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Buy ps4 Videos

Watch the first person to buy a PS4

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i remember staying up late and watching this its only been 2 years
The look on his face....

Top 5 Reasons To Buy A PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One

Here's a top 5 list of reasons people might buy a PS4 instead of the Xbox One. Make sure to comment, rate, subscribe and RACK'EM UP! My Twitter: ...

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Even though I do agree that the xbox has more exclusives, I personally like the PS4 exclusives more.
+Nodac well i googled on wiki ps4 games: 60xbox one games: 38
Yeah you're right
Ps4 is better than xbox juan. Exclusives, power brick takes half of a tv and hardware vs software and last price. Ps4 wins period
Fuck sony!!! Whos with me? (Im not a fan boy of xbox) 
+ExpertPlayz MC fuck u
Get to real life +CrapgamerReviews PS4 will smack the ass of xbox one i have an xbox 360 and i'll change to PS4 and i'll give you some bad x1 specs: -Runs at 1.7GHz (PS4 at 1.8) -X1 is a VCR (PS4 Style is Sexy) -X1 Games runs in 720p and a little number of games runs in 1080p and example for 1080p is WWE 2K15 and 720p is Grand Theft Auto V!! (All PS4 Games are 1080p) -Watch Sports!! Really, really i buy a whole big VCR Gaming Console For Sports i'm not stupid!! (PS4 Can Play Porno!!) -What Does Xbox One Have from Awesome Games??? Halo Master Chief Fuck X1 (PS4 have infamous, uncharted, the last of us....) -Xbox One Comes with no Games (PS4 comes in Bundles!!) -X1 comes with Kinect! No one plays kinect Anymore (PS4 Eye is Optional) And More....
+Framedropstation 3.1 not u again
+XBOX GOD look bro took a mean dookie on this Twat
+CrapgamerReviews look bro I took a mean ass dookie on this Playthot. Hehehehe
There are so many things wrong with this comment. First off let me say your grammar is absolutely Horrible. Really? 1080p is wwe? OK and the Xbox one cpu is 1.75 while the ps4s is at 1.6. And who gives a flying fuck about what the console looks like? I have the advanced warfare console and it looks nothing like a vcr. But I do have to say the ps4 looks like an eraser that you had in kindergarten. And Xbox one has about 3 games at 720p... most of them are at 900p which the difference between 1080p and 900p is so minuscule 80% of people can't tell. And no not all ps4 games are 1080p. Killzone is 720p multiplayer and 1080i single player. The order is 800p. Bloodborne is 1080i. Bf hardline is 900p. Bf4 is 900p. And infamous and the last of us are shit games, but uncharted is good I'll give you that. And Xbox one has Ryse son of rome, Dead Rising 3, titanfall, Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, halo mcc, sunset Overdirve, State of Decay. And the next 2 years will have Halo 5 Guardians, Forza 6, Gears of War ultimate Editon, Scale bound, Phantom Dust, Joe Montana 2k16, Crackdown 3, Fable Legends,Rise of the Tomb Raider, Quantum break, new rare Ip, and dx12 and windows 10 update. Meanwhile ps4 has Terra way, until dawn, fat princess , persona, and a shitty uncharted collection with no multiplayer. And really have you not seen the Advanced warfare bundle, halo mcc bundle, madden 15 bundle, Sunset Overdirve bundle? And the Xbox one came with kinect because they wanted the new generation of consoles to have something "next gen" and to do amazing things like voice commands and to use gestures to control the game. And my final conclusion will be sure ps4 has a lot of 1080p games, but it has a cost. A shitty frame rate. 90% of Xbox one games have a better and more stable frame rate. Example- Witcher 3 Xbox one : 30-40fps Ps4: 30-18fps. Advanced Warfare Xbox one: 60-50fps Ps4: 60-31fps. Now I know you Playsluts like to have slightly better looking grass but your frame rate is shit and most ps4 fan girls ignore it and just say "1080p". Anyways keep reaching Playtwat, we all know Xbox won is the best box and it's where the real gamers go if they don't buy a Pc.
Ps4 is better becuase it can play games better
if anyone likes ps4 better please say I! I
Man your a straight up dick. Why can't you respect other people's opinions on a console instead of starting this superior race crap? I personally game on ps4 but understand why people would want an Xbox one. It's all personal preference. Xbox has sunset over drive dead rising 3 forza and Ryse. Ps4 has infamous the last of us bloodborne lbp3 Gran Turismo Uncharted 4 and Killzone. Even if you prefer Xbox why don't you try and stay impartial instead of pissing off some of your fan base? Grow up.
+Noel Valera the reason why is because most of the shit he talks about isn't backed up by reliable sources, and also the fact he dosent own a ps4.. OOOH yeah you think that gameplay is his?? Pitiful, and the whole ps4 controller? The light could just of well had been left out, but hey it makes it look nice don't it? The speakers yeah I agree are eh but they are there, the touchpad is an awesome idea, considering like 96% of the world has smart phones it just feels natural, his points arn't legitimate, and I think we would all respect him more, Xbox and ps players if he credited both for their strengths and weaknesses, wouldn't you agree that this stupid pony station and xbot war is pathetic?
Bruh, you do realize your not respecting his opinion #CONFUSEDps4FANBOY
Exactly! Thank you

Dont Buy a 1TB ps4 WARNING

User Comments

What should I do? My dad already bought a 1TB PS4 without telling me. Help please.
no problem :D
+tacosauce tacosalad Thanks. I tried it yesterday. It was still good.
It's good don't worry they aren't all bad
What is 1TB?????.......I heard new PS4 is CUH 1216.......????.....So what is exactly 1TB???
+dragoon Gamer lol 
+shakeANDbake3G so agree with you man
+TheZeroTeam if he doesn't know what 1tb means he shouldn't game
+shakeANDbake3G Huh?
+TheZeroTeam why are you gaming?
+snoop game Ok thx....
+TheZeroTeam AnimeAndGame 1TB means 1000GB
but there are also CUH-1216B they're 1tb and the new series
i've got a matte 1tb
guys this is my old youtube channel subscribe to my new one for mre videos like this one it would help me out a lot thanks :) my main channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC98mNCnoR6-MmGb_Qp3lfw
So is the 1tb ps4 (cuh 1216b) the release date console ( cuh1004) or just the cuh 1116b model with a cosmetic change
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