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Romeo must die, Jet li vs gangstas 3

Really cool movie, if u havent seen it do it now :)

User Comments

lol im pretty sure jet li just killed 5 guys with the hose hit to the head
+shineson chen That is how you apply the use of the Kung-Fu 'Meteor Hammer' weapon!
2:25-2:35 water physics at its finest!
+Ryan Kaufman Actually, high Pressure Hoses can knock you on your ass
Jet Li is a boss!!
One of my alltime fave movies! Probably saw it a dozen or so times already lol....♥♥♥
+Opethfan79 Awwww.It was the other way around for me, I went to see it for Jet Li but I got to like Aaliyah. She was GORGEOUS and a darned good actress! Yup, her character was loveable and I also got the impression, that that was her real personality.
+Marissa-sue Rattansingh When I was in high school I was in love with Aaliyah. I had a ton of pic's of her on my computer. Add Jet Li in a movie and I was in love with it from the start. I always thought Aaliyah would be kind of like the character she played in this movie. She seemed so sweet and she was absolutely beautiful. I would have loved to have met her. Its funny our birthdays were so close that I always think about her near my birthday every year.
+Opethfan79​ Awwww it's such a cute little film, with some pretty deep themes. Sad ending though :( Gets to me everytime.
+Marissa-sue Rattansingh Agreed I own it and have seen it many many times :)
Oh my god! Jet is so amazing in this movie. I wish he is forever like that. I wondering how old is he in. Romeo must die movie.? 
+Lexus Eleven yes, I do i also saw the picture of his first movie he was so adorable. I don't quite believe it. That. That was he when he was young.
+Ghaui Lopez you should see his recent photos lol he still looks younger than he really is.
+Lexus Eleven really? I thought he was 20+only.
clearly that was more than 3 gangstas.
+Bakjam Gai it's correct. It's the Third fight scene with the gangsters, not the number of gangsters
LOL! I didn't notice that the title was wrong! More like 6 or 9 gangstas... which is at least a MULTIPLE of three. :) 

Thank You Mom & Dad

This is a video I made for my parents while I studied abroad Spring 2014.
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