castle but we get stopped by Vierge/Elly and friends ...
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